General Question

Nullo's avatar

TurboTax browser support question - mostly about the browser.

Asked by Nullo (22033points) January 30th, 2012

I’m trying to run TurboTax on the latest version of Firefox (I have and have tried other browsers, to no avail), itself running in an up-to-date Ubuntu environment. The support page keeps telling me to enable cookies (which I have), and is generally being unhelpful.

It had been working previously, even with full-strength paranoia settings.

Another computer, this one running Windows, has not had the same problem.

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4 Answers

auhsojsa's avatar

Hm, I’d say double check after you click whatever it is you are trying to open, check behind the main window by minimizing. Sometimes a smaller version appears? Good luck.

Charles's avatar

I must be missing something. How do you “run TurboTax on the latest version of Firefox”? I have used TT for years and I use FF. TT is a standalone application. (Is there an online version of TT or something????)

Nullo's avatar

@Charles TurboTax has an online version. Free, until you want to actually submit data. If you’re handy with a pen, this is no hardship.

auhsojsa's avatar

@Charles I was under the impression of the online version as well.

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