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mrrich724's avatar

What won't Meatloaf do? Possibly NSFW?

Asked by mrrich724 (8550points) January 25th, 2012

Meatloaf would do ANYTHING for love . . . but he won’t do THAT. . . WHAT IS THAT?

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21 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Say he loves her I thought?

mrrich724's avatar

It can’t be that. That’s so boring!

mrrich724's avatar

Good thing I put this in Social. . . please guys, give me your best, most creative answer . . . made up if necessary

HungryGuy's avatar

I’ve always assumed “that” was get married.

BTW, this is an awesome video to “that” song.

6rant6's avatar

Do you want to add NSFW now or later?

DrBill's avatar

He says he will not lie to her, and never forget the way she feels, it is in the first few lines of the lyrics.

And I would do anything for love,
I’d run right into hell and back,
I would do anything for love,
I’ll never lie to you and that’s a fact.

But I’ll never forget the way you feel right now
– Oh no – no way – I would do anything for love,
But I wont do that, I wont do that, anything for love,
I would do anything for love, I would do anything for love,
But I wont do that, I wont do that.

Some days it don’t come easy,
Some days it don’t come hard
Some days it don’t come at all,
And these are the days that never end.

Some nights you breath fire,
Some nights your carved in ice,
Some nights your like nothing I’ve ever seen before, Or will again.

Maybe I’m crazy, But it’s crazy and it’s true,
I know you can save me, No one else can save me now but you.

As long as the planets are turning,
As long as the stars are burning,
As long as your dreams are coming true – You better believe it! -

That I would do anything for love,
And I’ll be there until the final act -
I would do anything for love!
And I’ll take a Vow and Seal a pact -

But I’ll never forgive myself if we don’t go all the way – Tonight -
I would do anything for love!
I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
But I wont do that, I wont do that…

I would do anything for love,
Anything you’ve been dreaming of,
But I just wont do that…

Some days I pray for Silence,
Some days I pray for Soul,
Some days I just pray to the God of Sex and Drums and Rock ‘N’ Roll.

Some nights I lose the feeling,
Some nights I lose control,
Some nights I just lose it all when I watch you dance and the thunder rolls.

Maybe I’m lonely, And that’s all I’m qualified to be,
There’s just one and only, The one and only promise I can keep.

As long as the wheels are turning,
As long as the fires are burning,
As long as your prayers are coming true – You better believe it – !

That I would do anything for love!
And you know it’s true and that’s a fact,

MollyMcGuire's avatar

my tax return

King_Pariah's avatar

Take an axe to the face… oh wait…

mrrich724's avatar

I guess I should ADD nsfw. I forgot.

saint's avatar

Girl says “I know the territory, I’ve been around
It’ll all turn to dust and we’ll all fall down
Sooner or later you’ll be screwing around”

Meatloaf says he won’t do that

rebbel's avatar

Suck the words right out of her mouth.

marinelife's avatar

Leave her. He says it at the end.

chyna's avatar

Cheat on her.

6rant6's avatar

He’s talking her into bed, right?

poisonedantidote's avatar

At the end of the song I believe he says that he will never “stop loving you” or something allong those lines, I could be wrong.

His name is Robert Paulson, His name is Robert Paulson, His name is Robert Paulson,...

trailsillustrated's avatar

off topic but funny: in the early nineties, we had 4 channels. We didn’t have cable yet. So, during the summer, (winter in the northern hemisphere) we would see Meatloaf on every channel. He was on talk shows, he was on cooking shows, he was on the news. Same with Harry Connick Jr. I could not wait for them to go home when their winter was over. Every time I see him or anything about him, I can only think, “Meatloaf, go home!!!! Gaaahhhh!

mrrich724's avatar

LOL @trailsillustrated that SUCKS. That’s really funny.

trailsillustrated's avatar

Yes, every gdam summer it was a steady diet of MEATLOAF.—and cricket, and Harry Connick jr. gaaaahhhh

Pandora's avatar

He won’t pay her for sex.
Or, he won’t take voice lessons
Or, he won’t go frolicking after her like in the video
Or he won’t marry her without a pre-nup
Or he won’t do a three or group sex with just her and the rest is dudes.

trailsillustrated's avatar

And he won’t leave Australia alone!! well maybe now….

HGl3ee's avatar

Eat Meatloaf…

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