If you had to change your username, what would you change it to?
Asked by
AshLeigh (
February 4th, 2012
I would be I_Write_Naked. Haha.
What would you be?
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230 Answers
I’d once considered being Cunning Linguist but that’s so cliche…
I don’t know. I think all the good names are taken already.
I would use my Choctaw name; Choctaw Rose
I’d be Bark Eaterwannabe or Eater of Barkwannabe.
Perhaps MoonOfMuchoMachisma, RobertNineteenfortysicks, @@@@@@, or FellatioHornblower.
”@I_Write_Naked… Do you really write naked?”
“Why yes @Frillybumpkiss… I do.”
@Blondesjon I’d rather be thought of as “Jillyholl”...have I been that mean lately?
Probably something as abstract and meaningless but real-sounding as Jeruba; also short, easily pronounceable, and preferably with a little style. There are lots of possible syllable combinations out there. The hard part is finding something that gets zero hits on Google, which I’m pretty sure I did when “jeruba” was new.
@JilltheTooth . . . i figured that if joey had a sister she would be his antithesis . . .
I’d use my other alias, iHateNumbersInNames9.
It’s only because I’m much to modest, otherwise that would be my reeal username ;)
HouseMouse, that is my standard internet handle.
Well, I gues I got you mixed up with someone else. You all look the same on your hands and knees.
lol douche comment
O.O I’m going to stop participating in this conversation. XD
too bad, I was waiting to break out my “well would you like to find out?” line.
@90s_Kid nope
@dpworkin nah
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities uh ah
@jbfletcherfan nope
@eponymoushipster nyet
@jonsblond: Yeah, me too. He’s from Boston. I always hoped I’d see him on the street. No joy. It’s a big city.
@chyna: Hah! He sent me a Fluther sticker. Wasn’t there also @EvelynsOtherZebra?
Yes, he had a few variations of the name. He sent me one too.
Oh, and to answer the question… @CookieGuy
Not to be confused with another user with a similar name, who doesn’t even return my calls!
I also respond to @AarneThompson313 or just Aarny.
@wundayatta it doesn’t matter what your name is. You’ll always be Wundaloon to me.
I always liked Pud. Short and proud.
I want to be The_Bitch’s_Whipping_Girl
I’d love to, but my lips are otherwise occupied with [REDACTED]
If Xena was available, I’d be torn in between that and Chainsaw. Except I now have the answer; I’d change my name to Berserker. I may have done so a while back already, but I got attached to the one I got now. But if I had to.
I would probably go by “Duenos”, the Old Latin word for “good”. I’m fascinated by Old Latin and I’d still be keeping my “D”-streak.
Well, if I could I’d probably change it to Furrie.Pride….that’s my current user name for other sites! ^^;
I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat…
I will not eat them in the rain.
I will not eat them on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I will not eat them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere!
I do not like green eggs and ham!
I do not like them Sam-I-Am.
[I don’t do well with change…]
I was going to go with fullple, but then realised that ample would even cleverer :-)
@Hawaii_Jake Really?
I’d probably go back to being jailbait.
If I was female, I’d call myself GLaDOS and threaten to gas you all with neurotoxin on every post :-/
If I was male, I’d grow an epic ZZ Top beard.
That way everyone would respond to @mybutt.
I’d never stop chuckling. ;)
janet planet
That Girl
answer lady
@XOIIO Is there a reason you make such crude and inappropriate public comments? Clearly the target of your ‘flirting’ (or whatever you call that crap) doesn’t appreciate it.
@FutureMemory It’s obviously jokes, I can’t see how anyone would take it remotely seriously, but congratulations, you did.
@XOIIO You made her leave the thread, or did you not see that?
@XOIIO : He has a point. Sometimes crude is just that…crude. Not funny, just as you said yourself douchey.
Wow, I didn’t even see XOIIO’s post earlier, even in jest that was OTT douchiness.
Response moderated
@peoplewhosaidstuff If it is offensive, feel free to flag it then,
One of these:
@XOIIO : Did you completely miss the point?
@JilltheTooth No, like I said if you don’t like it feel free to flag it.
C’mon, guys. What’s done is done. Can we move on now?
Hey…he hosed up. Stuck his foot in his mouth. We all do sometimes. I think he’s backing off of it. Point taken, I think. (Right @XOIIO)?
@Dutchess_III You kidding me? Walking around barefoot all day, your feet pick up all sorts of delicious morsels.
Oh jeez… You guys, I know he’s kidding. No need to start a riot. Thank you though.
I’m pretty sure I can handle him though. If it bothered me I’d like… Shank him, or something. Haha.
*breaks mini-fridge sized scotch bottle on table *
Bring it!
[Mod says]: Please get back to the topic of the question, which is “If you had to change your username, what would you change it to?” Yes, this is in meta and off topic is allowed, but please move on from the comments that were made before. Thanks!
Response moderated (Off-Topic)
@AshLeigh Ha, the word Shank. That would make an awesome username.
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Or how about, Slayed_by_Shanking?
That wasn’t even off topic!
Sir_Shanks_Allot would be a great name…
@AshLeigh You know I’m kidding, but Shankskank
My uncle calls me Stabby Smurf… That’s a pretty freakin’ sweet name. XD
Shankapottamus. (How original is THAT?!)
Is it bad that @AshLeigh‘s Stabby Smurf comment made me think of Ultramarines? Which makes me think of 40k… which makes me think of the Outsider, which I think would be a nice username for me…
Okay, I’ve got it.
If I_Write_Naked was already taken I would be I’m_Stalking_Eve_6 :D
Can we have ’ in a username?
@Symbeline The other one I had was Naked_Zombie_Shanker, but blood wasn’t a problem there.
@AshLeigh Now that you say that it does. Oops.
I’d love to change my name to Calls_out_people_that_make_really_fucking_lame_posts_in_a_misguided_attempt_at_humor.
I’m changing mine to “Sorry I flagged it”. 3 GA’s? I was trying to kill my answer.
One still not taken is @MrsThe .
I would make it: Youse
So it could be @Youse, get it? LOL
What’s with all the shanking? There’s a whole lot of shanking going on.
Shall we shank now, or shall we shank later, baby?
Man I never figured how versatile the word shank could be. And it means to stab someone!
My world gets better every day.
@AshLeigh Awesome lol.
Just for the record @AshLeigh started the shanking,
What? I’m a G… ShankLeigh likes to shank…
Linguashank or… shanksphile!
Why is everyone talking about shanks?
^^ next on the list, now… :P
@ShankLeigh started it. ’‘points’’
Oh, gotcha lol. Shanks a lot.
It’s not my fault, @Shankberry! I was gonna shank a bitch.
@ShankLeigh is that actually shanking or sexually shanking?
I’m pretty sure it’s gangster speak for “stab”... Not sure. I’m the whitest kid I know. Haha.
…I was poking fun at your earlier post where you said I_Shank_Naked sounded like sex…
@AshLeigh . . . It’s slang for the homemade stabbing instrument that prisoners use to stab one another.
Ooooh. I get it! Haha. XD
Well, it does:)
And @ShanksJon… homemade?
Shank, or shanking, is indeed a slang for stabbing someone, usually in the abdominal area. I don’t know the roots of the word, but it does seem to be used by gangsters more than anyone else. However, I’ve also heard the word from non gangsters, and I’ve used it for years.
Funny Enough; I’ve never heard that word used in any slasher movie.
@AshLeigh They rip a strip of metal off the bedsprings or other source. Rub the tip of it back on forth on a concrete or other abrasive surface on both sides. It takes time. It wears down the edges so they get sharp. Figure out some type of handle and there you go.
@Symbeline Slashers don’t have the patience. Inmates have nothing but time.
@Adirondackwannabe Yeah but I’d love to see a horror movie about some guy going around killing people with the sharpened end of a toothbrush.
@Symbeline Excellent idea. Inmates use those too, but I think that be a good plot.
I heard they did, yeah. They use just about anything. Same goes for homemade alcohol lol.
If I ever have to make my own booze from orange peels and bleach that sat in a garbage bag behind the toilet for a year, I’d call it The Shank.
LMAO. I think you have nice niche market there.
Shankleigh ok if we hijack your thread for a little marketing strategy?
Hell, I know a Blackwater contractor who made a shank out of an MRE spoon, and got a kill with it.
(dammit I jumped on the bandwagon)
Okay so guys. There’s this video game on the PlayStation Network called Shank. It borrows the plot and style of the Kill Bill movies, so you’re this dude who wants revenge for having been left for dead by his former mob gang. You can shank people with a knife, a katana and mess peeps up with a chainsaw. You also have firearms. It’s a perfectly normal beat em up side scroller, but with intense gore and violence, obvious Kill Bill eye winks and cool cutscenes.
All that just to say, Shank 2 actually came out just today. I thought of this question lol.
Wow I have moving across country and missed this one. Sorry to deviate from the shank theme but I would definitely be deviousdingo, look at my avatar and you will see why!
I’d go from being tranquilsea to tempestuoussea.
I would be boring and use my real name.
@Bent.. Hey man! I use my real name. Don’t hate. :)
But Ashleigh is a much prettier name than mine.
True, think abo it. It is so much nicer to fetch each of you when needed. Get AshLeigh or Get Bent
@Bent It beats doug though, two worst sounding words ever, duh and uhg combined.
I hope no one ever names their child Francesca ever again. XD
Lol well, it’s not mine, so back off.
damn cougars these days
still trying to get the hang of this Lurve business…
*clicky *
@Bent There, you got some more. That’s all there is to know XD
Simple! If you like an answer, you “lurve” it by clicking on “Great Answer”. Remembering to do it does take some getting used to, though. =0)
And watch out for Dutchess, she’s a cougar in a thong.
I just imagined a real life cougar in a thong, as in the wild cat lol!
@MilkyWay Imagine that wild couger with lots of hair and ginormous breasts, and that’s Dutchess!
Don’t get mad, Dutchess, you know I love you!! Twit.
New username up for grabs: “CougarInThong”
@blueberry_kid Ha, no, we have to save that one for Dutchess. She is the cougar in a thong!
King of the stupids
Jack Schitt.
that way people can say that they know Jack Schitt
I wouldn’t bother with fancy shmancy spellings and just call myself Jack Shit.
@MilkyWay copying is the highest form of flattery.
@AshLeigh Hell yeah. I should get mine changed to Raphael_Rocks.
Oh, all that shanking :)
Good times.
Ah yes, the shanking. That was so much fun! I <3 you, @shankleigh!
<3 you too, @WillShankForChocolate!
Will shank or fuck up for chocolate. Take your pick.
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