What is your favorite scent, and why?
My favorites are the smell of the cedar box that my dad and I made one summer, and the lotion that I bought before going on my first date in high school. They give me a sense of calm warmth. I’ve also had scents ruined for me by bad memories, as they remind me of people or times I’d prefer to forget.
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23 Answers
The smell just before a rain.
I prefer fresh clean smells from nature.
My grandparents home smelled like them. We still have that smell in a few of their furniture pieces in our home…The smell floods me with blissful memories of them.
Mountain air. It has a chocolate scent, it really does. So sweet. I also love the smell of alfalfa hay and horses, rain, the smell of snow and Gardenias, and, dare I say, really lovely fresh marijuana. lol
Least favorite smells, cat litter box, body odor and exhaust fumes. ;-)
The smell of rain on concrete in the summer.
Coffee beans.
I find it calming. In fact, I keep a mug full of them on my desk.
fresh sheets…..
with the softness…..
Leather, saddlesoap and sweaty horse. Brings back many happy memories.
Evergreen-scented fresh air. (from the northwest)
The smell of the sea.
The smell of warm skin.
Warm skin smells differently than cold skin!
My elementary school had lots of them.
Makes me think of childhood.
That and the smell of the ocean.
Freshly laundered clothes. Makes me wanna gobble them up…
Too many to count – all of the above, plus cinnamon – except when they are overwhelming. A marketing gimmick was tried in my local store that ended very quickly. They put in an aroma generating machine that spewed out cinnamon so strongly it almost chocked me.
Now, the stores have put a rather large flower shop in the front corner by the entrance because their marketing team told them it would help put customers in a buying mood. I actually do appreciate that.
I too like the smell of @nikipedia‘s boyfriend.
…What. What?!
I love the smell of Autumn and marijuana..
An Autumn walk with my dog and some of the green and I’m in my own little slice of heaven :3
I don’t know if I can explain it, though perhaps it is in part because I grew up near an orchard.
Orange and vanilla scent.
Freshly cut grass.
Smell of Chinese food.
The smell of Zest body soap.
My favourite scent is night scented stock on summer evenings. Or leaf mould in the autumn.
The smell of fall and summer, a good restaurant, and some particularly good marijuana.
@HGl3ee You’ve got the right idea!
My husband and my children.
Scent in nature, citrus blossoms and star jasmine.
@cprevite, I wouldn’t blame you! He smells like Old Spice and awesomeness.
My pillows, wood burned fire, new video game smell and fresh coffee.
The scent of a woman of course.
Also, freshly cut grass and rain.
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