Social Question

Jude's avatar

Something that you've read in the last few days that has stuck with you?

Asked by Jude (32210points) February 2nd, 2012

In regards to Susan G. Komen pulling Planned Parenthood funding‎:

We should be having open debates in our country, but it’s impossible when you have a group of people that throw tantrums and try to hurt others with an opposing view. Religious groups try to exert control over people for their own personal CHOICES by wielding political power because they feel threatened. There is perhaps a morality argument in play with abortion, but no one group owns the rights to say they are absolutely correct. On another note, when did we start legislating morality in our country? There is strong scientific evidence that shows the benefit to family planning education and contraception in terms of public health and economics. Those arguments are often ignored and refuted because of the plethora of irrational non-thinkers in our country that put religious ideology ahead of all else. I am a Republican that will not be voting for a member of the GOP that partakes in the religious right agenda. They are a detriment to our free, democratic society. People are granted religious freedom in our country…too bad most religious folks try to impose their will on everyone else. I don’t care if other women get an abortion; it’s her CHOICE. The general public doesn’t walk around telling religious people how to conduct their business.

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9 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I’m reading Bill Bryson’s Short history, and that book is full of gold. Something that I found really hilarious were some of the quirks of Charles Lyell. While in deep thought or pondering, he would take various strange positions, such as laying across the arms of two chairs at once, or standing up and putting his head down on a table and just staying like that lol. When sitting in a char, Lyell would also slump down so far his butt would touch the ground.

I used to do that as a kid so I just thought it was funny this intelligent geologist would do the same.

King_Pariah's avatar

I recently read The Killing Joke and well, the killing joke is stuck with me for now, for me it’s sorta true that “one bad day” destroyed my sanity.

Anyway, here’s The Killing Joke youtube’d

rebbel's avatar

A woman in north-eastern Afghanistan has been arrested for allegedly strangling her daughter-in-law for giving birth to a third daughter….

This, after I read a few weeks back about a woman who was imprisoned because she had sex before marriage (mind you, she was raped).
It was a lenghty sentence she got but they showed leniency; she had only to serve a year, or two, if she would agree on marrying the bastard….

deni's avatar

@Blackberry That book is just, itself, fucking gold. How far through are you? I read it last summer and wanna read it again, and again, and again. Have you gotten to the part about cells yet? Or amino acids? Hollyyyyy shit.

babybadger's avatar

The horrific things grief over a sister can do in The Sky is Everywhere. An inspiring novel.

Blackberry's avatar

@deni I’m only on atoms and still want to start over and read it again :)

Supacase's avatar

The Double Bind by Chris Bohjalian. I can’t get it out of my mind.

dee1313's avatar

I saw a pin on pinterest that said something like, “Before you marry a man, make sure you’d be proud to have a son like him.”

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