Social Question

To wear or not to wear? An animal lover and a leather jacket...
Hey Fluther!
I’ve been around here before a few years ago and have recently realized how much I have missed the convenience of being able to ask you all the questions in life :)
Now, to get right to it, I’m all torn up!
Here is the why: I’m a graphic designer and have been working with a political candidate for a few weeks now. This gentleman has been so thrilled with my work. He’s a bit older than my own Dad and has grown to Father me in a way. Still in a professional manner of course! Nothing weird by any means :)
Now, he popped into my office today with this great leather, down-filled, fur trimmed, hooded jacket. He had bought it about 5 years ago (for around $600!!) when he was, in his words, “a thinner man”. He had remembered it when he was sorting through some of his clothing to donate and thought I would like it. It fits me great and he was happy to give it to me.
I would never in a bazillion years spend $600 on a coat, or buy a leather coat for that matter..
I guess I’m trying to decide if this is something I want to wear. I was thinking about finding a second-hand leather jacket because i really like the style and this one is just the bees-knees!
I adore animals to the point that I have long conversations with my dog and risk my own life to swerve out of the way of a bunny while driving in my car. I don’t even kill spiders…
So, Fluther, this is my dilemma. Do I just enjoy this coat as the gift that it is? Or, should I pass it on because it goes against how I feel about leather and fur?
I’m sorry if this makes no sense or seems plain stupid to be asking. I would just love to hear what you all think about this! I know that in the end, whatever I decide will be what feels best to me :)
Thanks and cheers!