General Question

Are single dads really all that bad?
I don’t know what it is, but finding women who would consider dating a single dad in his mid 20’s is proving to be extremely difficult. It could just be the women I’m interested in? I don’t know.
I usually aim for women slightly younger than myself, maybe my age or slightly older though, I’m not opposed. I prefer a woman who is independent, single or divorced (I don’t care), no children, has a career (not a dead end job), and is attractive/intelligent (obviously).
Now, finding women that fit the description above isn’t difficult, it’s finding the women who would date a single dad that appears impossible. So what gives? Care to share your opinions as to why, or why you wouldn’t date a single dad?
And I already know I’m going to get blasted for not wanting to date a woman who has children. And it’s very simple. Women usually have the children with them 24/7 (full time custody), and it presents an unnecessary amount of baggage. And I realize, mine might appear to be baggage, but in reality my son is with me maybe 7 days a month. I’m up front about it, and tell the women of interest, “My son hasn’t met any women I’ve dated unless we become something serious”, in an attempt to relieve any unwanted pressure to fill some motherly void.
Oh, and I’m not a dead beat. I pay for child care, and child support. And I consider myself to be an all around decent person. I am physically fit, consider myself attractive, have a good job, a nice car, pay my bills, and in general, pretty responsible.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Share some opinions, or even suggestions. I’m all ears.

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