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Do you think that going back to the way early hominids ate would reduce the diseases of our society today?
I just finished a novel called Fat Cat by Robin Brande, and in it the main character goes back to eating as Homo erectus did as a part of a science experiment. She loses a lot of unecessary weight, feels better about herself, etc.
Do you think that eating what early hominids ate, or as close as we can get to it reasonably, is a way to become healthy or is even doable in our society? This would mean no manufactured products {chemicals and preservatives were not around in the time of Homo erectus, no fatty foods, no dairy products, etc.
Do you think the diseases our society has developed (Heart disease is a good example) would eventually disappear if everyone did this, theoretically?
Just kind of curious to hear opinions on this, this is very open-ended for discussion.
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