Anyone feel guilty after eating something bad ?
Does anyone else feel guilty after eating something that you knew you weren’t supposed to have, like pizza or something sweet? I feel really gross right now and ashamed of myself.
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33 Answers
Nope. The only bad food is the stuff that’s gotten invaded by mold, or has passed its expiration date. Or happens to be broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, or soy products for carnophobes.
Now, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.
Guilt is a waste of time, just commit the bad feelings to memory and learn, so you don’t keep repeating what makes you feel bad. Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results.
Next time you are tempted to gorge on a bunch of junk that makes you feel sick, remember this Q. lol
Only if it makes me feel sick. I’m usually capable of restraining myself from overeating so I don’t refrain from indulging in decadent or less-than-healthy meals on occasion.
There’s no reason to feel guilty because you ate pizza or sweets. Who have you let brainwash you?
I never feel guilty about eating food. I might feel sick if eat too much of it, but I love food; it’s the simplest form of pleasure in life. Anyone who makes me feel guilty can get whacked in the face.
I feel awful and incapable of controlling myself, not disciplined at all BUT strangely when greed passes over me, it’s as if nothing else matters for a moment, it takes over!
Only after my third glass of wine, and it doesn’t matter because by then I’m usually falling asleep anyway.
No. Eating something bad isn’t a problem as long as it remains an exception.
And pizza as such isn’t bad. It’s the amount. Limit the size of your slice to 650 calories for example, plus salad and water making it a full meal.
I think we’ve all probably felt bad about stuff like that in the past, we’re told so often that we should. The trick is to remember how uncomfortable you feel physically when you do, and try not to do it too often, if it bothers you.
No, as long as you don’t over eat. If I know that pizza is going to be my second meal of the day, there’s nothing to be ashamed about. That’s not really how it works, @partyrock. Just eating a pizza isn’t bad for you, it’s eating so much pizza you can’t walk (almost everyday), and then never exercising that is bad for you.
In my case, yes. I was diagnoses with Type II Diabetes in 2006 and part of my treatment regimen is a restricted diet. And I cheat sometimes…...and pay for it later. It’s not easy or fun always having to watch your carb intake and monitoring how much and how often you eat certain types of food. My will power falters sometimes and I eat too much pasta or rice or bread or a few other items (like pizza) that I feel guilty about later. I don’t do it often enough for it to be a medical crisis for me but I could use some improvement.
There really isn’t anything bad if you eat in moderation. You need a certain amount of calories,fats, protein, etc. Just don’t binge on one thing. And work on the self image. You are far from gross.
Sometimes. Depends how much of it I eat! Small piece of cake = no guilt. Whole large gateaux = yes. But then I feel sick anyway so I don’t feel so guilty as I feel physically bad anyway because of eating it!
I didn’t before, but I do now that I’ve been consciously attempting to lose weight. Not horribly guilty, mind you, just a little guilty. I’ve lost 22 pounds though, yay me! Only 13 more to go! :D
No, especially since I have the most insane metabolism.
Only if there are uncomfortable physical side effects, such as a stomach ache, hives, etc. Otherwise, I remember that the body resets itself in 5 hours or so, and I try again tomorrow.
Does anyone else feel guilty after eating something that you knew you weren’t supposed to have, like pizza or something sweet?
Of course it does.
Yes, I feel terribly undisciplined and usually avoid that food for a while afterwards.
I used to but I now make sure I get regular excercise so I don’t feel guilty at all anymore.
I don’t feel guilty. I simply adjust my intake at the next meal. If I pigged out during lunch I might skip dinner. If I pigged out at dinner I might stay up a little later and have a smaller breakfast the next day. I try get back on track as soon as possible with no regrets.
Meh. I don’t care what I eat. I look good.
I’ll pay for it when my metabolism slows down. >.<
Nope. I just make up for it the next three days and check my weight until it’s where I want it. It’s constantly eating unhealthily that causes problems.
Funny you should ask but I did have a slice of carrot cake last night and I do not feel guilty. I had just watched the movie Eat, Pray, Love last week. I can’t say I related with it so much since I do not have commitment problems nor do I need to find myself. But I like the part when she was talking to her friend about food and told her to eat her pizza. Her friend felt guilty for putting on a few pounds. I liked when she tells her that there is no good reason to beat ourselves up everytime we look in the mirror. We all get beat up on a regular basis. So no point in joining in and doing it ourselves.
Nothing wrong with indulging once in a while. Just be sure to throw in enough good foods that offer real health benefits as well and don’t indulge so much.
I have all my meals planned for today. All healthy stuff. If I feel like sweets tonight, I’m going to have some raisin bran. Healthy and sweet and guilt free. But I’m not going to feel guilty about yesterdays cake. It was delicious and worth having. I’m not going to beat myself up over it.
Not if I balance it out by eating less the rest of the day. If I want something, I have it, I just don’t use it as an excuse to pig out.
Yes I feel guilty eating cookies and candy IF I’ve been lazy all day, not exercised, slept too long, didn’t have to work, etc. But if I go to work, go play tennis, come home and want to gorge myself on pizza or whatever, I feel totally fine about it. I couldn’t live feeling guilty with everything I ate lol
Yes. I feel guilty a lot because my wife and I have unmatching schedules. So I get off school at 3 and eat lunch which pretty much lasts me until the next morning. But she gets off at 10 and she’s hungry so we eat and I therefore eat again but with less appetite.
Food wise nothing makes me feel gross. Only situations.
@YARNLADY Haha..same here, I’m like a little baby these days, a couple of glasses of wine, dinner, and I’m nodding out in about 30 minutes.
If your routine is too restrictive, it will make cravings worse. If you eat sensibly most of the time and allow yourself a no-guilt “cheat” day, you can have more power over your choices.
“Is this donut really worthy of being my cheat, or would I rather hold out for egg rolls tonight?”
Lol, no way. I do feel guilty when I miss work though.
Always. I’m over-weight…so I do need to be more careful.
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