Social Question

robmandu's avatar

What's the biggest event you've snuck into?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) February 2nd, 2012

I was reading about Dion Rich and how he had sneaked, weaseled, conned, bluffed, tricked and bamboozled his way into 32 straight Super Bowls… and it got me to wondering what you had been up to.

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7 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

There was this one bar that had all you can drink Thursdays as long as you paid the cover and got this weird stamp on your arm. Well, I didn’t want no stinkin’ stamp on me. One of the waitresses busted me after some time and it was like that Skynyrd song, “Gimme Three Steps” after that. Totally makes the hangover worth it.

chyna's avatar

The drive in movies. I would hide in the trunk as I was the smallest. I know, how wild and wacky can a person get?~

cazzie's avatar

A Julio Iglesias concert. Here:

The Mission concert was something we did as an annual event usually, but when we heard the artist was going to be Julio Iglesias we decided to skip it. We went to a client’s BBQ party and realised that we were right across the road from it. We all got rather tipsy after drinking in the sun all day, and decided it would be funny to see if we could walk right in to the outdoor venue. We did. And then we left. It was horrible.

jca's avatar

There was this company about 20 years ago, called Prodigy, that had this huge company picnic on the grounds of one of the estates near here. I went for three years in a row. The first time, we just happened upon it. They had incredible food, a beer truck, arts and crafts for the kids, goodie bags like tee shirts and pails and frisbees and stuff like that. It was an up and coming internet company, and it folded shortly after that. The best part of something like that is it’s unexpected and it’s free! I used to go there and say “I’m going to see my Prodigy friends!” I figured if someone asked me who I was, I would say “My mom works in Personnel.”

linguaphile's avatar

March on DC for the Homeless

I somehow, from pure naivete, got into the front row area and was feet away from all the celebrities on stage. After the show, my friends and I decided to go under a barrier behind the stage area to cut through to the other side—our goal was to save time rather than walking around the entire shut-off area. Not until we got well into that area did we realize it was the celebrities’ tent area and we were inches away from all these famous people!! We used that opportunity to meet Stevie Wonder (incredibly sweet) and Jesse Jackson (not so nice). Fun!!

jazmina88's avatar

A Grateful Dead show, with help of security.

Berserker's avatar

Nothing much besides constructions sites. XD

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