General Question

NSFW: Women and medical professionals: Has anyone ever experienced or seen a patient with a bright turquoise blue vaginal discharge?
I have and was totally blown away. I immediately searched the web and found a lot of ill-informed hearsay and personal anecdote. The most alarmist said that this was a sign of HPV which could lead to cancer. I went to my gynecologist and discussed what it could possibly be and the closest thing we came up with [since I had just had a PAP smear the previous month] was a litmus response to the acids in my body by Aveeno bath [which is base].
The color was far more vivid than this as the web does not render this color well.
She told me I was turning into a Smurf. We agreed it was an odd place to start.
I have 5 more packets left. It looks like empirical testing is in order.

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