Social Question

janbb's avatar

Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part XV?

Asked by janbb (63361points) January 28th, 2012

This is a continuation of an ongoing thread. whose fourteenth incarnation was here . It was taking too long to load. Feel free to post positive snippets and epiphanies about things occurring in your life. Newbies more than welcome to join in!

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681 Answers

janbb's avatar

I feel great this week and back to myself. Loving my friends, activities and my cozy, cozy home…....

SpatzieLover's avatar

We’re having one of those days today: Plumbing issue on our water heater, DVR issue -etc…

On the very bright side, it appears our son has made best friends with a girl from his social therapy group. She also has Asperger’s. Yesterday, we had a playdate at their home. After 3 hours, neither had a meltdown and both wanted to play longer =D

We’re thrilled for him, and for her. @janbb I’m thrilled for you, too! Yay, you!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Wow, good on both of you!
@SpatzieLover : My friend has an Aspy son, I understand from her just how big a deal that is for you!

Coloma's avatar

Yay @janbb, thanks!

It’s GREAT that I have an excuse to make a decadent dinner, because, well, I have company coming. haha
To market, to market to buy a fat bag of lasagne fixins’. :-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A friend I rarely get to see in person because of our work schedules, she and I shared a leisurely breakfast and then half a day together. It was a treat!

HungryGuy's avatar

[SPOILER] I’m playing Heavy Rain and I saved the CSI FBI guy’s life from that junkyard gangsta dude.

Though it took me a couple of chapter reloads to do it.

Charles's avatar

Been at the pool (outdoor) all day with my kids. Temps in the high 70s. Burning energy. Not sitting in front of the garbage vision.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s sunny. :D And it’s only -12 today!(:

deni's avatar

The local salvation army was having fifty percent off everything in the store. I got cactus salt and pepper shakers, among many other awesome things. And it was only $7 total. I love bargains.

YARNLADY's avatar

Today isn’t one of my best. I was supposed to be at a hotel, having a lovely weekend for my and my DIL’s birthdays, but she ended up in the emergency room early Friday morning with a recurrence of her gall stone issue (she skipped out on her gall bladder surgery three years ago). I was able to switch the reservations to next week end.

I am happily playing with the kids at my house for a regular kind of weekend instead, and the weather is beautiful.

TexasDude's avatar

No epiphanies or anything, but I worked on my retro style .22 AR-15 today, which was fun, and I’m going to my favorite steakhouse in a bit with my mum to celebrate my birthday on Monday. Oh, and I made a lot of progress on my second YA novel.

tedibear's avatar

I got to leave work early today! I’m sick of working Saturdays so leaving early is a good thing.

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard – nice to see you around again. Is that novel the Halloween one set in Cleveland? Let me know if you need more details. :D

TexasDude's avatar

@tedibear, thanks! Spookyville is actually on hold for now. The one I’m working on now is an older project about brotherly bonds, crazy girls who die, and punk rock. It’s pretty close to being finished. :-) I’ll certainly hit you up when I get crackin’ on spookyville again!

MilkyWay's avatar

I had a very good time with friends today. We acted like a bunch of silly monkeys for most of the evening :D

Bellatrix's avatar

A Happy Birthday to @Yarnlady and @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard. Sorry to hear about your DIL @Yarnlady but it’s good you could reschedule.

It is a rainy Sunday here. My husband and I are going to do some cooking together.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Well, nothing bad has happened today so I think that’s pretty great!

Coloma's avatar

Yes, Happy Birthday to @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard & @YARNLADY!!!

Bend over, let the spankings commence! :-D

newtscamander's avatar

I just saw the greatest concert with the best people and a fantastic crowd. One great night. :)

TexasDude's avatar

Thanks, @Bellatrix and @Coloma! I’ve prepared my bum for spankitude.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Coloma I haven’t heard of birthday spankings for over a half a century. Do some people still do that?

Coloma's avatar

@YARNLADY Sure, my family always gave birthday spankings to the kids. One for each year. :-)

Berserker's avatar

I got a trophy on Duke Nukem Forever for getting one million points on a mini game. A pinball mini game. Man did it take forever but it was awesome…ain’t got nothin better to do on Saturdays.
I also washed my bed set. Fresh and nice smelling blankets and pillow cases! It means a lot more to me than it probably should.

Coloma's avatar

@Symbeline Duke Nukem? lolololol

Berserker's avatar

You’re either laughing because you played the game, or because you never played any of them, but recognized the word play goin on with the title. :D

harple's avatar

Happy birthday @YARNLADY & @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard :-D

I’ve been working on my improvisation skills (or lack thereof) and last night I plucked [oh dear, pun recognised but not intended] up the courage to go along to a local jam night in my favourite place in town. It went really well, which I’m delighted about, but that’s not really my news…

While we were playing, a local young man who suffers from brain damage [resulting from a sizeable fall when very young] heard us play something he felt he recognised, and started singing Kumbaya M’Lord over it. We all joined in with him, and he sang many verses, and also began making up verses. That in itself was moving, but there’s more to his story. His Dad was killed in a car accident just ten days ago. During his singing, a couple of his verses became about his Dad and how much he loved him. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and how I managed to keep playing under it I just don’t know.

The power of music as a release is just incredible.

TexasDude's avatar

@harple, thank you! Also, incredible story.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My premature nephew hit 6 pounds. Not bad when you start at 1 lb 15 oz.

chyna's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That is fantastic news. He’s a fighter.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

God you guys are awesome. Thank you.

Coloma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Yay chubby baby! :-)

Great day here, amazing 67 degrees and went for a river walk with a friend. Kayakers on the river, dog walkers, horseback riders on the trails….jeez, and it’s January!
Makes me want to get a horse again, but then I remember tromping through the mud and wind and rain and snow to the barn with buckets of bran mash . haha
I think the good memories might have to suffice. Shit, always sad when we have outgrown the desire to do the work but our hearts still pine for the good timest.

Now, 5:17 on the west coast and a nice cerveza while the pasta simmers, a good day indeed. :-)

janbb's avatar

Glorious walk this morning with my walking group and making new friends a-plenty. Enjoying a quiet evening at home after a charity cocktail party at a friend’s restaurant. Finding a nice balance between socializing and alone time. Altogether a very satisfying weekend in my new life.

Coloma's avatar

@janbb I feel your progress…woot, woot…go, go go, and then, blissful solitude. :-D

SpatzieLover's avatar

Another great social interaction for my son today. A mom emailed us last night asking if we’d care to meet her & her family at the museum today…we jumped at the chance.

Our sons are in the same social therapy group. The boys behaved well, cooperated well and made it through the unusually busy setting pretty much with ease. (our museum is usually dead on Sundays) Clearly we are making some progress, not only with our son, but with ourselves as well.

During the visit, my son & husband stuck near the other dad & son (something they all needed), while the mom & I chatted non-stop (something we both desperately need). Like me, she’s a fiesty advocate for her son.

Now, we’re planning to rally the other parents and see if we can’t create a once a month outing for all 5 of the kids in the social group along with their parents.

To be quite frank, my husband could use the social interaction outside of work/family, and I am in desperate need of real adult conversation. All of us could use the networking only other parents of ASD kids can provide.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m cleaning my room. Finally. :D

TexasDude's avatar

@JilltheTooth, thank you! It’s been pretty good so far even though I just woke up!

Ela's avatar

Hope your b-day was awesome @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard!

Someone told me I had a beautiful aura today : )

Coloma's avatar

Got off my ass and dove into sending out new submissions of my writing, a total of 11 pieces to 3 different mags. I go in 4 month increments, a flurry and then a melting period. haha
A great productive morning it was!

AshLeigh's avatar

Skipped school. :D

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Once I zipped up my skirt, I could swish my hips and make the waistband slide across mt stomach. I’m nowhere near bikini form but it’s coming back, finally!

Ela's avatar

I’d love to know the mags when they get printed, @Coloma : )
yippie skippy dippy @AsLeigh! No skinny dippy, though!!
Yay @Neizvestnaya!! Bikini or bust! rawr!!

Berserker's avatar

I played air hockey with someone and totally whipped ass. It was awesome.

MilkyWay's avatar

Something great that happened today : I saw ice. In the garden. Water that was frozen. :D

augustlan's avatar

I slept for about 12 hours. I feel so much better!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@MilkyWay I’ve seen ice for two months. When I don’t see ice it’s a good thing.

Berserker's avatar

@augustlan Dude, sweet. Sleeping for twelve hours rocks. I envy you, I can only do that on weekends.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I love the cold. Seriously love it when the bitter cold air hurts my lungs as I breathe in… :D
Does that make me weird?

Berserker's avatar

@MilkyWay Not to me. I love the cold too. Fuck Summer, Winter rocks.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@MilkyWay I love a cold night. When it’s 0 degrees F and the moon is crystal clear and the stars are really bright and your nose feels the air coming in, that’s nice.

Berserker's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Ha, yeah.
It does kind of suck when boogers freeze up in your nose and you can feel them being all Michael Myers. Still, Winter; pwn.

Ela's avatar

LOL @Symbeline boogersicles!!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline I like a nice winter night, but I still prefer a 95 degree beach and ladies in bikinis while I lay in the sun.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Symbeline Winter rockers for life :D
@Adirondackwannabe But without the ice eh?

janbb's avatar

Feeling so good about a post in the comments book for my LGBTQ library display:

“Thank you. Thank you so much. This display is so important and I’m grateful that other people care about people like me. It’s a beautiful display. I truly appreciate seeing it every day. It makes me feel less alone.”

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, @janbb , wow. Sounds like you have changed, and maybe saved someone’s life. Wow.

mattbrowne's avatar

Reading Timothy Wilson’s book Redirect

Every other page or so I can’t help it, saying to myself wow.

janbb's avatar

@JilltheTooth Yes – I am walking on air today.

marinelife's avatar

Finished an assignment that I was procrastinating on. As always, I feel so great when it’s done, and I wonder why I couldn’t just buckle down and do it.

Coloma's avatar

My creative alter ego is surging to the surface again, today I am going to buy some canvases, paint some backgrounds, then…I am going to do some flappy foot art work with the geezers. Marwyns big art debut…walk this way! Abstract goose art. :-D
I’m also going to get serious again about a video I have wanted to undertake for about a year, Marwyn’s sexual obsession with trying to mate with pillows. He climbs atop several large silk pillows in my living room and attempts to mate with them. It is hilarious!
I am entitling it ” The big red sex pillow.” I figure the title will attract the youtubers in droves. haha

Things wacky country girls do for amusement. lol

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@mattbrowne: Wow good or Wow bs? Would it be worth $16.00?

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m going to the cinema tonight to see War Horse. I have heard mixed reviews of it but I am keeping an open mind. If all else fails, it’s got a horse in it!

Coloma's avatar

@Leanne1986 It’s really good, basically a Black Beauty goes to war twist,stunning visuals and a sad reminder of how war effects more than just humans. I liked it a lot, enjoy!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Coloma I’ll be sure to give you my verdict tomorrow but I am glad to hear from someone who actually enjoyed it. A lot of it was filmed about 30 miles from where I live and there were adverts sent to my work looking for extras!

JilltheTooth's avatar

I just ran across this and it really made my day. Miss Piggy, you go, Girl!!!

janbb's avatar

All right Miss Piggy!!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@JilltheTooth I am so excited about seeing the new Muppets film. It comes out in the UK next week :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

You’ll love it!

Coloma's avatar

Just had a GREAT, motivational talk with a friend who is going through a relationship breakup.
Totally put her back in her power and when we hung up she was on FIRE! lol
I hate to see women give away their power in relationships, if you share with me I am going to light a firecracker under your ass, no pity parties woman…you hold the gas can and the match! :-)

SpatzieLover's avatar

^Wish you & I were next door neighbors ;) Oh the coffee talks we would have

Coloma's avatar

@SpatzieLover LOL…flick your Bic! :-D

tranquilsea's avatar

I watched Groundhog Day today with the kids. We all had a great laugh.

SpatzieLover's avatar

^We’re planning that for later tonight ;D @tranquilseaGreat Minds

No shadow here in Milwaukee. How ‘bout your locale?

tranquilsea's avatar

@SpatzieLover it’s a great movie, isn’t it? “PHIL!” pow

nikipedia's avatar

Last night my housemate set up the first of the original Star Wars movies on a projector that took up the entire wall, and we camped out on the floor with a bunch of blankets and pillows and popcorn and wine :)

harple's avatar

@nikipedia Did you hear about this? I had a friend that took part – I have yet to see whether they made the final cut or not….

mattbrowne's avatar

@Neizvestnaya – On a scale of 1 to 10 wows, I’d give it 10 wows. I’m almost through. One of the best non-fiction books I’ve read in years. The book is absolutely amazing.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@mattbrowne: Thank you, I’m placing an order right now for it :)

augustlan's avatar

I found out that I can now both get AND afford health insurance! Way to go, Obama. :D

janbb's avatar

yay Auggie!

Had a nice time in “the city” with my sweet younger son before he jets back to the Coast.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@augustlan : On an evening without wine, we will talk, please!

YARNLADY's avatar

My delayed birthday party is turning out to be everything I hoped it would be. I am having so much fun at the hotel, swimming pool for the kids, spa for me, pizza for all, plus a lovely dinner out (for just the two of us). The maids came in a cleaned up the kitchen and the bathroom – awww, luxury.

We have a two bedroom suite with a living room and kitchen and it is all free with the points we have accumulated by making all our payments through our Marriott credit card, which we pay off in cash every month.

augustlan's avatar

Happy delayed birthday, @YARNLADY!

Berserker's avatar

Talked with my grandma on the phone today for like two hours. She called to let me know she’s sending me 500 bucks, just for the hell of it. That’s pretty cool lol.

OpryLeigh's avatar

After being ill at the end of the working week and feeling very sorry for myself I got to spend a day and a half in my favourite place, the Scottish highlands. The fresh air and beauty of the place made me feel much better and although I am sad to be back to normality, I have a few memories to keep me in day dreams for a while.

JilltheTooth's avatar

There have been so many “Who’s not watching the SuperBowl” threads that I thought I’d come here and say: To all that are into the SuperBowl, I hope your favorite team wins and the party you go to is fabulous and a good time is had by all! Boola Boola!

Go, Puppies!

HungryGuy's avatar

Oh? Is the super bowl today? Bleh…

Dutchess_III's avatar


JilltheTooth's avatar

Dere’s baby pigs at the puppy bowl this year! Every year a new twist! Hamsters in the blimp, check! A bird “tweeting” from the stadium, check! Kitten half-time, check! And yes, PUPPIES!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I not see bebby pigs yet.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Me either, but they promised! (I started watching at 5 EST.) I’m counting on them.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Piggies are cheerleaders…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@JilltheTooth After the game they can be porkchops.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey, potbellied pigs, even more bacon than normal!

JilltheTooth's avatar

According to so many on Fluther, we are morally deficient to have such an exchange! I loves me a bad boy!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb Is it ok with you if we have a little fun with this?
@JilltheTooth I’ve known I was warped since I crashed a bike and smacked my head on a concrete floor when I was about 6. I’ve just learned to enjoy it.:)

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe No – no one is allowed to have fun on my threads. :-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Pizza, Orange Fanta and laughing at pictures of how-to-make-fake-poop for pranks.

Coloma's avatar

My attorney who I have retained for many years for various advice/assistance just informed me that he will not be charging me for a small matter that he has been dragging his feet on for some months. It is nearly complete, and well…it’s GREAT…an attorney with integrity!!!
He could easily bill me for at least 4–5 hours of his time, but, his ethics mandate that he is responsible for not getting this done in a more timely fashion. Bonus for me…I was expecting to owe him about a grand, sooo, waving his fee will contribute to paying my taxes this year. :-D

muppetish's avatar

I started writing poetry again. The last time I wrote was.. hm… last June, I think. Feels good so far.

Coloma's avatar

@muppetish Yay! I’m a lifelong poetry writer myself…go, go go, let it flow!

Muppetish musings lead to cerebral juicings. ;-D

Neizvestnaya's avatar

One of my best gal pals texted me to say she can meet up for lunch this week. We’ve not seen each other in person since last fall when she broke her ankle into little bits and missed out on being one of my bridesmaids.

augustlan's avatar

I just found out that @Fly has been awarded a $56,000.00 honors scholarship from George Mason University!

JilltheTooth's avatar

YAY FLY! Good for her! What a fabulous girlie you’ve got there, @augustlan ! I’m very proud of you guys!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@augustlan That is excellent news. Wow.
@Fly. Excellent job. That’s pretty impressive.

Coloma's avatar

Yay Fly! :-)

Great…just got off of with only ONE used book order. I am shopping for a new digital camera, but, contained myself. Mostly because I was too lazy to browse all the eelctronics. haha
Getting off amazon with only one item is like getting out of TJ Maxx with one item or less. lol

OpryLeigh's avatar

I am planning a relaxing evening tonight which is what is getting me through a particularly busy day!

janbb's avatar

so very,very depressed this week. Down in our vacation home with a friend and so so down. I feel bereft even though my friend is a dear and one of my oldest

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb Here’s a hug little penguin. I can’t change it but if you want to vent a little I’m here.

janbb's avatar

lttle penguin thanks you.

MilkyWay's avatar

I got that wonderful elating feeling you get when you help someone in need. I feel great :D

tranquilsea's avatar

((((((hugs))))))) @janbb

Coloma's avatar

@janbb This too shall pass, let the wave roll on through and it’ll crash soon. :-)

Day 5 of my extreme heath intensive and I am rewarding myself with 2 incredibly satisfying Cervezas. lol
Since my daughter confiscated my bathroom scale a year ago I ordered a new really cool digital scale with some reward points on my CC. haha Bonus!
I made it through the last almost 24 hours without phone or internet with the usual, fairly frequent tech crash on this mountain. Read books and wandered around with the critters, it only takes a day to defrag from our overdependence on technology. A nice little exercise in mindfulness. Yay…rain again…lots of little “greats”!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I watched Patch Adams. Not sure how this film passed me by for so many years but I’m glad I was bored last night and decided to find something on Netflix. Beautiful film.

AshLeigh's avatar

Watching Star Wars in Cinemas Arts. :)
Figured out what to get Joshua for Valentines day.
And not I’m eating cheese sticks. Mmmmmm. <3

tedibear's avatar

Making apple pie and soon to start chili. I made it home through the cruddy weather and roads with no trouble and more importantly, no morons on the road!

Coloma's avatar

@tedibear Oh my heart be still Chili and apple pie!
I am dieting, it’s traumatic, I LOVE to eat! lol Have a slab o’ pie for me!

YARNLADY's avatar

Sonny and his wife took the boys to the Discovery Museum before bringing them over here for the weekend, and while they were there, they made valentines for me. The youngest one said “I made it myself”, but his Mom did most of the work, he just put the stickers on. Now I get to return the favor, but I’m going to wait until next week.

Ela's avatar

Mid term grades are out and I’m rockin As. Yay me! Hope I can keep it up : )

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My mom made friends with a lady who puts fresh sushi together for our nearby Fry’s market deli case. We now can have freshly made up stuff anytime we walk in and for cheaper than a restaurant. YUM!

janbb's avatar

I had a great talk with a favorite Fluthery friend! Friends are the crabgrass in the lawn of life. (Wait – that’s not right, Charlie Brown!)

JilltheTooth's avatar

“Cats”, Little Penguin, the quote is “Cats are the crabgrass in the lawn of life”. Snoopy.

janbb's avatar

@JilltheTooth Knew I was missing something. Maybe it’s “Friends are the Kentucky Bluegrass in the lawn of life!”

JilltheTooth's avatar

There ya go. And I want a prize for remembering the proper Peanuts quote!

janbb's avatar

@JilltheTooth Would a GA do?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Damn betcha! :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mmm. Snowed. School cancelled (I teach) so I don’t have to go to work. AND this is my one 12 hour day that I’m missing! So depressing! .... NOT!

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yay, a snow day! So jealous, we are getting light rain but in sad shape for snow out this way. In-joy!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III How’d you get a snow day? I didn’t bother with boots today. We had less than a dusting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe We had about 5 inches, but ice on bottom. It wouldn’t have stopped me, here in town, but we live in a farming community and I guess the concern is for the kids who live out in the country. I can imagine it could be a real mess if their parents tried to get them into town for school.

Oh, I am!! Gonna quit Fluthering here in a sec and commence to recovering my dining room chair seats. :)

Berserker's avatar

This isn’t something that happened today precisely, but over the weekend, I got to see the first two episodes of The Walking Dead!

such an awesome show ^^

Except now I gotta wait a whole week to see more. Maaan!

tranquilsea's avatar

@Symbeline our whole family is hooked on that show.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I haven’t been feeling right for days, like my body is trying to fight off some bug (although, I think I have felt worse at times because I have also been feeling a bit sorry for myself about a number of things!!!). However, I decided to do some excercise today and whilst dragging my arse to the gym wasn’t easy and I very nearly used the line “I’ll do it tomorrow”, I feel much better for having fought the temptation to continue sitting at my desk feeling sorry for myself. I’m now enjoying my cup of tea and pondering my dad’s opinion that minor ailments can be defeated with the right frame of mind.

augustlan's avatar

@Leanne1986 Hope you sent that bug packing! Feel better, girlie.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@augustlan I felt much better when I woke up this morning compared to the last few days so hopefully I showed the bug who’s boss!

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m sick. Have been for two days. Pretty sure I’m dying.
So, I’ve been staying home, trying to sleep off this sickness. Not working.
Blah blah. I literally just got out of the shower when my boyfriend called me, and said “AshLeigh! Come to your door.” I was like “Uhhhh…” so I got dressed super fast, and went to my door. Then he was standing there with chocolates for me. :) What a sweetheart.
Can’t eat it, because I’m dying of sickness, but it’s the thought that counts. Haha. <3

Coloma's avatar

@Ashleigh awww…whatta guy!

Great day here, multiple little “greats” that morphed into the one big “great.” lol
Wow…too many to share, but…one of the best was getting $104 knocked off my giant $868.95 propane bill because the company lost a driver and allowed me to run out of gas by 3 days on my fill schedule. They volunteered to knock off .50 cents a gallon to reduce my bill by $104 dollars! Woo Hoo…okay, $764 is still not great, but, it makes it a little more palatable. Bah!

Holy shit..I’ll be living in the goose barn one of these days, good thing I’ll have real goose down warmth. lol

janbb's avatar

I was invited to be on a panel about making diverse populations of students comfortable on campus because of my LGBT work in the library.

augustlan's avatar

@janbb You are my hero, penguin.

janbb's avatar

I do find it ironic that while my personal life has gone to hell in a handbasket, my professional life is thriving. It feels really good to be doing something active to forward my ideals.

Ela's avatar

My niece and her hubby are gonna have their first baby in Sept. I’m so excited!!!

Bellatrix's avatar

Awww how lovely @EnchantingEla. Congrats to your niece and her husband.

My lovely hairdresser came and now we all have lovely hair again.

Ela's avatar

Thanks! Double yay! Lovely hair is very lovely indeed!! ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

@EnchantingEla, hey! My brother and his fiance are having their baby in September! :D

Coloma's avatar

I’ll have lovely hair soon. I need a cut and highlight, like 3 weeks ago. haha

I just had a green tootsie pop, it was great! No babies for me, candy please. lol

Ela's avatar

Tootsie pops can make you prego @Coloma! btw… how many licks did it take? ; )

Babies, babies, babies!! I love babies @AshLeigh! Congrats to them!

Coloma's avatar

OMG! Quick…get a rope and take me to an overpass. LOL

augustlan's avatar

My ex-sister-in-law (we are still close) had her first baby, a little girl! She came a month early, but is doing great. SIL will make a terrific mother.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Though I haven’t come up for much air in a week, my genealogical tree is filling out nicely, thanks to distant relations emailing data.

janbb's avatar

Went on a great hike with my walking group. Making lots of new friends.

Coloma's avatar

Woo Hoo…I got my new bathroom scale and have officially lost 5. 3 lbs. in the last 12 days! :-D What’s for dinner? lol

janbb's avatar

Heard a strange noise coming from my computer while I was in bed. Turned out to be a video-chat request from my great-niece who is two. We had a fun, silly visit.

OpryLeigh's avatar

In April I am going to be a bridesmaid for one of my childhood friends and today we went shopping for shoes to wear with my dress. I hate shopping usually but this trip was fairly pain free (we found some lovely shoes without too much hassle) and it was nice to spend some time together. Now I am back home with a cup of tea enjoying a lazy afternoon/evening.

Coloma's avatar

Not a great morning, “Hercules” the Llama has died from unknown, possible colic this morning. My neighbors just hauled him down to the lower pasture in their tractor for burial.—Snif snif He was a great guy, and now his sheep are all alone without their guardian. RIP Hercules!

janbb's avatar

In addition to washing the bedroom curtains, I patched some of the painting in the hall. I get a ridiculous amount of pleasure from conquering jobs that were formerly my spouse’s.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Glad for your new found empowerment @janbb.

Right now, I’m tackling procrastination. I finally had my husband show me how to get our son’s drawings scanned into the computer. Later, I’ll upload a bunch of them to FB. Family members have been driving me nuts for months with wanting pictures and photos from our son.

tranquilsea's avatar

I had a nice leisurely breakfast out with my hubby sans kids.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

No day off but my husband came home early, I switched to get an opening shift and the two of us were able to have a marvelous couples massage followed by some pretty fair Italian food. We sat and talked about how nice to live a little amid huge stresses and uncertainty.

Coloma's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Oooh. massage, lucky you two! I could go fir a massage right about now.:-)

Well, after a sad start yesterday a friend suggested a short notice get together and overnight hangout last night. We had a blast, wine, music and whipped up some chicken, veggie, shish-kebabs and boiled away in the hot tub til about 11:30 when we oozed our boneless, wine soaked and parboiled carcasses into bed. lol
A great time!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Coloma: a monthly massage was my holiday gift from hubby which I matched so he could join me. It’s making a nice difference in our sleep quality.

janbb's avatar

Had a great meeting with my Ally group today and part of it was a tour of my LBGT library exhibit. They loved it! Also, stood up for myself on some financial matters and am feeling pretty powerful right now.

JilltheTooth's avatar


JilltheTooth's avatar

Had a nice evening evening with friends that are excited to be invited to a “I want to experiment with Ethiopian cooking on you” evening. Yay for my friends!

Bellatrix's avatar

Well you can call it roaring if you like…

Still cute though :D

janbb's avatar


bob_'s avatar

After three months of tiring, frustrating search, today I signed the lease and got the keys for my new apartment!

nikipedia's avatar

@bob_, when’s the housewarming party? :)

augustlan's avatar

I had a really shitty day, but my girls were awesome and I hit 40k while I was gone. The good still outweighs the bad!

SpatzieLover's avatar

Today is my 2nd <wink, wink> wedding anniversary. We have nothing special planned for today, except for maybe take-out. On the weekend will go out for a nice tea at a fav place.

I’ve made it through a week & a half of “Brazil Butt Lift”. So far, I haven’t died from it ;)

Coloma's avatar

@SpatzieLover Congratulations! I’m sure your husband is appreciating the butt lift benefits. :-)

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Coloma My shoulders and obliques hurt much more than my tushie does. I think “butt lift” is a bit of a misnomer. It’s a I feel like I got run over by a truck workout ;)....yes, I’m sure my husband will appreciate the benefits. I’m just delighted to find something to do on gloomy indoor days

nikipedia's avatar

Just paid off my car!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I got a thank you card with a picture of my newest nephew. He started at less than 2 pounds, he’s pushing 8 pounds now. He’s got his head up and he’s squeezing his mother’s thumb. His little fist doesn’t even cover her thumbnail. Look at your thumbnail and think he’s four times bigger than when he started. His mother’s smile says it all.

marinelife's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That is so wonderful!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@marinelife I can’t argue with that for a second.Thank you. And thank the rest of you guys. You’ve been amazing.

janbb's avatar

No – I won’t “tell you something great” but big grin.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Yay. Penguin sex.:)
Please leave my ass mostly intact for that.

janbb's avatar

Well, not quite but you’re getting a bit warm….

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Good for you lady. I’m damn glad.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hey hey! My internets is fixed!! Cable guy came out, did some trouble shooting, restrung new cable and we’re all more better! It’s been 3 weeks of utter, utter frustration.

Coloma's avatar

A gorgeous sunny morning after a much needed big storm the past few days. Yay, how green is my mountain!...and….I have lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks! Woo Hoo…feelin’ groovy!

janbb's avatar

I think I’m just realizing that I’m coping really well with a very tough situation.

MilkyWay's avatar

I had a really good day today. It was one of those days where everything seemed perfect. I caught up with a lot of work, managed to hand it in the same day, had a laugh with friends, got good comments from teachers, meditated, ate good food, had chocolate, danced with a friend, acted like monkeys at lunch time, played dodgeball and got to the final, came home to find mum in a good mood for once… got application forms for college, watched a really good documentary. (Smiles)
It’s been a good day :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

I went to a conference today about how dogs use their noses. All the speakers were amazing but the best was the final speaker who explained how dogs were being used to sniff out potentially life threatening diseases like cancer. It was a really interesting day.

marinelife's avatar

Went on a drive with my husband. Stopped at a large park (on the site of a former farm) and walked the dogs by some woods and pond. Then we went for Indian food, which was delicious.

Bellatrix's avatar

Not sure it qualifies as something ‘great’ but I watched The Help last night. Great film. Made me very angry at times but with lovely touches of humour.

Coloma's avatar

@Bellatrix Great movie! :-)

Aaah, great day here, started with a perfect morning and the critters all full of spring fever. The wild Tom Turkeys all on display and the cats and geese frisking about as we went for a little morning stroll around the property. Myles the new cat discovered the joys of laying in the pine shavings in the goose barn and was covered from head to toe and needed a brisk brushing which he enjoyed from the low point of the barn roof as he enjoyed some bird watching. Whatta life!
Then a friend came over and we sat in the sun for about 3 hours.

A perfect day, hovering around 70 so the temps were just perfect lounging in our chairs with a couple of beers listening to the birds sing and now I am baking a big salmon fillet with scads of asparagus….oooh, can’t wait!
A great day indeed!

marinelife's avatar

Saw Hugo tonight. It made the magic of the movies so very real. What a feel great film!

Bellatrix's avatar

Off to see The Iron Lady very soon. Hugo is on the list and The Artist.

AshLeigh's avatar

I got to see the first picture of my brothers baby. :)
He/she is being born in September!
“It looks like a bean. I shall call this bean… Twat dweller.” -Justin.
I love my brother! Hahahahaha.

janbb's avatar

@marinelife I loved Hugo! Magical!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A day off adventure! The Mr. and I each played hookie from work in order to drive into the mountains and kick back on a 4hr train excursion. Champagne, nibbles and rmild weather. It was enough to take another few months of work schedule crapola.

Coloma's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Nice! :-)

I kicked a$$ in my yard this afternoon with the help of my gardener buddy.
Pruned stuff and did a major garage clean, blow job, cob webs, washed down shelves…tis spring cleaning!
Inside and outside in convergence for one of those rare perfect moments.

chyna's avatar

@Coloma Just out of curiosity, and because I too have a gardener buddy, could you explain, in detail, your blow job?

Coloma's avatar

@chyna It’s our joke, “Hey Scott I need a blow job!” Boy can he blow. lol

marinelife's avatar

My husband got an in-person interview for a new job (after a successful phone interview).

nikipedia's avatar

I am finally behaving like a responsible adult, and renewed my registration AND paid a parking ticket on time for the first time ever.

janbb's avatar

Going to DC for a few days tomorrow and going to see a few of my favorite Jellies while there.

Coloma's avatar

Just received my new digital camera, Woo Hoo, I love it! It’s an awesome metallic red so I don’t lose it in the woods. lol :-)
A happy brownie photo shoot is about to begin on this great Friday afternoon around the micro-farm. Most likely I’ll be cracking myself up at my own video narratives. Simple pleasures, a happy brownie Friday and a macro zoom lens in the woods. ! :-D

Bellatrix's avatar

I am going to the farmers’ markets (which I love doing), then the home show (which I love doing) and my daughter is coming with us (and I love her). What a good day!

chyna's avatar

I was at the store today at the meat counter. A woman got her meat, turned to a guy that was standing there (apparently they had been talking) and said good luck with your turkey. He smiled at her as she left and muttered so that only I could hear “could I get your phone number”? I said “I don’t think she heard that.” He said “my middle name is rejection, she wouldn’t give it to me anyway.”
Well now, I saw how she looked at him, she was interested! I said “you won’t know if you don’t try.” I kinda kept my eye on him as he made his way up to the check out, started to get behind her, then didn’t. But out in the parking lot, I saw them talking. I hope I had a little bit to do with that!

blueiiznh's avatar

Yeah for @chyna the match maker. kind of reminds me of a quote:
“Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.”
― A.A. Milne

augustlan's avatar

I got a shirt in the mail from a jelly! (Closeup) Which reminded me to finally take pictures of another shirt I got from another jelly! (Closeup)

I don’t feel comfortable revealing the identities of the jellies, but they’re free to if they’d like!

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, hurray! Thank you, Auggie. Um, feel free to reveal who sent you the jellyfish shirt.

As for me, I just got my final blessing today from the surgeon who repaired my broken wrist just over a year ago; I’m excused from further follow-ups. He said my results are excellent and far better than they’d have been without surgery. I’ve also had good support from a hand therapist. As of about three weeks ago, I can close my right hand in a fist—not tightly yet, but it closes.

I promised him that from now on I’m not going to break anything more serious than a fingernail.

augustlan's avatar

Yay for healing wrists! If, um, anyone didn’t get the hint, @Jeruba sent me the jellyfish shirt. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You’re welcome to say who sent the Auggie shirt. ;P

That Jellyfish shirt is so cool, @Jeruba! Where’d you find it?

Jeruba's avatar

In a little boutique in Felton, California, that sells crystals and other pretty shiny things, flowing, jewel-toned skirts and shawls, and various ornamental items that feature dragons, faeries, and astrological signs. Not to mention cool earrings and T-shirts.

augustlan's avatar

Official thanks to @Jeruba and @WillWorkForChocolate for the shirts! You are both so sweet to me. <3

FutureMemory's avatar

A friend made me a new avatar!

marinelife's avatar

The tree outside my window is blooming with small pink flowers.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I had one of those awesome moments at about 2am this morning when I woke up, having been asleep for about 2.5 hours already, looked at the clock and realised that I didn’t have to be up for another 5 hours. Sometimes, waking up in the middle of the night and realising that you still have plenty more time to sleep is better than sleeping right through!!!

Coloma's avatar

@Leanne1986 Well, I am sure you are still beautiful even if you don’t get all your beauty sleep. ;-)

Yay…major storms hitting Northern California starting today through the weekend.
Predicting boatloads of snow and rain. Woo Hoo….we are about 22 inches below normal from this time last year, send heavy snow vibes out west fellow jellies. :-D
Finally, some significant storms are a ‘comin! :-D

janbb's avatar

I’m going out for the day with my friend @marinelife !

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Coloma That was a lovely thing to say. Thank you :)

tranquilsea's avatar

I flew kites with my kids today just before a snow storm lowered our temperature and gave us blizzard-like conditions. My son’s poor kite kept nose diving to the left into the ground.

chyna's avatar

Where do you live? I’m in the southeast and it’s 75 degrees today!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My mom’s flowering bulbs that I gave her for her birthday in October are going like gangbusters. I did hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, and crocus. She can smell the flowers as soon as she opens the door to the house.

MilkyWay's avatar

I had lots of fruit today, and had a productive day at school… and had some milk :)

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s a lovely birthday present @Adirondackwannabe.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Bellatrix This winter has been really mellow but flowers in March are always cool.

marinelife's avatar

Had a great time visiting with @janbb. We went to a national park historic site, saw a fire, and ate Indian food. And talked and talked. Good times.

janbb's avatar


Neizvestnaya's avatar

Having started a genealogy tree as a surprise gift for my grandmother’s bday this year, I’ve been contacted by several relations who want to contribute photos they have and bits of missing information. It’s now very exciting and has turned into a gift for all of us involved.

tranquilsea's avatar

@chyna I’m in Calgary. We have wonky weather often but this has been a very mild winter.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Even though I’m sick, I had a lot of fun taking my daughters to buy some new t-shirts and shorts today. I love shopping for my girls!

janbb's avatar

Picking up a friend and going to help shift some sand to fill a basement with new friends from my walking group.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I just watched Hicus Pocus on tv. I forgot how great I think Bette Midler is!

janbb's avatar

Had a really nice time working with my friends. We were shifting sand to fill in a basement at her summer cottage on a little island. It is very healing to be developing a new circle of friends.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Just saw my typo. That meant to say HOCUS Pocus!

Coloma's avatar


Feel free to come over and lay down a truckload of sand in my goose corral anytime. lol

Woo Hoo…wild Thunderstorms happening now, this has been the best storm of the year, encore, encore! I have been invited out for a St. Pattys day party but I think I am opting for a cozy stay at home afternoon and evening, tis not fit out for man nor beast. :-D

MilkyWay's avatar

I cleaned up my room a little, which is better than I expected, got some time to relax and watch an awesome movie, and am now going to have a shower. Might be normal things to do but make me feel great :D

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My niece got into the residency program at Duke University for docs.
@MilkyWay We’re really glad you took a shower too.

AshLeigh's avatar

Very glad. ;D

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AshLeigh Yeah, we’re all glad she took a shower.

AshLeigh's avatar

What a relief. :)

blueiiznh's avatar

I survived a 50 mile bike training effort.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m out now :P

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Thanks for no longer stinking up the joint, MW.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh god, you just crushed me. I’m sorry.

blueiiznh's avatar

@chyna ty. great choice of avatar

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe * Sticks tongue out. *

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m really sorry. I screwed that one one up.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Chill dude, I don’t mind ‘stinkin’ up this place with my scent :P

janbb's avatar

I am content in my aloneness today; making chili for my dinner party next week, watching birds, reading and thinking pleasantly about yesterday’s work party.

Coloma's avatar

@janbb Great isn’t it? Learning to embrace our solitude is so important!

Well…after a week of over indulging a bit I happily discovered I have only gained 4 oz. lol
This wonderful discovery will allow me to justify the last Happy Brownie and decadent dinner of the weekend before hitting the health trail again tomorrow.
That’s how it is for me, feast or famine, little in between. haha

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

<Hugs @MilkyWay and makes icky bad faces at the mean people>

My husband and I just completed the finishing touches on our living room remodel. WOOT WOOT!!!!

MilkyWay's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate You made me feel all better again :)
* Moons all mean stinky people. *

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You… (rolls eyes)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Really, her ass is underage. MY ass, on the other hand…..........

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I was thinking oh you perv right after I hit answer.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Sure you were…. :D

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hey she mooned me first.

blueiiznh's avatar

I got to see the glee on my daughters face as she was filling bird feeders today. I told her to hold her hand out with some food in it and wait. She was amazed and filled with wonder as two finches ate the food out of her hand.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You’re still a pervert. You should come over. ;)

marinelife's avatar

@blueiiznh Aren’t moments like that priceless?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m thinking I should fade into the distance for a bit.

SpatzieLover's avatar

My son squealed with delight while running through the sprinkler today.

I’m having to water in some grass seed, which still seems completely unreal to me as the usual daytime temperature is 40 degrees. Right now the sun is going down and it’s still 72 outside. It feels, smells and sounds like June out there.

MilkyWay's avatar

I think I have a knack of setting up older dudes to look like pervs when they’re not. My sincere apologies. Pulls jeans up.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Nah, I’m a perv. I know you’re not cause you’re not at the club meetings.

Ela's avatar

My bathroom sink drain was backing up and draining slowly so I unclogged it today with a plunger and pulled the equivalent of a medium sized rodent from it. Kinda cool in a morbid, somewhat gross way. LoL It drains beautifully now : )
I also found my earring and no, I didn’t keep it.

@SpatzieLover The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here also.
@blueiiznh I’ve never had a bird eat from my hand. I bet that was super exciting and cool.

Coloma's avatar

@blueiiznh Awwww….well, bring her over here for a turkey hunt. lol
Seriously, I am over run with turkeys in love right now, they are everywhere, eating all my goose feed and driving me crazy. Oh spring, when the giant Turkeys maraud around and torment you. I throw rocks at them and they just stare at me. haha

OpryLeigh's avatar

I had a lesson in kickboxing today. I feel all bad ass now!!!

MilkyWay's avatar

^ I’mma take you on sistah, and kick that ‘bad’ ass all the way to timbuktu :P
I’m joking. Don;t hurt me.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m getting my popcorn, don’t start brawling yet.

janbb's avatar

Today started out with a headache but has ended up a banner day. Biggest triumphs – figured out how to program the car’s GPS and treated myself to a new dish garden for the dining room. Threw out the old dying one; symbolic maybe.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@MilkyWay Can you wait until my knuckles have healed before you take me on?! My beautiful, usually well kept hands look like they have been involved in a drunken brawl!!!

MilkyWay's avatar

@Leanne1986 Yeah all right… btw have you got a sandbag?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with one of my best friends and we wolfed down some Taco bell… with absolutely no guilt. :D

Ela's avatar


OpryLeigh's avatar

@MilkyWay No….should I?

@WillWorkForChocolate I really wish we had Taco Bell over here. I have to wait until my visit to the States in September before I can have another one!

blueiiznh's avatar

Doube and triple booked on meeting all day, but had lunch provided during a 4 hour working meeting.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Leanne1986 It helps :) I thought you had one when you mentioned sore knuckles.

augustlan's avatar

@Fly got accepted to American University’s Honors Program today, and got a nice scholarship from them, too!

janbb's avatar

I felt like myself.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@augustlan Now you’re being a how great is my kid slut. Bye fluther. (she knows I love her)

augustlan's avatar

@janbb That’s the best, isn’t it?

@Adirondackwannabe Oh, I’m a slut alright. :p

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@augustlan Good god you have some great kids. They’re amazing.

Coloma's avatar

Well hey, I had a great afternoon with my daughter too, lots of great kids around.
It’s so nice to relate to your kids as adults and share as adults and even better when they agree with you! lol
Not to mention feeling proud at how together they are becoming.
Makes all that parenting stress totally worth it to enjoy the final product. :-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I had my massive curly mop of hair straightened for my weekend getaway. Woohoo! No moussing or picking my hair all weekend; all I need is a brush! I never get to use brushes, either!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m still playing with my hair, lol. It’s silly, but this is sooooo wonderful!

Coloma's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I know, I love it when I straighten my hair. It’s a whole new look from my natural super fluffy, curly, wavy mane. :-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Coloma, Hahaha, yes it’s a totally different look. I went from this hair to this hair.

janbb's avatar

Just a really great day all around!

Coloma's avatar

@janbb Yay! The roller coaster is on the upswing! ;-D

linguaphile's avatar

I finished 2 fairy gardens (art project), did a whole list of errands, had a wonderful dinner with my family with my mom and stepdad here, cleaned out a cupboard and didn’t have a conniption when my stepdad accidentally tracked mud into the house onto our cream colored carpet.

janbb's avatar

I’m having a pot luck Scrabble party tonight for new friends from the walking group. I’m excited and nervous about how it will go.

chyna's avatar

@janbb Good luck! It will be fun!

Coloma's avatar

@janbb Oooh, sound fun, can I come? ;-)
Lets see I could catch a afternoon flight, but alas, too short of notice to round up the critter sitter. lol

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

In 10 minutes I’m leaving for my first “girls’ weekend” in 12 years! WOOT!

janbb's avatar

@Coloma Sure – we could use a goose girl!

marinelife's avatar

Went down and saw the cherry blossoms in D.C. Ate breakfast out. Lovely weather. Low 80s and sunny.

augustlan's avatar

Today, Fly found out she’s been accepted to George Washington University. With another scholarship! Resume mom sluttiness. :p

Coloma's avatar

@augustlan Woo Hoo! Congrats to you both!
Behind every great kid is a great mom, and that’s a FACT!

janbb's avatar

Had a great time at my pot luck supper and Scrabble night and so did everyone else. A new life is beginning to shape up!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

Honestly, I’m thrilled for you @janbb

AshLeigh's avatar

My mother came home. Gave me food. Gave me money. Told me to see if my brother can hang out tonight. Then left for the weekend.
Went to his house for a bit. Got my fathers birthday presents. Drove around a little. And he just dropped me off.
Miss that kid.
Also, they’re finding out the gender of his baby on April 12th, hopefully. :D

Coloma's avatar

@AshLeigh Glad you have food and money, important stuff. lol ;-)
@janbb So glad! Yep, one door closes and another opens, a little WD40 helps.
The divorce door is one of the rustiest, but once it’s closed it is sealed like a crypt.
Hey, isn;t that a song? Sealed with a crypt? haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

Groans at @Coloma!

Let’s see…it is a BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Bad jokes are just bad. haha

Pow wowing on a new biz. venture with a friend and waiting on them this afternnon, we are going to discuss our ideas by the light of Blue Moon. As in Belgian white ale Blue Moon. lol
Then BBQ ribs and an early bed for me. Stayed up babbling with my daughter on the phone til almost 2 am last night. Mama needs her beauty sleep tonight. ;-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

After several weeks of hunting and dickering, our gasoline bills have been halved, our rent down $100. a month and we live within 15 minutes of our jobs. I’m drinking champagne with my sushi tonight to celebrate.

blueiiznh's avatar

The ducks have returned to the vernal pool in my backyard. Soon there will be little paco the ducks all over the place.

janbb's avatar

I stayed in my pjs relaxing until 3 and then went to a folk concert with my BIL and B. A fun day!

SpatzieLover's avatar

We call Sunday Pajama Day @janbb, because the house rule is our son may stay in his jammies for as long as he likes ;) I love lingering Sunday mornings myself.

janbb's avatar

It felt very self-indulgent and relaxing and I needed a day like that.

AshLeigh's avatar

Just ordered a birthday present for Josh. And I will be rocking these (4 inches at the toe, 6 at the heel!) in 2–3 weeks! Darn Alaska. Shipping takes forever.

Coloma's avatar

@blueiiznh Duclings! My heart be still….happy flappy feets are the best. When my geese were goslings I LOVED the sound of their little slappy feet on the ultra smooth concrete of my garage floor. The patter of flappy feet, nothing like it!

linguaphile's avatar

I spent too much money at my favorite store. happy dance…

MilkyWay's avatar

@AshLeigh Woah, sistah. I frikkin love em :D

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I feel all breezy and summery in my “beach khakis” and flip flops today.

And I had a freaking amaaaaaazing weekend, so that makes me feel even better!

augustlan's avatar

Warning: Mom whoring recommencing in 3…2…1

I am just so damn proud of Fly at the moment. She got accepted to St. Mary’s on Saturday, with the largest scholarship they offer! Still waiting to hear from the last three schools.

janbb's avatar

@augustlan How wonderful this all is! St. Mary’s sounded to me like a very interesting school when I was looking with my youngest.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AshLeigh Holy crap. Every male on here just crossed their legs.

AshLeigh's avatar

@MilkyWay me too!! :D They’re in Nashville right now, on there way! I’m so excited!
@Adirondackwannabe GOOD! >.< Muahahahaha.

Also, I did my hair… :D

linguaphile's avatar

I had a mini-art show- I was asked to show my art to elementary school kids and their parents. I only showed and explained 6 things but the feeling was great!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@AshLeigh Ooooh, I LOVE the hair!!

I finally get to go see Hunger Games today. I can’t wait!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Who gave me a GA for a .? I was going to ask Ashleigh if she did her hair in a wok, and then thought that was a little rough but didn’t want to bother a mod.

nikipedia's avatar

I had an awesome dinner party last night. I got tons of compliments on my food and got to see so many of my friends.

I also have been making a lot of progress trying to solve a complicated personal problem, and feel very relieved to see some possibility of resolving it.

Coloma's avatar

@AshLeigh Ooh, to be young again, you are a little doll, love the hair! Well, I really DON’T want to be young again, I just want to be a rich old broad these days. lololol ;-)

AshLeigh's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I might have… XD
@Coloma and @WillWorkForChocolate thanks! :)
I’d like to be a rich old broad too. <3

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AshLeigh I like it. It goes nicely with your eyes.

Jeruba's avatar

I went out in the rain and cut a small bunch of the season’s first lilacs from one of the bushes in my yard. They’re in a vase in the living room now, where I can see and smell them.

Lilac season is so special to me that I keep an annual reminder posted on my calendar not to plan a trip that takes me away from home while the lilacs are in bloom.

nikipedia's avatar

@Jeruba, I just realized that I haven’t ever seen lilacs grow where I live. I miss that smell.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I haven’t smelled the lilacs yet. I hope I get it.

Bellatrix's avatar

Well not ground breaking but back saving. I ordered a bag a couple of months ago. It has one of those pull along handles but it looks like leather (it isn’t as it turns out) and is quite stylish. It doesn’t look like a shopping trolley or one of those overnight travel bag things.

I lug a laptop bag, my handbag and usually at least another bag full of papers and books too and from work at times. I seriously think one leg is now a little shorter because of the prolonged carrying of heavy bags of books and favouring one side. This bag means I can put the books etc. in the bag and drag it along with style! I am so happy :D Oh and it was half price!

blueiiznh's avatar

took the christmas lights off the house (half of them blew off in the strong winds to help) :)

chyna's avatar

@blueiiznh Seriously? It’s almost Easter!

Jeruba's avatar

@nikipedia, I grew up with them. They’re everywhere in May in New England. But they’re not very common where I am in Northern California. I was homesick my first spring here, so we went to a nursery and bought some 5-gallon pots. They’re mature now and form a beautiful fragrant wall of purple alongside the fence.

Lilacs are hardy shrubs and do well in many areas where they’re not native. That’s one reason why many settlers carried them along when they moved west.

Here’s a photo from another year. Close your eyes, lean forward, and inhale.

SpatzieLover's avatar

We did the same thing last night @blueiiznh. I just strung more lights for Autism month. While I did that my husband took down the rest of the Xmas lights.

@chyna We use red, white & green lights. That way we can use the red & white for Valentine’s, green & white for St. Pat’s…and we keep white lights up in our backyard all year so we can see while late night gardening. Also, my son’s playset has C9’s up all year so he can swing late into the night if he wishes.

Our lilacs will bloom in another week @Jeruba. Right now I’m enjoying the bluebells.

blueiiznh's avatar

@chyna Its also Northern New England. We are not used to zero snow and 80 in March.
Despite your dismay, I am still pleased.~

nikipedia's avatar

@Jeruba, I also have a lot of childhood memories of them from the east coast. My partner built me a big garden down here in Southern California—I am about to plant some jasmine and blueberries—maybe I can get some lilacs in too.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I haven’t killed anyone today. Yet.

janbb's avatar

I booked my trip to Paris and England for June! Going over to see my Jakester again.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@janbb Where in England are you visiting? If you plan on being in the south and fancy a cuppa with a fellow jelly let me know :)

janbb's avatar

@Leanne1986 I’ll be in Poole and St. Alban’s. Fairly busy with friends and relatives but it would be fun. Are you still in the West Country? Sometime I may plan a longer trip and visit various online English friends.

marinelife's avatar

Last night I unexpectedly came across a large violet in bloom. I love them.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@janbb Currently in Wiltshire close to the Somerset border.

blueiiznh's avatar

Volleyball night

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, @marinelife, violets are among my great favorites. We used to have a large cluster of sweet purple violets by our front door. They were a casualty of landscaping. I miss them.

Ela's avatar

Lilacs are my favorite flower. I love your photo @Jeruba. I have a small bush just outside my backdoor and I can’t wait for it to bloom.

augustlan's avatar

My tenants cut down our lilac, without our permission. They also owe me three months rent. I gave them 30 days notice, and they’re supposed to be out by Saturday. Grrrr.

janbb's avatar

@EnchantingEla “When lilacs last in the dooryard bloomed…”

chyna's avatar

@augustlan Call me if you need help escorting them out Saturday.

janbb's avatar

Another slutmom talking. My SF son did some programming that was shown to the CEO of their company and got their product approved!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’ll be a slutmom, too. My oldest just had two days of state mandated testing, and she feels like she did pretty well. She also finished two hours early yesterday. We’ll see how sluttish I feel about this when we get her scores back, I suppose… ;)

janbb's avatar

I have the most wonderful online and real life friends! So much support and so much fun! You all truly enrich my life.

marinelife's avatar

Got a call for a free lance job out of the blue.

augustlan's avatar

I love you people. For real. <3

MilkyWay's avatar

I think it’s pretty safe to say we all love you too. LoadsTonnes even. ♥ ♥ ♥

Coloma's avatar

My little garden zone is getting the spring once over, halfway through with trimming back all my crazy. giant exotic grasses. Man..I have a pile big enough to thatch a roof. lol Whew, whatta workoutI I’m sitting my little bushwhacking butt down now and having a cold beer. :-)

OpryLeigh's avatar

My boss said I could leave work two hours early today WOOHOO!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just today is great, period!

janbb's avatar

Taught a great class today and now I can relax for a while. I am always so nervous before I have to teach!

marinelife's avatar

Spent the day with a friend from Maine. Went for a drive and then had lunch out. talked non-stop. It was great to catch up.

blueiiznh's avatar

simply because it is Friday!!!!!
Good also because I did not have to lay anybody off today!

Bellatrix's avatar

Not having to lay people off is always a good day @blueiiznh!

It is Saturday! What more do I need to say.

Coloma's avatar

Well….still cutting back my insanely huge plants, it will look great soon, but there’s much chopping and slashing and clipping and trimming to go. Damn, I might have to head out and find some new shears and other interesting new bushwhacking implements. 3.5 hours til dark and happy brownie hour in the land of the giants. lol

tranquilsea's avatar

I figured out my side cramps when running today (yay!) but it seems that I’m having compartment syndrome problems with yet another muscle :(

augustlan's avatar

My tenants are moving out! Looks like they might be gone by their deadline (tomorrow), which is great. I was really worried I’d have to call the sheriff’s office and have them evicted. I am so looking forward to having them out, after all the trouble they’ve caused me. I don’t expect they’ll be paying me the three months rent they owe, though. :(

nikipedia's avatar

Homemade martinis. Lovely.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Today I am going to Cardiff for a friend’s hen party. Whilst I don’t usually enjoy events like this we are going to see a drag show this evening which I am really looking forward to!

janbb's avatar

@Auggie I dreamed last night that you and your girls came to visit me and you were making waffles and fried eggs at my house!

linguaphile's avatar

I got my first Fluther-party! :D Had a killer migraine after work and crashed, but then woke up to a party on Fluther! Big smile!!

blueiiznh's avatar

I learned my Volleyball team clinched a playoff spot again !!

Coloma's avatar

Woo Hoo..a GREAT, wild, windy morning on my little mountain. Storms a’ comin’ but right now it is a balmy and windy 9 am, half sun, half clouds and just delicious outside!
I took my coffee outside and was having so much fun standing in the wind, watching the leaf tornados and cracking up at my little siamese cat “Mia” who is play hunting in the giant mound of cut dried grasses off my patio.

Running and pouncing and burrowing under the thatch hoping to find a “mousie.” lol
All the critters are frisky in this wild, wild wind! Lovin’ it! :-)

heartandsoul's avatar

I’m all dressed up with no place to go, and will party with strawberries, whipped cream and champagne tonight.

Coloma's avatar

@heartandsoul Well we can have a virtual party, I plan on having some stormy afternoon fun myself! Welcome to the pod! :-)

heartandsoul's avatar

@Coloma Thank you! And that’s a great idea! (Adding in teatime to warm up…)

Coloma's avatar

@heartandsoul Yes, still having my morning coffee out west and the storm just hit, a great day unfolding! :-)

Ela's avatar

This did not happen today, or even yesterday for that matter. This is a realization that has progressed and slowly surfaced over the course of the past week…. Last week my Spring term began and, having all my prerequisites done, I have begun classes in my declared course of study. While in class I listened closely to my instructors (as I always do) but this time it felt different. When they would discuss their personal viewpoints and behaviors, I understood exactly what they were talking about. I found the similarities absolutely amazing! My life is half over and I think I just may have finally found my nitch.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is your declared course of study @EnchantingEla?
Enchanting Ela is in a zone at that’s exciting!

Ela's avatar

In a zone? Sweet!! LoL

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here @EnchantingEla! Here is where you have to tell everyone what your major is! Right guys?

Ela's avatar

Zone management. <winks>

augustlan's avatar

My tenants are gone! Aside from a really sticky kitchen floor (gross) and some beat-up walls, the house is still in decent shape. I’m so happy about it!

chyna's avatar

^ I knew I could scare them off.

MilkyWay's avatar

I had a great day today.
I woke up feeling fresh and energetic, to a sunny chilly day outside. I had a good breakfast, watched TV, then went to the park with my siblings. I played football after ages and then our parents joined us and we all had a picnic, which followed another game of football where me and my siblings tried to take the ball off my dad. Came home after that and watched a movie together, and am now in bed with some chocolate, feeling ready for monday.
It’s been great :D

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@chyna You scared them off because you were doing the monster mash in your undies again… :D

tranquilsea's avatar

I went for my first bike ride of the season with my husband and my youngest son.

Coloma's avatar

Someone please take my hand and dial my tax preparer. I just can’t quite make the appointment, I will, I will, oh lord it hurts, nothing great about tax time. lol

blueiiznh's avatar

I just scheduled my last fuel oil fill for the heating season!!!!!!

Coloma's avatar

@blueiiznh Yay! I am almost there, lord, the price of natural gas is outta control, still recovering from the Jan. bill of $868!!!! The highest in 20 years, I’ll be living in the goose barn one of these days. haha

blueiiznh's avatar

@Coloma thank goodness the mild winter here has offset the ridiculous cost.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend made me feel really loved today (and he also told me that I was working my “Cher look” and whilst that wouldn’t be a compliment to most, it is definitely the way to my heart!!).

janbb's avatar

Got new bedding for my bed and a painter is coming in to paint my bedroom and the den this week. Moving ahead with life.

tranquilsea's avatar

I had blast this afternoon with my daughter. We went to Winners and tried on some clothes and we decided to pick out one top for the other to try on. My daughter picked this horrible 70s inspired top that had me laughing and laughing when I put it on. I took a picture of myself and I’m thinking of posting it as my profile picture on Facebook letting everyone know that I’m updating my style just to see what people say. I was seriously tempted to buy it just wear around for a laugh.

We had an awesome time.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

This morning I opened the laptop and in less than 10 minutes, all our bills for the month got paid.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I finally found a place to live after the most ridiculously long search EVAR. All I have to do is meet the landlord. I am so glad the search is over, as will be the familial pressure for me to move on out of here finally. The housing situation seems good and peaceful and the location is pretty decent and close to a bunch of stuff.


Coloma's avatar

I finally did it! Made my tax appointment for 2pm this afternoon. Now, all I have to do is take a big bottle of personal lubricant and I should be able to take it. lolololol
My tax guy and I have a great, humorous relationship, sooo, I think I’ll plop down a bottle of astroglide on his desk. Here ya go Bruce, be gentle! haha

tranquilsea's avatar

Today is my eldest son’s 17th birthday. I can’t believe I have a 17 year old!!!!

At his request, we took him to a roadside burger joint for lunch that caters to construction workers. Tonight he wants to head to a restaurant called The Smuggler’s Inn.

He’ll be able to drink in a year as 18 is our legal drinking age.

Time flies!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

We survived a huge storm that included softball sized hail and tons of tornadoes.

chyna's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate So glad you are safe!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Holy crap, I saw the flying tractor trailers and the damage. Really glad for so few, so far, injuries. Those were vicious.

blueiiznh's avatar

Got a raise today!!!! whohoooo!!!!

Drinks to all the jellies!

Bellatrix's avatar

Woohoo! A raise is always so lovely to get. Lifts glass to you. Do you have something special you will do with the extra cash? Or it will just help with the budget?

blueiiznh's avatar

@Bellatrix ty, cheers back. It’s going straight to investments. I don’t even want to see it till I retire.

Bellatrix's avatar

Good, good plan! If you won’t miss it, why not.

augustlan's avatar

I picked up my girlies for a week long visit! Spring break is upon us. :)

Coloma's avatar

Survived the dreaded tax appt. and… GREAT little bonus!
My tax guy waved this years fees, nice little perk. He said ” I’ll catch you next year” lolol
But of course! A little freebie for 7 years as a faithful customer of variable difficult taxes, good PR most certainly. Thanks Bruce! :-D

AshLeigh's avatar

I think I finally got this guy that’s been bugging me to be along.

“Sometimes you just have to verbally abuse someone.” -Blackberry :)

tranquilsea's avatar

I somehow managed to get a fairly good pace while running even though my calves were cramping like crazy.

AshLeigh's avatar

to leave me alone*
Not sure what I was trying to type up there. Haha.

janbb's avatar

I’ve walked about 12 miles this week and am going on another hike tomorrow night.

OpryLeigh's avatar

It’s the last day of work before a 5 day break :)

Coloma's avatar

Having fun taking all sorts of pics with my new camera. Got the best shot yesterday of the neighbors horse rolling in the pasture, her legs up in the air, goofy lips and tail in the air. Just awesome action pic. I love taking nature/animal photos.
Here’s my darling “Myles” in my avatar…now is this a GREAT looking cat or what? Love dem kittys! :-)

chyna's avatar

I had four of my ex-coworkers/friends over for pizza and pastries last night. We had a blast. Off to the gym to work the pizza off.

janbb's avatar

@chyna Sounds like fun!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I was too tired to post this yesterday evening, but my mother’s cardio cath was “normal”. WOOT! I felt about 10 pounds lighter when my dad told me she was okay.

blueiiznh's avatar

A good friend of mine in NYC ended their 2 year unemployment. Very happy for them.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s a lovely thing @blueiiznh. Good news for them indeed.

tranquilsea's avatar

We got the house clean today. I’ll enjoy it for the next 20 minutes.

that’s about the length of time it stays clean

MilkyWay's avatar

I had a lovely day today.
Woke up and got ready for school, and then went on the school trip to the Motor Museum. I’m something of a history buff so it was an amzing time for me. We got to have coffee in a cafe and the tutors let us go round to the park whilst we had some lunch. I bought a triple chocolate muffin which I thoroughly enjoyed :D
We really got to chill the rest of the day, and even though it was quite cold, we played outside for hours.
My whole body is aching right now, because of walking to and from town and from playing all day, but I can’t help feeling all smiley and happy. I had a really good time today.

Jeruba's avatar

@MilkyWay, you are endearingly easy to please. I hope all your days are lovely.

augustlan's avatar

My girls and I went thrift shopping, and picked up a few trinkets each. We hit Dairy Queen on the way home, and I had my favorite ice cream treat, a pecan mud slide. Yum!

MilkyWay's avatar

@Jeruba Aw, thank you love.
I guess when you usually have really crap days, simple things do tend to mean a great deal to you…lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@MilkyWay Hang in there lady, as long as you’re still slugging away thing’s can get brighter.

marinelife's avatar

Went out to dinner last night with friends. And now three days off with my husband!

Coloma's avatar

Woo Hoo CELEBRATE! I have officially lost 13 lbs. in 8 weeks, with only modest adjustments to my diet. I’m thinking I’ll be looking pretty good by June! Yay, yay, yay…break out the Happy Brownies! lol

AshLeigh's avatar

All of my tests are done, and I got to come home early. :)
Snuggling up in my bed, about to watch some Xena.

Coloma's avatar

Aaaagh…my neighbor just shot one of his sick sheep, he told me to stay inside and I just heard the rifle shot. Waaah…such is life on the ranch. R.I.P. little lamb. :-(

marinelife's avatar

Yum, lamb for Easter dinner. BTW, @Coloma, that is not exactly in the spirit of the question:
“Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part XV?”

Bellatrix's avatar

Just in time for Easter – look what these eggs hatched into.

Coloma's avatar

@marinelife It was an impulsive sharing, pardon please.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My little girl got her face bitten by an angry dog today, BUT his teeth didn’t hit her eye, like my older daughter thought. There was a lot of screaming about, “Her eye is bleeding!!!” but it turned out that the nose puncture next to her eye was bleeding. <sigh of relief> She ended up with one nose puncture and a nasty laceration on her cheek. I could actually put my thumbs on either side of it, spread it gently, and her cheek would just open up. <shudder> We had to have it swabbed down and glued shut.

It’s still something good though, because her eye was unharmed. By about 1 centimeter.

Bellatrix's avatar

That is just awful @WillWorkForChocolate. I hope your little one is okay. Wow. Scary for you all. Good about her eye though.

MilkyWay's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Oh my god! I hope it doesn’t last long… them bloody dogs should be made to wear those things over their snouts, like here. Glad to hear it missed her eye, really hope it gets better soon <3

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Oh I’m so so sorry. When her eye wasn’t sliced is the good thing that’s still a bummer. I’ll say a prayer for her.

blueiiznh's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate so sorry to hear. what a terror that must have been at that moment. prayers your way…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

She’s really doing great guys, just still shaky from the trauma and a little headache. But she’s recovering quite nicely! Thanks for the support.

And I still say it’s something good since the dog missed her eye! =0)

Bellatrix's avatar

Are the owners going to muzzle their dog and keep it away from children from now on?

Bellatrix's avatar

Okay I haven’t solved another jelly’s knitted conundrum BUT I did find this! Anyone for knitted jelly fish!

marinelife's avatar

Sorry @WillWorkForChocolate! I am so glad the bite missed her eye!

Coloma's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Yes, whew, poor kid! Same thing happened to me at age 11.
The neighbors Doberman, a monster black and tan guy named “Apache” bit me under the eye when I reached out to pet him while sitting down in the yard. Yep, nice little crescent scar under my right eye that missed the eye by millimeters!

Had a quasi Easter dinner party with the kids last night, made T-Bone steaks slathered in grilled mushrooms, garlic shrimp, grilled veggies and garlic mashed potatoes, AND…mile high fresh strawberry shortcake. OMG! So great!
Decadent it was. :-)

Kicked a$$ in my yard and house and everything is in perfect order, for but a little while.
Today like yesterday is going to hit the low 70’s and I am painting some garden pots and gathering up a bunch of stuff to have a yard sale soon. A great weekend indeed!

janbb's avatar

All my socks came out of the dryer with mates! It is a good day!

AshLeigh's avatar

I peeled an orange without trouble.
First time ever.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@janbb LOL! That never happens to me…

OpryLeigh's avatar

It’s pouring with rain here and I am going to assume that it is a sign from above (literally) that today is supposed to be a lazy day for me!!! I have no plans and plenty of nice food :)

linguaphile's avatar

I had a splendiferious long weekend in Colorado! I had Friday and Monday off, so decided spontaneously to head out here to check out the place. LOVE IT HERE. Went up the mountain, did a lot of walking, visited Pearl St., ate scrumptious food, and drove around Denver. Today, I have a few more plans and will meet a lovely Jelly this afternoon!

I head back to real life this evening.

Coloma's avatar

A great weekend inspite of my going overboard yesterday and deciding to shovel about a ton of sand around in my corral and build a small fence cutting off the back of the corral where there are some big boulders that jut up out of the ground. I want to keep the critters away from for injury purposes. OMG! I am so sore, but lookin’ good. I also planted about 3000 Morning Glory seeds from my hybrid collection of last year. Let their be vines!

Hey, at 50 something now I was pleased that I didn’t keel over from a heart attack in my excavation mode and bonus..I know I burned about a gazillion calories carrying shovel fulls of dirt uphill. lol I feel a happy brownie afternoon and a long hot soak in the spa coming up! :-D

janbb's avatar

Had a wonderful day out hiking, pinicking and touring around a historic old fort and lighthouse with my walking group. One of the best days in the past four months.

AshLeigh's avatar

Having Mountain Dew. Had tacos. Slept late. Watching Xena.
I win at life. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Today is mine and my hubby’s twelfth anniversary. WOOT!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate. Good for you guys. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AshLeigh's avatar

Four months with my boyfriend today. :)
Not as impressive as 12 years, but it’s a start.(:
Congratulations @WillWorkForChocolate!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@AshLeigh Congrats lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coloma's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate & @AshLeigh Congrats!

Well..14 years with my goose this July, he’s for sure going to tie with my marriage, most likely outlive it. Marriage lasted 21 years, goose can go to mid-twenties easily. lololol Honk! ;-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Aaaaaaaaand, while internet browsing, I just found the most badass car decals EVER. Since I’m a fellow Suburban Mom, with family car stickers, I really have to get these!!!

Bellatrix's avatar

It is my birthday! I got a lovely present from my husband, my colleagues all wished me happy birthday and my children will be over this evening to spend some time with my on my birthday.

nikipedia's avatar

Very happy birthday to you, @Bellatrix!

augustlan's avatar

Happy anniversary to @WillWorkForChocolate and happy birthday to @Bellatrix!

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @augustlan and yes, Happy Anniversary @WillWorkForChocolate. I think because of time differences we may actually be celebrating different dates at the same time.

tranquilsea's avatar

I spent the whole day just reading. I’ve been so busy with appointments for everyone this week and I really needed a down day.

Happy birthday @Bellatrix and Happy Anniversary @WillWorkForChocolate!

Coloma's avatar

Happy Birthday! @Bellatrix :-)

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @Coloma… just need to kill a child for adding years onto my age.

AshLeigh's avatar

Happy birthday, @Bellatrix. Please don’t kill me.

Bellatrix's avatar

Puts wand down… okay then… thank you @AshLeigh.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Bellatrix Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Thanks, guys! Happy anniversary to @AshLeigh and happy birthday to @Bellatrix!!

MilkyWay's avatar

Happy happy to all of you celebrating somethin special! <3 <3

Coloma's avatar

@Bellatrix Haha..yep, kids have a way of aging us…lol

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @Adirondackwannabe and @WillWorkForChocolate and I forgave her @Coloma. I had a lovely evening with my family. Thanks for the nice wishes people. Off to work now!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Happy Anniversary! @WillWorkForChocolate! :D

& Happy Birthday @Bellatrix ;p

marinelife's avatar

Been married going on 29 years and my husband sent me a Shakespearean love sonnet today under the subject line Thinking of You.

Response moderated
augustlan's avatar

UPDATE: This thread is still ongoing. I was wrong about the new thread. Oops!

blueiiznh's avatar

Enjoyed the first weekend of not being on call with a company in 18 years

Ela's avatar

When I got home from work I smelled cookies. I live in a large city and, for the most part, don’t like it. Sometimes it smells like cookies outside. When it does it makes me smile, gives me warm fuzzies and makes having to live here not so bad.

Did you mod yourself Auggie? That’s too cute! LOL

Bellatrix's avatar

My husband and I got up at the crack of dawn, took photos and watched the sun rise.

harple's avatar

I received an email I had been nervously waiting on for a few weeks, full of the best possible news:

“The board are all in approval of supporting your application, and in mentoring you in your development of your practice. We will be happy to make an application in our name and support you in getting an application prepared.”

Mariah's avatar

This didn’t happen today, but I had trouble finding the most recent something great thread so I’m a little late.

I posted a few days ago that I interviewed for a campus tutoring job for next year. Well, I got the job! I’ll be tutoring differential equations. I’m so thrilled. This will be my first job mainly because I was too busy being sick to hold down a job in high school. And I think I’ll be good at it! It feels awesome to be moving forward in life.

Also, I turn 20 tomorrow. WTF?!

augustlan's avatar

Double congrats, @Mariah! I’m so happy for you, girlie. :D

janbb's avatar

Yay for you @Mariah !

Ela's avatar

Congrats! wtg @Mariah and happy, happy b-day!!

Bellatrix's avatar

I was just awarded a place on a Writer’s Master Class I put an application in for. I didn’t think I stood a chance as it was advertised and competition for places was high. So I am really happy!

Ela's avatar

That is so awesome Bella!! Much grats!!!

janbb's avatar

Mazel tov @Bellatrix ! That’s great!

Mariah's avatar

Thanks Auggie, Jan, and Ela, and yaaaaaaaaaay Bellatrix!

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations to you too Ms Mariah! I hope you have great fun and earn lots of money :-)

augustlan's avatar

Congrats @Bellatrix! I knew you could do it. :)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

As we wind down our 3rd move in less than 3yrs, my husband is now onboard with the idea of a quiet, single story condominium with minimalist decor.~

Dutchess_III's avatar

I found you guys! Somehow I un-followed this. I was so lost.

Read this in the Reader’s Digest, Life in These United States. True stories.
Dad says to his three year old son. “Hey! You want to know a secret?”
Son says, “What?”
Dad says, “I love you more than anything in the world!”
The little boy says, “Hey! You want to know a secret?”
Dad says, “Yes!”
The little boys says, “I’m batman.”
I LOVE it!!!!

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Cute!

A great day over here, packed up my backpack and went in search of meteor fragments/rocks in my local park and surrounding area where the big meteor fireball hit last week. No luck, but it was a fun excursion and I got in about a 3 mile hike on some killer trails. Also snapped a lot of beautiful nature pics. I love my area, and who knows, might find a space rock yet! :-)
Now it’s a nice cold beer and dinner on the horizon and bonus, coincedentally after all the meteor action here I just received a Netflix documentary on the Hubble telescope. Perfect!

Mariah's avatar

I just have two finals over two days and then my semester is over. It’s been an absolutely incredible time for me, and I’m sure Fluther will hear all about it once I have free time on my hands again. I’m ready for a break, although I’m guessing I will be bored out of my mind in a matter of weeks. xD

OpryLeigh's avatar

This morning I helped run a successful Flyball workshop. This afternoon I had a few hours of quality time with my fella and then, this evening, I met up with a dear friend who lives too far away from me.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I woke up feeling at ease and spent a good half hour noticing how calm the animals are in our new rental home which reassured me I chose a good spot for us even if it didn’t come with the goodies or location of our old place.

tranquilsea's avatar

After a hellish day yesterday where I had to go into clean up and calm everyone down mode. My poor daughter was put into tears by my head injured sister. After spending the afternoon with her she gave me a big hug and told me that she loved me and that I was the best mother…ever. She made my heart melt.

Today was lovely and a day of recovery. I worked out and then my daughter and I went on an hour long walk in the driving rain. I love the smell of rain and the sound as it hits your hood. We got pretty soaked but dried off and warmed up.

janbb's avatar

I got a real belly laugh from an e-mail sent by a new friend. He went to a lot of trouble over a private joke and it made me feel great.

AshLeigh's avatar

Several of my friends brought me Mountain Dew for my birthday. :D Heck yes.

blueiiznh's avatar

The person I had to lay-off today didn’t shoot me. whohoooo

Coloma's avatar

I’m up to my eyeballs in cheese! My favorite cheese factory mixed up my latest order and sent me 2 extra ½ lbs. of a cheddar and garden Jack, on top of my 4 blocks of Caraway Jack and Salami Cheddar. ( Hands down the two best cheeses in the universe!)
They missed the extra Salami Cheddar. Sooo, I have 7 blocks of my favorite cheeses for the price of 5 and they are sending out the missing flavor today no charge.

I have enough cheese to sink the Titanic, let the summer wine and cheese fest begin. :-P

Bellatrix's avatar

After you finish with all that cheese, I think we may need a bigger boat!

Coloma's avatar

@Bellatrix Yeah, I gotta ramp up my walking or I’ll have cheese butt. lol

OpryLeigh's avatar

The bank refunded me all my money after I was a victim of fraud yesterday and someone in Korea managed to steal it all. The refund came sooner than expected as I was told it could take up to a week.

Coloma's avatar

@Leanne1986 Yay! What a stressful thing!

Beautiful morning here and am taking my daughter shopping today, a girls day out! :-)

AshLeigh's avatar

Staying home today, because I’m sick. On the bright side: I slept in, and I have time to finish the homework I forgot to do last night. XD

MissAnthrope's avatar

If service were an Olympic sport, I’m pretty sure I just earned the gold medal. 3 trips to the airport, many errands, one giant house to pack and clean, amidst a ton of other things. Worked my ass off. 62 hours awake.

Am now having a relaxing and peaceful day, feeling much better after a great night’s sleep. Woke up with a migraine but emerged victorious, woo! I’ve been productive and put things away, organized, saved a fish named One-Eyed Pete from constant harassment by delivering him to a friend, am doing laundry…

Am sitting here on my bed in my new apartment in Oakland, which I have to myself all day. It’s pretty peaceful and I was having a moment of calm and contentment, so I wanted to share. :)

I am so excited to live in a city again! My neighborhood is very cute, the neighbors are friendly and look out for each other, and there’s a nice backyard with huge rose bushes, two grills, and a fire pit. Not only that, I am super conveniently located to some great stuff and two great areas for food and shops and stuff.

I love the country, but I think I might be a city girl at heart.

janbb's avatar

@MissAnthrope Nice to see you and great for you on the move!

blueiiznh's avatar

Oficially got my promotion and told new pay structure today. Whohooo, cake and pie for all!

tranquilsea's avatar

I went out for dinner with a large group of moms tonight. Thankfully, we only spent a part of that time talking about our kids. We spent the rest of the time telling jokes.

janbb's avatar

Spent the late afternoon tracking down and replacing batteries in beeping smoke alarm detectors; only to have one that still beeps. Eventually, I called a friend’s husband who offered to come by and look at it. In the meantime, I had sent a joking e-mail to another friend about it and he called and offered to come by and troubleshoot it. I am feeling well-nurtured by male friends tonight and also proud of myself for handling as much of it as I did.

Bellatrix's avatar

My girls have left on a holiday to New Zealand together. They were SO excited. I can’t wait to hear what they get up to. It is so beautiful that they get on so well. They are sisters and best friends and I just love that about them.

tranquilsea's avatar

My son had gained a little too much weight because he learned to bake a year ago and has been baking (and eating) up a storm.

I’ve been dragging him out running with me for the last 2 weeks and he’s lost 5 lbs. It is a great lesson for him to learn: eating poorly can equal gaining weight BUT you can lose said weight by exercising it off.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I decided to come back because there were too many people that I missed.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Hi Chocolate. Damn Glad to see you.

Bellatrix's avatar

And many of us missed you – so you coming back is ‘something great that happened today’.

chyna's avatar

YAY! And the crowd goes wild! WWFC is back!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

God, you guys are so sweet. Seriously. Which is one of the reasons I came back. That, and I was really tired of @chyna threatening me on facebook. It was starting to get scary. :D

janbb's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Wrote you a “welcome back” yay on another thread!

Bellatrix's avatar

Slips @Chyna the $50. Good job!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Damn it’s good to be back. I missed you whackjobs! Now, to go see what I’ve missed.

chyna's avatar

@Bellatrix Thanks, it took a little longer than I thought it would.
@WillWorkForChocolate It will take you days to go through all that you’ve missed.

Bellatrix's avatar

Wait until she gets to the thread about the sex scandal involving @au… oops.. no names.

Then there was the secret marriage thing… never would have guessed those two were a couple.

Then there was the arrest!

What else did she miss?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I already know about the scandal between you and Auggie, but if you got married, it can hardly be a scandal though. And shame on you two for getting arrested at your own wedding! Those poor monkeys… you had no right!

chyna's avatar

There was that threesome with those 3 jellies and it came out.
Don’t forget the whip thing with au.. oh no names.

janbb's avatar

Did she miss the Secret Police?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

The secret police stormed the place? Did they carry anyone off?

Ela's avatar

Welcome back @WillWorkForChocolate : )

I don’t know anything about the secret police but I do know I got a B+ on a test I thought I’d failed. I’m pretty happy about that : )

MissAnthrope's avatar

@janbb – Thanks! :)

Anybody want a super amazing chocolate cake recipe?

Bellatrix's avatar

Is the Pope a catholic @MissAnthrope? Do bears shit in the woods?

Chocolate cake recipe… bring it on… we can steal @WillWorkForChocolate‘s stash.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Hee hee. I will post it on my profile so as to not have a giant post here. It is so moist and yummy, I can’t get over it. And I’m not even usually a chocolate person, but this cake is welcome in my mouth any time.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, welcome back @WillWorkForChocolate !!! :-D

I think we should start a whole new thread in honor of her return. Howz that for subtle. lol

janbb's avatar

@Coloma For you, that was pretty subtle. lol! I am thinking it is time for a new one too; have a busy day today but will start one soon.

Coloma's avatar

@janbb haha..sure, when you get the time, that will be nice! :-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

More good news for me and my family- we might be moving into a much bigger house over the summer! Our current house is only 1200 or so sq ft, and feels so tiny with two active kids. The house we’re hopefully getting is actually my parents house, that we moved into when I was 10. It’s been 23 years, so no matter where I go, that house is still home and I’d hate for it to be sold to a random third party.

My parents are in their “retirement years” and tired of the upkeep for a full acre and a pool, so they’re planning to move. If everything goes according to plan, they will find their perfect house in the next few months, and we will take over the current house. I’m so flippin’ excited!!!! WOOT!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’ve been given a little bit of relief from my anxiety which will enable me to have a fairly peaceful evening.

I also got to work with some gorgeous dogs today. I have decided that, whilst Rottweilers a usually used as guard dogs, I believe they were actually put on this earth to show humans what true love is.

Mariah's avatar

I think my tiny hometown is in the middle of butterfly migration territory. I just took a 45ish minute long walk and in that time I saw 238 red admirals, all but 3 of which were flying northeast.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A small thing but good thing. During our recent house move, my mother accused me of throwing away a canning jar pan when she couldn’t find it. I left for work yesterday asking her to call me when she found it, knowing she would eventually find it. Yay, she found it so I’m off the hook and free of scathing mutterings and burning side glances.

Bellatrix's avatar

And as another possible plus, you weren’t there in the house when she found it to hit her with said “canning jar pan” to resolve the feelings of irritation you may feel at being blamed for losing it :-) Glad she found it @Neizvestnaya.

nikipedia's avatar

This Cinco de Mayo is uno año with my partner!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Bellatrix: I left the house early yesterday for work, just to get away from her. Sometimes I throw up my hands and go on my way. While she has memory to realize her meanness, I let her be.

blueiiznh's avatar

Made a few great scores antique book shopping today.

augustlan's avatar

My middle daughter, mangeons, took the SAT for the first time today. She was really nervous about it beforehand, but calmed herself down and entered the fray anyway. She was all smiles when she came out, and said it was much easier than she’d expected. As a bonus, we got to spend some quality alone time together going to and fro. :)

janbb's avatar

Hey @augustlan – After you get 10,000 on Fluther, the SATs are a walk in the park.

Coloma's avatar

Awesome day unfolding over here and I am strapping on my new river sandles for a brisk trail walk after eating about 7,000 calories of beer, cheese, dip, food, at my little beer and cheese and birthday party get together last night. I did manage to foist the leftover cake off on the kiddos but, I will have to polish off the chips and beer and deviled eggs and potato salad later, no doubt. Sooo high ho high ho it’s off on a walk I go….lol

Neizvestnaya's avatar

DH (dear husband today) and I are going to buy a sofa. Now you all might think that’s no big deal but for me it is. I grew up with all antique furniture, none of it comfortable and have moved so frequently that I’ve rarely enjoyed a real sofa or even loveseat so today is my day, my skinny butt gets to test out the welcoming cushiness of modern furniture.

My mother who lives with us for a little while longer has agreed to move some of her furniture out to the garage so we may slowly feather our next to our own tastes. Wow :)

nikipedia's avatar

We had a wonderful barbecue yesterday, great food and drinks and company. Too many tequila shots. I have great friends.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My hubby took me “early birthday shopping” so I could pick out my new boots, and I got a cute new t-shirt while we were there! Already wearing the new boots, to break them in. =0)

chyna's avatar

^Happy early birthday!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Thank you! Haha, it’s not for 10 more days.

blueiiznh's avatar

happy early bday wwfc

blueiiznh's avatar

I finished a century cycle ride for a fundraiser today. A great day to ride the Seacoast.

janbb's avatar

I hung out with a new good friend at a music and food festival and had a very good time.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend and I had a very lazy morning, we didn’t have to be up for anything so ended up dosing until about 10.30am. Bliss! Now watching Rango with my dad and waiting for our roast dinner to cook!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m about to go have my nails done, my youngest has her 2 hour gymnastics class this evening and she always kicks butt in it, my oldest has her orchestra concert tonight, and I just took my dog for a lovely walk and sweated off about 20 pounds. Shit, it’s hot out there! Not to worry though, I took plenty of water for my doggy. :)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

We met my in-laws and a few of their friends for dinner last night to cheer my FIL who’s just had drastic reconstructive surgery on his nose and face. MIL had us make 3 different fresh salsa tasters and then home made tacos- yum and fun! I got to finally meet my husband’s favorite childhood teacher and her partner who have adored him since he was very young. It was a nice evening all around and so much better than coming home from work and dropping from exhaustion without being able to talk to each other much.

janbb's avatar

A new guy friend is coming over with his tools tonight to help me fix my smoke detector and get fed supper. We’re just friends but it sure feels nice….

AshLeigh's avatar

Eating Skittles. I win.

Coloma's avatar

@janbb You’ve trotted your first handyman into the stable of stable boys. Keep those stalls open for fine new handyman flesh on the hoof. lol

blueiiznh's avatar

@janbb congrats. Is that what the kids are calling it? Seriously, That is awesome!!!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My daughter kicked ass at her orchestra concert, and we just had a very lovely, grown-up talk about how she needs to approach choosing her elective for this next school year. She’s so amazing, and our talk made my day!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I thought I was going to have to work until 9pm tonight but I just found out that I will be finished by 6.45pm. As I started at 9am this is good news to me!

Coloma's avatar

Yay! Stepped on the scale this a.m. after 4 days of party feasting and haven’t gained an oz. Of course, we all know weight is like our hair, one day it’s great and then, poof overnight it morphs into out of control. lol I just put on one of my new summer outfits and I’m feeling pretty good, now I will go cruise the miles of aisles at Home Depot for some exercise. haha

blueiiznh's avatar

My highest priority project at work was destined to go into Red status today. After beating my head against the wall for weeks to get other groups to stay on task, I had prepared my VP that we were about to go Red today.
At the last minute several things fell into place and we will actually stay green and completed more than we thought.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My wonderful FIL found me airfare for our vacation that beats last year’s vacation airfare by a bit more than $300. It’s amazing!

For me, flying is absolutely awful anymore, painful and sometimes panicky if the air doesn’t circulate well so I like to pay as little for the experience as possible.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Mostly moved in to my new place.. I don’t think I have that much stuff, but the utter lack of storage in the new place is making this process far more difficult. In any case, a bunch of my friends came over last night and we had a pizza party! The idea was pizza and board games, but the games never happened because you know what happens when you get a bunch of girls together.. Chatty McChatchat. :)

My first soiree at my new apartment!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

While jeans shopping for myself, after having lost quite a bit of weight, I happily discovered that I can actually fit into “Juniors” clothing again!!! I’ll just have to find exactly the right style, because I refuse to wear super low-rise pants that show half your ass when you bend over…

Bellatrix's avatar

This is a post for @janbb. My daughters just came back from NZ and they went and spent time with penguins. Interesting penguin facts they collected… Yellow Eyed Penguins take it in turns to look after the egg/chicks and on their way back to their nest, the penguin picks up sticks and leaves as presents for their partner and when they get home, they sing their partner a song. How cute is that?

Also, penguins can apparently (you don’t have to tell us if you can do this @janbb) projectile poo. Up to 2 metres!!

Nice to see my daughters back home and it is my son’s birthday too!

Coloma's avatar

@blueiiznh —treat yourself to something nice, after all you did get a promotion recently, indulge!

Beautiful day here, been in hyperdrive mode for 2 weeks and finally crashed yesterday. haha That’s my style, random bursts of intense energy expenditure then a return to the woman cave. lol Off to hang out with my grand cat while her parents are frolicking in Yosemite, then home to enjoy some more R&R. Bonus….picked the first watermelon of the season and it is deeee-licious! Maybe wine and watermelon for dinner. ;-)

AshLeigh's avatar

After not sleeping properly all week, I just woke up at1:30 PM :D

linguaphile's avatar

Just got an anthology in the mail—my complimentary copy for having 2 stories included in it.

Coloma's avatar

@linguaphile How great is that! :-D
From she who has had two recent rejections. At least the editors personalized their rebuffs with attention to my titles and style with favorable, albeit flimsy, notations. At least “doesn’t meet our needs at this time ” is much better than ” Your work sucks!” lol

nikipedia's avatar

I got my hair done today, and it looks so much better than expected!

Coloma's avatar

Went for a magical river walk tonight. Everything is just surreal in my zone right now.
Lush, lush rainforest like overgrowth. Forsythia radiating psychedelic yellow, 3 foot tall purple Lupine, cascading green, green, grasses overhanging the trails, Blackberry vines and Fairy Lanterns everywhere, life is abundant and vibrant in all it’s spring glory!

Birds galore, the woods are abuzz with Warblers and Flycatchers and Tanagers. A constant trill and tweet that is never ending. Went searching for more meteor fragments from our big explosion 2 weeks ago tomorrow, no luck, but, still an amazing evening on the trails. Always that delicious feeling of fear, walking at dusk and watching for rattlesnakes and stopping every few minutes to listen and look to see if you are being stalked by a mountain lion. lol

Scared some tourists joking that I had cleared the trail of rattlesnakes so they were safe to venture on. They became instantly paranoid, but only until I told them that the snakes were more of a threat than the cougars, although both needed to be watched for. The paranoia really hit the fan at that point. haha

Another hiker came along using a ski pole as a walking /snake stick and this woman actually asked him if she could HAVE it! He replied ” Um no, I’m still using it, get your own stick! ”
Aaah, I admit, it’s fun to mess with the tourists on my wilderness zone. Ooooh, quick, stash the Yorkie, he’s cougar bait. lol

Bellatrix's avatar

You are a tease @Coloma. Where you live sounds just beautiful though.

My children came round with some presents and they bought me a penguin hot water bottle cover. It is so cute! I love it. We had a lovely morning together. It was lots of fun. I have wonderful children.

blueiiznh's avatar

@Coloma I did treat myself to a plane ticket to visit my Mom
I got the best hug from my Mom when I surprise flew to see her on Mother’s Day. Doesn’t get better than that.

Coloma's avatar

@blueiiznh That’s great! :-D

augustlan's avatar

I had a lovely Mother’s Day with my girls and my step-son and his family. :)

janbb's avatar

Just got in from a great weekend camping with new friends at Assateague State Park. It was a joyful weekend with an ocean plunge (temps about 62), bike riding, tent erecting, hiking and lots of laughs. Yay for my new life! (Now who wants to help me unpack the car?)

blueiiznh's avatar

My pool is officially open and clear. A bit cold still, but ready. @janbb After the car is unpacked, jump in.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

The Mother’s Day dinner treat for our moms turned out just right! My MIL was telling us a story about how she and her husband had scheduled a massage package at some resort and then had to cancel because he had an emergency surgery. It happens that inside her Mday card was a massage voucher so she was excited. My mother who is rarely impressed by restaurant food thought our choice was great and even asked for a menu to take home. We feel extra fortunate our parents enjoy each other’s company so that we can get together more often than not.

Coloma's avatar

Had the best time on my river walk this afternoon. Came upon a drum circle of hippie river rafting kids and sat in for awhile, made me come home and break out my Djembe for the first time in awhile. I LOVE the hippie kids in my zone, but of course!
What could be better than bangin’ on the drums down by the river. Everyone…break into a rousing rendition of “Sugar Magnolia.”

Saw my baby down by the river…. lol

augustlan's avatar

@Fly just got an internship with DC Senator Paul Strauss (D)! I’m so damn proud of her!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I soiled my new plants. :D

Bellatrix's avatar

Oh… I am so glad I read that again. You are a bad woman @WillWorkForChocolate.

nikipedia's avatar

@augustlan, congratulations!!!

I arrived at work this morning to find a hand-addressed envelope in my mailbox. It was a card from a former student. She said that she didn’t know what to do with her life until she took my class (a neurobiology course), and that she had been inspired by it to choose a career path studying neurobiology. She wasn’t asking for a letter of recommendation or anything, just sending me a thank you note for something I never even realized I did. I am so touched that she would reach out just to tell me that, and so happy that all the work I put into that class years ago meant more than I would know.

Also, just in general really grateful for my life tonight.

AshLeigh's avatar

LMAO @WillWorkForChocolate! I see what you did there. Haha.

I got my High School Qualifying Exam results in…
Reading: Required – 287. Scored – 354.
Writing: Required – 304. Scored – 341.
Mathematics: Required – 328. Scored – 350.

Not that impressive, but I passed! :D
One more year of high school? Heck yes. Graduation, here I come! :D

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

WOOHOO for you, sweetie!!

Coloma's avatar

Partaaaay for @AshLeigh !!!
@Neizvestnaya How wonderful!

Bellatrix's avatar

That is a lovely thing to receive @nikipedia. I think those letters/emails mean more than any great formal evaluations. They come from the heart.

@AshLeigh! Well done. What do you want to do when you graduate? Where do you see your future lying?

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m going to see Barry Manilow today!!

AshLeigh's avatar

@Bellatrix college is the only thing that I absolutely have to do in the near future. I have a lot of things that I want to do in five, or ten years, but nothing much that I’m old enough to do now. Like having babies, and junk. Haha. So for the moment, I figure I still have one more year before I have to go get all grown up. :)

Bellatrix's avatar

What do you want to study at college @AshLeigh? It would seem you should have lots of choices.

If you want babies, I hope you have them one day. For now though I hope you have lots of fun just enjoying and learning about life and the world.

AshLeigh's avatar

@Bellatrix I think I’m going to study Psychology. I’m not entirely decided on anything yet though. :)
Hah. Yeah, I hope I do one day. In a long time from now. :D

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Leanne1986 My condolences.
@AshLeigh Take your time and enjoy life.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I haven’t killed anyone yet.

blueiiznh's avatar

I didn’t soil my pants when I planted some plants

chyna's avatar

@blueiiznh Were they plaid pants?

nikipedia's avatar

Ever since I was a kid and my adult teeth came in, I’ve had this ugly yellow spot on one of my front bottom teeth. It’s a fluoride deposit that caused the enamel to develop incorrectly. It’s not unhealthy, but it is ugly, and has bothered me for as long as I can remember.

Today I went to the dentist, and he put a little bit of bonding material over it. It’s completely gone now. It feels weird, but hugely relieving, to have this ugly thing I was embarrassed about for so long to be fixed.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

After several days of feeling like I’ve been mentally devouring myself, I’ve digested, regurgitated and feel soooo much better.

Two stepkids graduating high school at the same time, lots of hurry-up-and-wait freak outs, yay.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I did soil my pants whilst planting today. ;) I was thoroughly muddy and wet (I got caught out in the rain..hooray!) prior to my soak in the tub.

Today was the second day of a large gardening project, and it was pure bliss.

I’m removing another large chunk of front lawn to add more flowering bushes/shrubs and perennials. So far I trenched the area (by hand), moved some dirt to an area of water erosion in our back yard, transplanted some peonies (that were in complete shade due to growing trees) and a couple of flowering shrubs that needed more sun.

I’ll try to figure out a way to post pics once my project is complete. I’m completely photo sharing inept.

AshLeigh's avatar

Me: Mom, my food is touching. It’s RUINED.
Mom: It all goes to the same place, anyway.
Me: Yeah. The trash.

Hahaha. I’m a douche bag. I didn’t really throw it away. Don’t yell at me!

Coloma's avatar

Off to the dentist to clean my pearly whites and then meeting my daughter to see “The Avengers”....gotta mix pain with pleasure, always. Floss and have popcorn! lol

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Saw the movie version of Dark Shadows last night with mom and hubby. We ate nasty theater hot dogs, drank Slurpees and ate popcorn with fake butter stuff. FUN!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Isn’t movie theater food tasty sometimes? :D

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate: yeah but we’ve avoided it for years because of how expensive it all is. This was a treat time so we just went with it. One thing we discovered: the Ultimate hot dog Harkins is offering is the same amount of dog as the regular one except it’s shorter and bigger around in diameter. We got meat dog scammed.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

LOL! Our local theater now offers 100% Angus beef hot dogs. They’re pretty yummy.

janbb's avatar

There are so many cool people in the world and I am friends with several of them.

chyna's avatar

^ Me, Me, I’m one, I’m one! Aren’t I?

janbb's avatar

You are the very coolest, dear!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I got to answer all three of Randy’s questions from today before he got the banhammer. :D

chyna's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I’m so proud of you!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Woohoo! It was amazing.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

GA’s for you all.

janbb's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate And on your birthday too! What a great day!

AshLeigh's avatar

I feel like such a nerd. XD
More test results: Actually did work in Math today. Took two tests. Got 100% on one, and 90% on the other.
Then I’m pretty sure I almost made Rob cry tears of joy, when he saw my district test grade, that I took today. 250, which is apparently really good. He said only two other people in my school scored that high. :)
I feel like a genius.

Also, I made some no bake cookies. I love no bake cookies. :D

Bellatrix's avatar

How fabulous @AshLeigh. You deserve to be exceptionally proud.

I still don’t know what no bake cookies are, but I hope they are yummy and I am sure you deserve them after such great work on your exams.

AshLeigh's avatar

@Bellatrix, thanks. :)
And these are the no bake cookies I made, if that helps any. haha.

Coloma's avatar

I missed Randy Q’s. Well damn. lol
Jesus…1:03 am here, didn’t get in til 10:30 after my busy day. The Avengers was great! Fun flick. My daughter took me out for dinner first and I had the best BLT with sweet potato fries.

Had to take a crappy 30 minute detour home on psycho winding roads due to a bridge widening that has gone over schedule this week on our road to the freeway, still ramped up now, gotta go to bed! haha

Coloma's avatar

@AshLeigh Pass the cookies please!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

We’re overjoyed with a small pet training success at home. Mom had this great idea to give my doggie a food kibble anytime someone came home and he didn’t bark his fool head off. Well, he doesn’t bark at all anymore when husband or I come home, only my mom because he knows she = food kibble. Small victory, kind of twisted but it’s something.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I got to work with a Rottweiler puppy today.

Coloma's avatar

Had so much fun at my favorite local belly dancing and bohemian clothing store this afternoon. The owner and I are really friendly, I’ve been shopping in her store for years and we have so much fun carrying on together. She is the most beautiful woman, and creates AMAZING clothing. Anyway, I digress, but..was in the shop picking up some skirts I had altered when an AT&T guy came in to check something.

He had to take all this stuff off the wall to get to the phone panel, and we were teasing him that if he messed up the displays we were going to dress him up in a Tutu and make him run down Main Street and call his supervisor and tell them that we caught him cross dressing in the fitting room. lololol

Poor guy, I was teasing him mercilessly, he was this HUGE guy, probably 6’5 at least, built like “Thor” and I said that all he needed was a hammer and a blonde wig and he could BE Thor. haha
Another woman chimed in and the 3 of us just went to town with the witticisms and good natured harassment.
3 attractive women messing with this young guy, what could be more fun?

You know he is going to be telling this story to his buddies tonight. lol

MissAnthrope's avatar

Usually, it’s impossible to get my Sunday shift covered, so I was expecting to be disappointed this year when it came to Pride. However, due to some magical happenstance, I found out today that I have it off! Woo!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Went to “Field Day” then lunch with my little girl. We had a blast, but I’m exhausted!

tranquilsea's avatar

We just got back from a pretty uneventful 14 hour drive home after a lovely wedding and much needed down time.

I’m pretty darned tired as we started driving at 5am.

AshLeigh's avatar

Came home from camping this morning, and he forgave me for that stupid thing that I did. :D
Had an Italian Soda, came home, and just woke up from my nap.(:

MissAnthrope's avatar

Got to experience and see the eclipse even though I was at work!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My nephew that entered the world at 1 pound 15 ounces is within a pound of the 20 pound club and going great. He loves to laugh and give high fives.

AshLeigh's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe high five! :D
That’s exciting.

Coloma's avatar

The solar eclipse was soooo cool over here yesterday afternoon! A surreal light cast upon the woods and trees for about 30 minutes, like being in a dream, just spectacular! Perfect morning up here in my hills, was just smiling at a little gray Titmouse collecting the downy goose feathers in my corral for her nest. She had about 4 feathers in her beak and was trying to pick up more. So cute!

Nothing beats summer mornings in these hills, except summer nights! :-)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Trying to put this in a “non-descriptive” way…..... As of yesterday, I am now the mother of a young woman instead of a child. God help us all. :D

Coloma's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Oh wow…that’s always a shocker for mama bear! Yes, lord help you, your child will now begin the long morph into the land of raging adolescent hormones! Has she screamed that she hates you yet! lolol

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Oh please, she’s been a raging, know-it-all 16 year old stuck in a young girl’s body for several years now, lmfao. I’m soooooo scared of adding PMS to her standard attitude, hahahaha!!! We may be fork-stabbed one night in our sleep… If I don’t log in for more than three days in a row, send the cops!

chyna's avatar

^Another reason I didn’t have kids. They scare me.

AshLeigh's avatar

Oh dear, @WillWorkForChocolate! Bless your soul. Good luck!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Did a nice bit booking vacation activities for our anniversary trip. I try to do a little bit each month so it’s all taken care by the time we leave which builds excitement for us. We work hard and get just a small bit of vacation time so we make it as indulgent as we can.

tranquilsea's avatar

I just got back from meeting my newest niece for the first time!!!! She is adorable. She has my brother’s dark brown hair and is a tiny 6½ lbs. She slept nearly the whole time we were there.

I love being an Aunty for the 8th time!

Coloma's avatar

Met the owner of a local premiere rafting Co. in my zone today and had an on the spot interview. after applying a few weeks ago. She said she has not been this excited about a potential employee in a long time based on my resume. Wants me to do a weekly blog for the co. website and help with the camp store and wine bar evenings. I might have the opportunity to do some stand up comedy in the dinner tent too, my big break! I am so excited!

The camp is just awesome, and the river guides and staff are so cool, I’ll fit in perfectly!
I’ve already started plotting my routine, I’ll choose camper interaction based on the coolness of their river sandles. lol

OpryLeigh's avatar

Today I got to spend the day outside in the glorious sunshine (is this the beginning of a decent British summer after all the rain we have had recently?) as we held an Ancient Olympic event for all the local school kids at work. Then, this afternoon the Olympic torch came right past us as it started it’s leg of the local area at the University where I work.

janbb's avatar

I have a really sweet new friendship.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@janbb is it a guy? Is it, is it? A guy? Seen him nekked yet?

janbb's avatar

yes, yes, yes and no. not sure if it’s going to go there or not for various reasons. But he is incredibly cute and nice.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Okay….. but if he gets nekked…..... we want pics! :D

chyna's avatar

OMG @WillWorkForChocolate Control yourself.
@janbb Pics, I want neky pics too!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

^^WTF? You hypocrite! :D

janbb's avatar

You know pictures of a penguin and a cute nekkid guy could go viral on the Internet.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Ooooh, that sounds…..... kinky!

janbb's avatar

Maybe my failing fortunes will be remade. Deep Flipper?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Okay, here’s something great for today- I’m not going to prison. I did not maim, mangle, or murder the asshole that woke me from a dead sleep. And it’s been 5 nights since I’ve slept. I was actually getting a good nap and some stupid roofing bastard started banging on my door. He escaped with his life. Fucktard.

tranquilsea's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I feel for you!!! I hope you get some sleep soon.

tranquilsea's avatar

I just completed the first caulking job of my life on my tub and it’s not bad! I’m crossing my fingers that it doesn’t decide to separate as we use the tub and shower.

AshLeigh's avatar

School’s out! :D

augustlan's avatar

Went to @laineybug’s band concert tonight. They were really good! She’s come a long way with the clarinet. :)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I just had the most fascinating conversation with @Bellatrix about her sex dreams involving @janbb. Apparently @janbb‘s flippers are cold, but she looks amazing in that black and white outfit. An interesting start to Wednesday morning…

Coloma's avatar

Jaaaan…..Jaaaaan….you MUST give us a new thread before you’re swept away in a penguin and polar bear romance. This iceberg is slipping further and further out to sea. Rescue us before we lose you on the tundra of love. lol

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Yeah… when can we post a new version of this that doesn’t take 3 minutes to load? :D

Bellatrix's avatar

Sheesh @WillWorkForChocolate! I told you about my private penguin sex fantasy at a weak moment and you shared!! Can I help being turned on by those flippers and the little black dress… with a sort of white front bit.

janbb's avatar

Apparently, I turn on lots of folk with my flippers and that little black dress. :-)

And yes, you are right about new thread and it really will be here shortly – and plumply.

And @Bellatrix I am flattered!

Coloma's avatar

You guys should see my monster tuxedo kitty “Myles” who got his summer buzz today…he is SO sexy now, and feelin’ groovy. Frisking around the house in his short steely gray tuxedo. Whatta looker! lol

janbb's avatar

Not only does she inspire lust in Aussies but the Penguin is productive.


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