Male kitten peeing on my comforter, pillows, everywhere in house soft?
I have a male kitten who uses the liter box. He is peeing only on soft things, a pillow I had on the floor, my comforter on my bed. I am not sure why? I he has 2 sisters he is the only one doing this. I have mom as well and dad goes in and out of the house the mom and kittens stay inside. Does he have a bladder issue? lol. Litter box is clean, fresh water, love my kittens don’t want to get rid of.
Thank You, Mare
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8 Answers
If he is still a small kitten only a few months old, it is possible he just doesn;t have the control to make it to the litter box when the urge hits him. If he is eating, drinking and not straining or acting lethargic he probably does not have a urinary tract infection. I’d keep the kittens confined to a room with their litter box and food & water and only let them have the run of the house under supervision while they mature some more.
If the kitten is 5, 6, 7 months old, or older, he needs to be neutered and his peeing may be hormone related if he is on the verge of sexual maturity. A male cat will breed with his sisters and mother. Get them fixed asap!
Sounds like a trip to the vet to rule out UTI. If that doesn’t work, get back to me.
possibly, he doesn’t like the brand of litter you use. It may feel too harsh on his paws. (he isn’t declawed, is he? If he is, that could be it right there. Declawed cats have a MUCH MUCH higher incidence of litterbox issues as well as spraying.
If you have not, please DO NOT declaw him.
But as mentioned above, definitely neuter and have vet check for UTI.
And until this issue is resolved, I’ll state the obvious. Dont lleave pillows or soft objects on floors. When youre home keep him in same room with you and watch him like a hawk
When you’re at work or out of the house he should be confined to one room with litter food and water.
You could also try a Litter product called Yesterday’s News. Perhaps he’ll like it better.
You just have to keep being a sleuth and between you and the vet, figure it out.
Is he a purebred cat by any chance? My sister had a horrible experience with a high strung purebred once.
I’ve always had plain old shelter cats. Fortunately no litter issues.
@Buttonstc Why is it that declawed cats have litterbox issues? My cat has unexplained issues with the litter box for seemingly no reason. Though he was declawed when we got him and has been for years, I never thought of it as a possibility. Also we use those big paper pellets, what say you?
I was just exploring various avenues to see what might be helpful.
Cats are so fastidious by nature, so that litteebox issues are a signal that something is definitely wrong. Hes trying to signal that but he obviously cant talk. So its our job to figure out what the problem is. Sometimes its not always easy. But that’s why a trip to the vet is the first stop.
They handle issues like this on a daily basis so have encountered litter problems in cats far more than the average owner who might be lucky enough to have many cats over a lifetime and never encounter it or only once.
Since he was already declared when you got him, that cant be undone. But the harmless sounding name hides the reality of a brutally painful amputation. Its not JUST the claw which is removed. Its the entire first digit. The human equivalent of you having the tip of each finger amputated at the first knuckle.
I’m amazed that some cats come out of this procedure apparently normal afterwards. But many don’t. Cats are very delicate creatures precisely engineered by nature to be the exquisitely graceful creatures that we marvel at.
Having the top of each toe hacked off messes with their entire sense of balance. Its crippling them basically. Do you think you’d be able to function efficiently or gracefully with the first knuckle of each finger AND each toe gone?
Do a little research and confirm it for yourself. If I remember correctly, it around a 30 percent increase in litter problems for declared cats vs. regular cats. Others turn to biting and hostility out of frustration at being helpless with their natural defenses gone. Some just never get over the trauma from the extreme pain from this procedure and become retiring and fearful compared to their pre operation personality.
And some bounce back and weather it better than the unfortunate ones for whom the memory is a lifelong trauma. I’m not surprised at all at the numbers of declawed cats with litterbox problems. I’m surprised there aren’t more of them !
But as I said, you don’t have to take my word for it. There is ample info out there from reputable sources. (ASPCA ) And others.
Poor declawed things…of course it is a huge trauma and some will be more permanently psychologically wrecked than others. I HATE declawing. If you can’t accept the whole cat, then buy a freaking house plant. In 35 years of cat ownership I have never had clawing issues. My cats always have several cat condos, scratching posts and on the rare occasion they claw the furniture a quick “Pffft” and ” NO!” has always worked for me.
Not to mention the fact that a quick squirt with a water pistol or creating a startling noise with a coke can with pennies in it are infinitely kinder than mutilating them for life.
Contrary to popular myth, cats can be trained. They are very smart. You just have to put some time and effort into it just like with human children. The only major difference being that cats cant talk.
But they understand a whole lot. They read us far better than we read them. They read attitudes and body language VERY ACCURATELY. if one is casual and lackadaisical in their training efforts, theY figure its not really that important and will ignore you.
Very smart little critters.
The key important part of your last post is “seemingly no reason” To us clueless humans, there appears to be no reason.
In reality, there is ALWAYS a reason. It is so antithetical to their cleanliness instinct. This is not random, out of a clear blue sky, behavior. Something is wrong in his little world. This is his signal to you.
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