Aetheflaed, you've proven yourself with royal grace. Pray, join us in mirth and festivities in your honor!
I raise my flagon in your honor, here’s to your first 10,000 and to your next!
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69 Answers
Wooo! Hats off to a very intelligent jelly.
I love the tags on this post.
Cheers to you, Aethelflaed! I don’t know how to pronounce your screen name, but I can say “Congratulations”!
Wait! How did I miss this? I was so busy making arrangements for that other party!
Well, Aethelflaed, we’ve certainly had some rocky times, you and I, but we seem to be weathering those with a certain amount of civility, and, I feel, a burgeoning friendship. I still reserve the right to whap you with my Nerf Bat, but I appreciate your intelligence and lucidity.
@Aethelflaed (Ethel-fled) My funny/serious/lovely friend… I remember [your old name]!
Your brain is sexy! Congratulations!!
Happy 10K @Aethelflaed – you crack me up and ask the best questions.
@Blue I didn’t know she was [here before]! I guess I’ve been admiring her contributions for longer than I knew.
Llongyfarchiadau on 10C, @Aethelflaed!
Dymuniadau da, Dymuniadau gorau, Pob dymuniad da!
Or are you not Welsh ;-) ?
Congratulations! Enjoy the festivities ;)
Happy wonderful! You’re in my jelly all-star pantheon! Glad you’re here!
WAIT…’re previously [your old name]?? It all makes sense to me now!
Congratulations on the 10K my Lady of the Mercians. May yours grow to Gingrich ego proportions.
That’s great! So glad you;re around!
Mazel Tov!
For your reward, I will grant you 10 free “Ask a Librarian” cards.
One of my absolute favorites, congratulations!
@Aethelflaed, I can never spell your name unless it appears in the list below but I never forget it. I love your wonderful mind and honesty and cannot believe you didn’t reach this milestone a whole lot sooner. So glad you are part of this community. Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! And may you make many more.
Congratulations @AethelFlaed
Congratulations, @AethelFlaed! Glad to have you as part of the collective. Welcome to the mansion.
Aah, finally :D
Congratulations on the 10K!
Congo Rats on 10K!
You deserve to be here! WTG!
@AethelFled, you are as unique as your name, congratulations on your milestone, pull in and take your ease before you contemplate crafting more lurvely lines!
Congratulations! You’re a fantastic jelly!
Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LO, praise of the prowess of jelly-kings
of word-armed Flutherites, in days long sped,
we have heard, and what honor the athelings won!
Oft Aethelfled the Fluth from squadroned foes,
from many a tribe, the mead-bench tore,
awing the earls… fate repaid her:
for she waxed under welkin, in wealth she throve,
till before her the jells, both far and near,
who mansion by the whale-path, heard the Jell’s mandate,
gave her lurve!
Congratulations on 10K!
Aethelfled, I would have guessed you were already there! Congratulations!
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *
Congratulations. I like your style.
Congrats on the well deserved achievement! I often enjoy reading your answers. :-)
Congrats! 20k is a rare achievement.
@rebbel I totally got that!!
Congratulations Aethelflaed, a leader not a follower! :-)
Congratulations and whatever @rebbel said!
Ahhhhh Lady of the Mercians, King Alfred the Great and I are very very proud of you!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Now, pray tell us tell us, whence cometh your name?
I adore you Aethelflaed, you’re one of my all time favorite jellies. Top marks on your 10k.
Lurve and kisses ❤ xx
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
Well done! It took a lot of great Q&A’s to get to that figure.
Félicitations, @Aethelflaed, and welcome (back) to the mansion!
I always suspected…
Well congratulations!
Great job. :)
Congrats on 10K!. Hush! Don’t know when will I reach 2K..5K..10K, and so on.
All Hail the fair and true @Æthelflæd oh Lady of the Mercians. daughter of Ealhswith and Ælfrēd the Great. Gah! You people have such cool names.:-)
Congratulations and I hope the mansion will have a bit in common with your royal palace.
@all THANKS!!!!! XD
And, should you be in the mood for reading a short Wikipedia bio on my name, hereÆthelflæd. Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, is daughter of King Alfred, wife of Ethelred (not the Unready, but related), and eventual ruler of kingdom of Mercia. In a vast historical simplification, she is the closest thing to a queen England has before Elizabeth. Also, should you not know how to pronounce my name, I respond rather well to Ethel (like, “and Lucy” or “Merman”), or AE.
@ETpro Wow, you not only know who I am, you did it with proper characters and everything. That is dead sexy right there.
@fundevogel That’s ok, I don’t know how to pronounce your name, either, except “totally kicking it”.
Damn, I always forget that Fluther won’t recognize the Æ as part of the link. Ok, try this.
[mod says] References to @Aethelflaed‘s old name removed at her request. Let’s keep it on the down low, guys!
I have a platonic crush on you.
Hehe, you definitely earned those 10 K :D
Congratulations and welcome to the mansion!
Kicking myself for being late but better late than never. Congrats to a fine jelly. Welcome to our humble abode.
Congratulations on this milestone! Welcome to the Mansion!
I know I’m stumbling in late, but congrats. You’re one of my favorites.
@KateTheGreat Just so long as you’re stumbling in late because you were on a really awesome bender :)
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