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mazingerz88's avatar

Help, what is the best way for me to complete my coin collection?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29342points) January 27th, 2012

This is what my Fifty State Commemorative Quarters 1999–2008 collection look like, ( please click on the image ) except I don’t have the New Mexico and Hawaii quarters that were released in 2008.

I did not buy any of the coins and decided to collect by inspecting what would show up in my pocket by chance. I got the 48 but forgot to watch out for those two and probably missed some opportunities. Now, they’re not turning up and it’s been months.

Sounds silly but I guess I’m willing to give up the very principle of this particular collection and get those two quarters by whatever means necessary as long as it does not cost me a lot. Any ideas? Thanks much! : )

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7 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

The first thing to do is ask your friends to start looking through their change as well. You can buy them online, but that will be just as true in a few months as it is today. Might as well expand your local efforts before paying five dollars in shipping for a twenty-five-cent coin.

auhsojsa's avatar

I would go to Ebay.

harple's avatar

I remember how kindly you helped Santa last year delivering some fluther mugs…. I wonder if anyone on fluther could help St.Valentine deliver you the two coins you need?

Let me know if you start a collection of UK coins :-)

6rant6's avatar

Checked the coin jars. Have NM and HI in hand. Now, how do I do an attachment?

mazingerz88's avatar

Ha ha thanks guys…I mean jellies! : )

mazingerz88's avatar

Yoohoooo! My collection is now complete! Apparently, the answer to the question is…well, post it at Fluther and a jelly-genie would make it happen! Thanks! : )

Ha ha ha ha Life is sooo much fun!

harple's avatar

@mazingerz88 :D Really pleased for you! You deserved it!

So, thus far, we have proved the existence of Santa and the Jelly-Genie…. Who’s next on the list?.... ;-)

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