Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If you really had to pick one to watch, would you go for a Wizards vs the Lakers game or the opera Götterdämmerung?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) January 31st, 2012

My girlfriend prefers the Lakers game but I’m more keen on the opera. But since I respect Flutherites so much ( hee hee ) I’m taking a poll instead of flipping a coin. : )

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19 Answers

Berserker's avatar

I think I’d prefer the opera. It ain’t all that bad! I hope it sounds epic, and then makes me want to take over the world.

chyna's avatar

Which do you see more often? If it’s the opera, go to the game. If games, go to the opera.

Charles's avatar

Lakers Wizards.

I have listened to classical or opera or country music about five minutes in the past year.

SavoirFaire's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

The opera, beyond any doubt.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Götterdämmerung will never be the same for me since FOX News used it as background music during its live shots of downtown Bagdad being blown to hell and back by our missles during the first hours of Gulf War I. It just seemed so… so Nazi. Wagner and all. The Twilight of the Gods. Jesus, what dimented bombastic scumbag thought of that one? It was definitely the most disgusting thing I have ever seen on a television monitor—and that includes Goatsie.

Not crazy about basketball either. I would probably opt for a 40s black and white cinema noir on TMC.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I’d choose Wagner over some lame Basketball game. Besides, I bet the audience is a lot more tolerable.

trailsillustrated's avatar

The opera for sure- basketball ewwww

gailcalled's avatar

Opera lover here, also.

DominicX's avatar

As someone who doesn’t care all that much for sporting events and love classical music, I think my answer is obvious. :)

Jeruba's avatar

Score so far:

opera 7
game 1
no clear preference 2

Sunny2's avatar

Well, @Jeruba At least we don’t have to say, ”...but who’s counting?”

I’ll take the opera. You know what I don’t care for in basketball games? The squeaky shoe sounds, the hollow stadium echos and the yelling. Both activities abound with sound. What I don’t particularly like about Wagner is some of the lo-o-ong arias that seem to go on forever.

iphigeneia's avatar

Depends… who’s doing the opera? If the basketball game is boring you can chat to your girlfriend, go get some snacks, stand in the line for the toilets, etc. If the opera is bad, you’re sort of stuck sitting there.

I’m leaning towards recommending the game, since it would probably be less painful for you than the opera would be for your girlfriend. Then again, if I had to go to one of them, I’d choose Wagner.

zigmund's avatar

We saw Götterdämmerung tonight at the Met. If that is one of your choices (be it live or the HD broadcasts) it’s wonderful. There’s no chance in hell that any (what? Hockey?) game can ever compare.

hee hee, dimented

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gailcalled's avatar

@zigmund: Are you one of those intellectual cats who runs a wine bar in Brooklyn.

zigmund's avatar

@gailcalled: Could be, Maude…

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Shinimegami's avatar

I am singer, much prefer opera. “Gotterdammerung” also Ragnarok at Viking myths, is final battle of Asgard’s Aesir and Jotunheim’s frost giants. Is finale of Richard Wagner’s trilogy. Not want see Wizards and Lakers, their battle inferior of gods and giants.

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