Care to share , what song is in your head tonight?
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January 26th, 2012
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20 Answers
Your Decision, Alice in Chains. Sorry I don’t youtube.
So hard to get out of my head and I don’t even know half the words. Luckily I don’t sing it out loud, how embarrassed I’d be.
Cells by The Servant
Violent imagery after the link.
The Recursive Girl by Fucked Up
Here’s the lyrics
This band is a little harder then I usually enjoy, but the lyrics/story in this album have really cut into me lately. Its been worth getting into. I’ve had this album sitting around for a while, and last week this song kept coming up in my January playlist, I started liking it a bit. And I realized I didn’t really know what recursive meant. So I looked that up. But the last line of the song has been echoing in my mind all week.
“I look back as I grow and I know that it’s okay.”
I love the interesting coincidences of life, because the last few days have made that line incredibly more meaningful to me.
Breakpoint by Megadeth. I won’t link the song because…well to be honest, not many people i’ve met like Thrash metal….actually 98% of people I have met and know don’t like it, hahaha….i’m such a hipster…. :(
@fundevogel Excellent song. I also really like Down In A Hole.
Set Fire to the Rain by Adele
Better late than never, I just heard this :)))
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