Social Question

HGl3ee's avatar

Do you find the amount of online social groups/sites you belong to over-whelming at times?

Asked by HGl3ee (3955points) January 25th, 2012

I am on Fluther, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, EvoXForums, and 9Gag. I feel like I’m always trying to keep up-to-date on these sites and it can become very daunting at times! Some days it can feel like a full time job… thank goodness I refuse to join Facebook otherwise I’d hardly exist off of my computer!

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the amount of internet media you try and keep up with?

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13 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

Not really. I mainly use Fluther and YouTube. I have a presence on Facebook (mostly because most of my friends from Answerbag landed there after the “upgrade” a couple of years ago), but I don’t really go there often.

mrrich724's avatar

Nope. I fluther less often than I used to. I check FB mobile during the day so I don’t have to dedicate time specifically to Facebook, it’s just whenever I have a quick minute, and I go on xdTalk when I’m dropping a deuce.

marinelife's avatar

No. I belong to Fluther and check Facebook once a day or so.

HGl3ee's avatar

Crap, looks like so far it’s just me.. maybe it’s time to consider letting one or two of these go :)

Earthgirl's avatar

I hardly have time for Fluther so I don’t get involved in any other sites. I love Fluther though. I am on Facebook but I hardly check it. Hell, some days I don’t even check my email.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nope , I just use Fluther and askville,have nothing to do with facebook or Twitter.

jca's avatar

I check Fluther and Facebook a lot, and maybe two other sites on a regular basis, in addition to email. I have joined other sites but rarely go to them, because I could imagine it getting overwhelming, and I don’t have time or energy for that.

zenvelo's avatar

I was slammed at work today, so other than a peek at Fluther and Facebook at 4:30 this morning, I was pretty much disconnected from them until 5 this evening. I feel like it took forever just to get caught up on FB, and I am way behind on Fluther. Thank goodness I kept current on email all day.

YARNLADY's avatar

Nope, I have avoided them all with no consequences what so ever. I have three e-mail addresses, one blog, one newsfeed, one e-newspaper subscription, one personal journal, and four Q & A sites (counting Wikipedia).

cookieman's avatar

Nope. I’m on Fluther every day, but I visit on my iPhone – so it’s whenever I get a free minute.

I have a Facebook page, but I only check for messages there once a week. And again, I do this on my iPhone.

Perhaps it’s time to pare down.

augustlan's avatar

When I started working for Fluther, I dumped everything else except FB. I just couldn’t keep up, and it was starting to feel stressful when it should be fun, you know? Even keeping up with Facebook overwhelms me sometimes, and I just know I’m missing someone’s birthday or something.

OpryLeigh's avatar

No, I have a Twitter, Facebook and Fluther account and, in a usual day I check Twitter and Fluther once and Facebook, two or three times. I have considered joining other Q&A sites because I have always enjoyed them and whenever someone mentions one that I have never heard of I will always have a look around but, even though I have signed up to use others, I do think that it may get to the point where it is too much so I will probably only use Fluther until I out grow it or it closes!

jca's avatar

I have also done some restaurant reviews on urbanspoon, and recently, I discovered a great design/craft community called Pinterest.

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