Why are we afraid, ashamed or embarrassed of being seen nude?
We all know what each other has so to speak so why are we so coy, and embarrassed by people seeing us nude?
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60 Answers
i don’t want to scare people, i mean, my name isn’t Rod Steel for nothing, right?
but seriously, i guess it’s something intimate, a naked body, although nudists seem to disagree
Because not everyone is comfortable with their bodies. Also imagine the sexual tension as you walk post completely nude people all the time
because I am fat and no one wants to see how long the jiggles go on for. LOL
like in other cultures things we do every day that considerd improper to them well being naked is improper to us
I think Milan Kundera addressed the topic in one of his novels, although more from the perspective of being around nude people all the time. His (fictional) narrative implied that nudism sort of takes the zip out of gettin’ nekkid. So, I’d say it’s the price we pay for getting cheap thrills on the occasions that we do.
I like cheap thrills. I certainly can’t afford the expensive ones!
I always wondered this myelf. I know why people don’t like to, I just think it’s funny. I have no problem getting nakie and my friends can testify.
I have no problem being naked as a jaybird around anyone!
Imagine sitting on a city bus seat nude wondering who sat there last and how good their hygiene habits are.
Picture what happens when you are driving to work starkers, hit the Starbucks drive through, start to pull into traffic, but have to stop suddenly when a jerk comes out of nowhere. The lid flies off your venti triple shot Americano with cream, because you squeezed the cup while trying to slam on the brakes. Ouch!
You’re a guy in a crowded rush hour elevator, and you are thinking about your honey when you suddenly look down to see all of you is thinking about your honey. The elevator stops and the big guy from sales behind you shoves you into the little old lady from accounting as he is trying to get out. Feeling your dilemma, she screams . . .
Clothes are protection. From the elements and so much more.
Marina: I don’t go around naked all the time. I’m not part of a nudist colony. Haha. But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being naked some of the time. And I don’t freak out if someone sees me naked.
I do agree that life would be very interesting or awkward (depending on how you look at it) if we all walked around naked. I’m talking more about the privacy of homes here. Let’s say I’m getting out of the shower, or you’re getting out of the shower and the other person walked in. Why would there be a need for drama?
Looks likes its me and Allie versus the world here.
osullivanbr: We got bulbatron, too!
Because women can’t keep their hands off me fully clothed.
indeed. Bulbatron: you can come and live on our open minded society. I want to be president though. :)
Oh no, osullivanbr, I have no problem with nudity. I also don;t think it’s an all or nothing, us against them thing.
To quote Lawrence Ferlinghetti: “Underwear on clothesline great flag of freedom
Someone has escaped his underwear.”
The only other thing I will say is that most of the time I work at home.
Ha! You’ll have to clear that with Mrs. Bulbatron!
Because I have a body like a character from the Herman comic strip
we wouldn’t need anymore privacy
By example, I “converted” my girlfriend to nudism in the privacy of our home. She says she is now comfortable with her body and when we’re home alone, is nearly always topless and frequently completely nude. And you won’t hear any complaints from me!
In public, its a bit different, however. On hikes to the clothing-optional hot springs, I always felt a bit ackward disrobing, but happily, never failed to do so.
Well that’s another point. Why are people happy being topless or completely nude on beaches (well some beaches) and coy then when in another relatively private environment. Is it because you don’t know the people on the beach?
it’s not the size that matters buster, it’s how you use it, or what is it that small dick guys say in their defence? hahaha
Smallest weiner gets president!
I guess that means I win. Mine’s non-existent. And that’s MS. President.
I humbly hand over my throne to Allie! Congratulations. I hope to serve you well.
If my wife says it’s ok, can I get in your cabinet?
Can I get in the cabinet too. Obviously if bulbatron’s wife’s ok with it. The wardrobe would even make me happy to be honest.
bulbatron and osullivanbr; the first two cabinet members.
I think the reason people are not comfortable is because of the media. We are use to seeing beautiful people for the most part nude on our tv shows and movies. And I think most people believe they can’t compare. They become self-conscious.
Because over the course of the development of humanity we have developed insecurities. People think they are ugly, or slutty. Its just become so forbidden to us, that it is just absurd to think you could just be naked in front of someone else. Plus in todays society when you are naked and other people are there, they assume the worst. Nudist colonies are very mature in the way they conduct their selves. In a nudest colony everyone is very loose comfortable and relaxed, no one is embarrassed and no one cares. Men do not have sex on their mind 24/7 and neither do the women, its just to natural to them to think anything of it. Families that grow up with teachings to be confident with your body, are more well rounded and comfortable in life. It becomes not a big deal. In Europe the human body is displayed everywhere, you will see womens breasts in magazines in nonsexual manners. But its all out in the open, when things are kept forbidden and secret, it becomes shameful or embarrassing. People begin to think that it is wrong, when really its just your natural self. People should become more confident in their own skin.
It is natural to be veiled. To be naked is to have the veil removed. Having the veil of clothing allows us to shroud ourselves in a way that creates mystery about our bodies, to shroud the fact that there isn’t anything mysterious about our bodies, at all. We are all quite similar: breasts, penises, hair, etc. But by hiding these things, we are able to hide the similarity and create this aura. It is truly beautiful, I think, that human are in this way able to deceive themselves as to their utilitarian forms. By hiding sexuality, eroticism is increased tenfold .. think lingerie. In many ways, I think the West has a lot to learn from Islam as whether veiling is really so bad.
People don’t walk around thier own home naked?! Thanks guys! Now I know.
@wildflower…thanks for that link. Hope that was not brought to us by the makers of B&M Brand Beans.
hahaha…..not at all. Just found it because he’s coming to town for his next project. Considering how chilly it’s been lately, I don’t think I’ll sign up.
I lived in two nudist parks and was a card carrying member of the ASA (American Sunbathing Association) for 7 years. One of the things I liked about living there was that you weren’t judged by appearance like you are in the outside world. Nobody was over or under dressed for an occasion. Being nude around other people is a great equalizer.
To answer Marina’s comment..Imagine sitting on a city bus seat nude wondering who sat there last and how good their hygiene habits are.
We sit on towels, so there is nothing to worry about it that department. Someone mentioned clothes as protection also. That’s a good point. You definitely don’t want to fry bacon in the nude!
It was a pretty safe place to live too, because for some reason, cops liked to cruise through quite a bit. ha ha, and you could moon them and get away with it! All you’d have to do is pretend you dropped something!
Once, my husband’s car was in the shop so a co-worker brought him home. I saw the company van coming, so I told my neighbor that I had to get home to meet him. the co-worker was leaving the resort as I was walking up the road,. the next day at work, my husband heard the co-worker bragging about seeing a tall nude blonde. He said, “That was my wife.” They guy started stuttering and stammering and was at a loss for words. We laughed about that for the longest time.
Why would you want people to see ye naked or be naked together shouldn’t that be for your significant others only.
carrie, you can’t be serious!! What about tanning at the beach? What about doctors visits? What about gym changing room?.......
go to a single cubical and get changed as for the doctor thats different and as for the beach where a bathing suit.
Are you that scared of your own body? Admittedly I’m not much for nude beaches, but I don’t mind them and changing rooms, I wouldn’t particularly like unisex changing rooms, but if it’s female only…...what’s the big deal? it’s just skin!
Some people aren’t as comfortable as others and that should be respected
I feel sorry for anyone made to feel uncomfortable about their own body. And while I would show all the understanding in the world, I don’t think it’s right or the way it should be.
I totally agree with Wildflower on this. I’m not saying people should be forced to be naked, by no means. I do think though that there is no need for the drama and feelings around it. As I said earlier if either of us were to walk in on you getting out of the shower why would there be a need for hysterics. I know it seems a dramatic example but I just don’t understand people’s fear over naked skin.
no one said there be drama just that you should respect other peoples feelings on the subject you might be fine it while other people are not
@carrie if you aren’t comfortable being nude around others, it’s your perogative, and yes it should be respected. But those of us who are comfortable doing so should also be respected for our choice. You seem to think we do this because we want others to look at us, or that there is something sexual about it. It is a common misconception many people have made.
that is not what is being said but I can see where ye are coming from it is just a matter of opinion
Exactly! To each his own, live and let live and all that.
i think girls have less of a problem with it because it is easier for them to hide their “feelings” where as guys have to let it all hang out, or not necessarily “hang” depending on the mood
well, because we’ve been raised to learn that it’s socally unacceptable, or not the norm, to be seen naked. So it’s something you keep hidden from other people until you are intimite enough with them to let them cross that boundary and still feel comfortable doing so. If you were raised in a nudist colony or something.. or of course in another culture where it was the norm, and most likely HOT too, you’d feel comfortable because it’s “normal.”
On a similar note, why is it ok at the beach for example for guys to have their shirt off, but girls have to stay covored? Not that I support girls walking around topless or anything. ..................... .... but when/why did that begin? I mean we all have nipples, right? Is it just less comfortable for women to be walking/swimming topless/unsupported. I dont know.
esayexohen: I think for your last part about how come guys can go topless and girls don’t is because of one of the reasons you said – support. Guys don’t have to worry about the motion of their “girls” (for lack of a better word) as much as ladies do.
Now that depends on how many cheeseburgers the guy has consumed in his life surely. Know what I mean.
We feel this way because we disobeyed Gods commandment of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and good and evil. Hello people!
@christown You seriously, in all honesty believe that.
So, someone walks in on you in the bath and it’s because God instilled that feeling in you that you react the way you most likely would. All because someone thought an apple looked tasty. :-)
i’m not having a go btw, I’m actually curious about how someone could seriously believe that.
Hello, to you too, welcome to Fluther.
Well first we have know idea what kind of fruit Adam and Eve consumed. Second the fruit was a test to see which direction man would lean toward. When man decided to disobey God and become tempted by the serpent in the garden, the fruit seemed very tantalizing to the senses.
Man excepted the fruit in exchange for immortality. This is why we feel the way we do no mater what we may think! Are conscience can be hardened over time depending on how we are raised,and what we see on Television or hear on the radio.
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