I don’t hate anyone forever, just when I knee jerk. Then I must apply my brain some to calm my emotions enough to exercise rationality.
But if your not mad, your not doing your homework.
Anyone with a computer can do enough research on this man to discover his familial relation to the Bushes.
OMG, research that, and please use several sources for your research (lots of shit out there as you know), and find out the track record of that family, it will probably turn your stomach as it does mine.
Taming lots of overblown Conspiracy Theories, while keeping an open mind, will reveal he is as immersed in Illuminati, Bilderberg, Cross & Bones, Freemasonary etc. that US government and others are steeped in for World Power and Dominance.
As is with all figureheads, they are the tip of much larger whole of greed, not only here in the US, but all major ruling nations.
I use the Kabbalistic “Tree of Life” (and many other tools as well) as a self evolution tool of visualization and correspondences that answer my questions of self, purpose, explanation of why and how we got here and how to discover and live true to the core of who I am, not by following an ego formed of others opinions and predjudices, but of the latent wisdom and love inside all of us. It’s a growing tool.
As with anything, there’s a flip side.
The powers that be use the same information for control of the physical world.
The Aristocracy of the US power is linked with many other countries, also Aristocracies, entrenched with the same teachings, can use it for mass control and the dumming down of the people, so they can live rich, extraordinary lives on the backs of the mundane, or uninitiated.
He is just another puppet on the pulpit, giving people what they need to hear while in the background, they are stripping us of our freedoms, privacy, individuality, vitality. Filling us with distractions to keep the attention off them and what they are doing.
All this is being done with an blatent attitude of smug disdain for the lower class worker bees.
We all see the “Elephant in the living room” and it has been ignored so long, I feel we are in for the surprises of our life and the most incredible slaps in the face we have ever experienced by government since we first established them.
Because of the bullshit, violations, lies of those in power, and the seriousness of the situation, I have been shaken from my self absorption, apathy, ignorance (ignorance is not a lack of education or mental facility, it is voluntarily ignoring what we know about ourselves, and outside of ourselves), lack of mindfulness for our planet and our freedom.
I rant forever, so I’ll leave it at that.
My personal life has taken an accelerated growth process, utilizing the free information from the net, and interacting with people like you all here, I am growing exponentially with the efforts of those whose best interest is served to sever the opportunities we all have for growth through government control, fear tactics and censorship.
Perhaps, if I’d grown in a family that is in such power over the world like Obama, Bush and the rest of those people, I’d be jaded for power and dominance also.
No, I don’t hate em. I fear what he is the Press Agent for.
If not him, anyone else would be put there, they will get their job done.
I don’t focus on that shit as much as my mind would have me.
It is time for personal growth and responsibility to educate myself, evolve and Love.
This takes most of my time. There are others waking up, getting pro-active in the world to help balance this.
And time is running out for the internet to be a free place to get my information. Any thinking computer user on the net understands that.
Long ago, I threw my T.V. out the window (yes, I made sure no one was underneath) It is so contrived what is put on it to create a general mass mind. Another dumb down tool.
My computer will take the same road (sans the “out the window” method, I’ve mellowed a bit since then) when it becomes so controlled by those in power, we are so censured, and filled with lies on it that it will become useless to those who think, and steady food for the ignorant.
Just as my fridge has all manner of good food & drink, so also is my library.
But in reference to world politics, it is the Kabbalah, Cabbala, Qabala (many spellings) that is a foundation of their philosophy and strategy, but for dominance, so I will list only 4 books I own, which have been excellent tools of blending many esoteric teachings including eastern, into a form for growth, my western mind can comprehend and I can implement in a most productive and extraordinary way.
“The Middle Pillar” by Israel Regardie LLewellyn Publications 1970
“The Qabalistic Tarot” by Robert Wang Samuel Weiser, Inc. Publisher
(The word Magick as I use it is “The Art & Science, of causing change in conformity with Will”)
“Imagick” Qabalistic Pathworking for Imaginative Magicians” by Ted Andrews LLewellyn Publications 1993
And for the flip side, how the “Tree of Life” is used not for internal growth, but external control and deception
“The Tree of Evil” William G. Gray Weiser Publishing 1974
(I like this one a lot. The title scared me years ago when I first saw it, but upon further examination I found it not only revelatory of our governments underbelly, but also an insight to my own thoughts and behaviors blocking my own progression up the tree)
I am not Jewish and this has nothing to do with religion.
There is Jewish dogma, religion, that is another thing alltogether.
The Kabbalah is a revelation of information for self transformation.
Whew, that was pretty heavy!
And I thought I was just dropping in again to Fluther after a long absence to see what’s up!
I was heading to play some Star Trek Online!
Hee, hee, I’m gonna get back to reading you guys in Fluther and lighten up!
I like you peeps and this site!
Thanx for your patience…