Social Question

FutureMemory's avatar

If thinking was bad, what kind of bad would it be? (only college graduates answer please)

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) January 28th, 2012

I vote over-analyzing that which cannot be quantified. What do you guys think?

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16 Answers

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JLeslie's avatar

I think I don’t understand why only college grads can answer? I also can not even come up with a good answer, because thinking is bad is so hard for me to consider. Certainoy I have heard people tell me I think too much, I guess thinking is bad when it makes a person anxious unnessarily, or when thinking out loud is driving someone else crazy. So, the kind of bad it can be is psychologically bad for the persom himself or the people around him. But, a blanket statement that it is always bad is impossible in my opinion.

zensky's avatar

<< Can’t answer.

FutureMemory's avatar

@JLeslie There was a trend Friday night of questions being directed at specific types of jellies – christians, agnostics, etc. I simply continued the trend by asking a silly question, directing it at a supposedly ‘qualified people only’ audience. :P

janbb's avatar

Fact from fiction….

ragingloli's avatar

The goes-against-holy-scripture-burn-him kind of bad.

EverRose11's avatar

Can’t honestly answer for I am not a college grad. Oh wait yes I am, however thinking is so . . ..

Blackberry's avatar

I’m really confused about this and johnpowell’s question….....
Edit: Nevermind, I saw.

Sunny2's avatar

Thinking can make you crazy. It’s much better to just follow whatever you like that you hear from others. Otherwise you might draw the wrong conclusions.

marinelife's avatar

If thinking is bad, just don’t do it.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Thinking bad is when Theo squats on grass and makes it purple.

majorrich's avatar

I don’t pay you to think! I told you to (insert inane stupid task here) and you did (insert correct action here). Do you think just because you have your Masters Degree and I went to a trade school makes any difference here? Ponder these things upon the tree of woe..

AshLeigh's avatar

I’ll answer this in about six years. ;)

jazmina88's avatar

bad…..criminal and such.

Berserker's avatar

Bad thinking would be like, I wonder what happens if I tickle this giant anus.

And also, hey I’m in love with someone. But they only ever show up if I kill some random fuck. Guess whooooooo?! :D

SavoirFaire's avatar

It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape. It would be the recursive kind of bad that you can never escape.

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I’ve graduated from college twice, and I’ll be doing it again in a few years, so my answer counts 2.5 times.

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