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john65pennington's avatar

What dog toy can my Great Pyreneese puppy not destroy?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) January 29th, 2012

She weighes 70 pounds on her way to a 120 pounds total. Seven months old and can destroy just about anything. Are you familiar with those dog toys on the checkout lanes of WalMart? There is Foxy and Rocky with a squeak toy in each end and guaranteed undestructible, right? Wrong !! First to go was the squeak toy. Then, she shreweded the remains of Rocky, piece by piece. Her loves are aluminum pie pans and ice from the fridge. Question: is there truly a dog toy that my dog cannot desroy? And, will Maggie ever grow out of her destructive stage?

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15 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Try large toys from the “Kong”: group. Their red things are very durable and all my dogs have loved them.

cookieman's avatar

I second the Kong Brand suggestion.

JilltheTooth's avatar

An added bonus…they bounce funny, which makes the dog act sillier…

john65pennington's avatar

Jill, thanks. Are they at WalMart?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Maybe, go to the WalMart site and check in the pet section. I know that they’re all over the place…

TheIntern55's avatar

I third Kong. My dog does the same thing and he’s had black rubber toys from there for the past 6 months and one just broke yesterday. They’re the only toys he’s allowed to have.

jaytkay's avatar

Kongs are the best, but I had a pit bull friend who would chew through one a week. Expensive!

We switched to 6-inch lengths of PVC pipe.

jazmina88's avatar

does he like rope pulls????

eat tennis balls??

chyna's avatar

Kongs for sure. Get the one for extra huge dogs. I loved putting peanut butter in my dog’s kong and watching her get silly with it.

TheIntern55's avatar

^True. Put penut butter in the toys if you want her to leave you alone for an hour lol.

cookieman's avatar

My Maltese/Havanese has a pink Kong Bone and pink Kong Toy that has a cavity we fill with treats. As stated above, it keeps her busy for a while.

Blueroses's avatar

I have Kongs but my dogs don’t love them. The most fun, durable toy I found was at a farm and ranch supply (Big R). It’s a big rubber ball with a handle attached (meant for colts and calves to play with). The dogs can shake it, play tug, fling it around. Indestructible and dirt cheap.

Blueroses's avatar

I couldn’t remember the name of the toy last night. It’s called Jolly Ball. For a Pyrenese pup, I’d go for the 10” size.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Blueroses : That looks like something Zuppy would like! I may have to get me one of those…

Blueroses's avatar

@JilltheTooth We’ve had ours for 2 years and it still bounces! Miracle toy! Plus, bonus, we can find it in the snow.

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