What is the corniest 'yo mama' joke you've EVER heard?
Some random guy in the back of the class was yelling ‘yo mama’ jokes at people… What is the corniest one you’ve heard?
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52 Answers
“Yo mama so fat, she makes Rosie O’Donnell feel in shape.”
Dare I ask what a ‘yo mama’ joke is/consists of?
Aha, @SpatzieLover, thank you for that!
Yo mama’s clit so big, I mistook her fo yo papa.
when yo mama sits around the house, she sits “AROUND” the house!
When yo mama tries on new cloths, the only thing that fits her is the fitting room.
Yo mama so fat, she got her own zip code.
Yo mama’s so fat, she wears a VCR for a beeper.
Yo mama is so obtuse you won’t get it either.
Yo mama is so fat, her stretch marks got stretch marks.
did anyone else think this was going to be a list of jokes about Yo Yo Ma?
Yo mama so fat, when she wear a Malcolm X t-shirt, a helicopter tries to land on her back.
But the taker of cakes has to be: Your mother is so fat, the recursive function computing her mass causes a stack overflow.
Yo mama so fat she dove into the ocean and Florida disappeared.
Yo mama so short she sits on the curb to swing her legs.
Yo mama so dumb she don’t know her way outta a revolving door.
Yo mama is so fat that when she says everything revolves around her, everything revolves around her.
Yo mama is so fat, her ass crack could pass for the San Andreas faultline.
Yo mama is so fat, when she’s at the zoo, elephants throw peanuts at her.
Yo mama is so ugly, I thought someone brought a pile of shit to life.
Yo mama is so fat, we have swim tournaments in her belly button.
Yo mama is so saggy that when I came over I thought you got a new laminate floor, just turned out to be yo mama’s breasts.
Yo mama siphoned all the gas out of my car’s gas tank because she needed fuel for her her V8 powered vibrator.
Your mother is so fat, the recursive function calculating her mass causes as stack overflow.
Yo mama is so black every time she gets in the car, the oil light comes on.
Yo’ mama’s so fat she went outside in red lingerie and everyone thought she was the Kool-aid man!
Your mother was so fat, she was crushed in her own gravity well.
Your mama is so fat her patronus is cake.
Your mama is so dumb she thinks Jar Jar holds pickles pickles.
Your mama is so fat it takes two trains and a bus to get on her good side.
Your mama is so fat she has to iron her pants on the driveway.
You know who your mama is because she’s yo daddy’s sister.
Oh my geez. My science teacher and the entire class, thanks to him make your mom jokes all day.
Last quarter someone was texting in class, and Jeff (the teacher) said “Benji, stop looking at your crotch.”
Then I said “He’s looking at your mom!”
Followed by a chorus of Jeff’s loud “OH!” of approval. XD
The corniest yo mama joke is any yo mama joke. Anyone else feel sorry for the mothers around the world, say aye!
Yo mama is so fat, when she left the house in high heels, she came back in flip flops.
Wow. That is just. So stupid. Wow.
@King_Pariah So, effectively what you’re saying is: Yo mama took on the looks of her offspring after their birth. Like some kind of twisted Benjamin Button morphing story?
No no no, I’m saying Yo mama was an oversized teletubby who spawned these hideous monstrosities that somehow amuse little children (I think it’s brainwashing)
Well, I see. That clears that up then!
Let’s do this again sometime.
(...disappears into fog…)
Yo mama is so easily distracted that
Yo mama so fat she has to wear big clothes.
Yo mama is so hairy that she got poached and turned into a bear skin rug.
Your mother is so fat, no one who attends her dinner parties ever returns.
Yo mama is so desperate to attract a man she uses bacon scented deodorant.
Yo mama so huge, several mounteneers consider climbing her.
Yo mama is so loose, she uses your truck as a vibrator.
You mama is so dumb she thinks iPhone is what to do when they throw you in the drunk tank.
Yo mama is so ugly they used to sit her in the corner and feed her with a slingshot.
Your mother is so promiscuous, she is her own mother.
Yo mama is so dumb, she jumped and never found her way back to the ground.
Yo’ momma’s so stupid she took a ruler to bed so she could measure how long she slept.
Yo mama’s so dumb, when she was asked to eat someone out, she ended up in a straight jacket and an asylum.
Yo’ mama’s so fat she was walking a pig down the street. A man says “Hey, where’d you get that pig?” the pig looks at him and says “I won her in the lottery.”
Yo mama’s so desperate, she volunteered to be in 2 girls 1 cup the sequel.
Yo mama is so fat, her blood type is Ragu. (Thanks Sopranos!)
Your mother eats so much, she expands faster than the universe.
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