Social Question

What do YOU do when you've reached your limit on correcting the grammar/spelling errors made by your phone?
I have stumbled upon a new syndrome arising from the ubiquitous proliferation of (dumb) smartphones.
In a thread on spelling errors revolving around the proper usage of: its vs. it’s, I coined a description of this phenomenon.
I call it “correcting-autocorrect-fatigue syndrome” or CAFS, for short.
In the past I’ve used a whole lot of words to describe my being fed up with trying to convince my phone that it does NOT know what’s in my mind better than I. So CAFS gets the point across quite nicely and I only have to explain the full meaning once and let the acronym carry the rest.
Sometimes I just don’t override my iPhones autocorrect-errors because i’ve reached the max for that day for my willingness to keep doing this.
If it’s a really egregious choice which leaps off the page and might be confusing to the reader, I’ll edit that no matter what. But the minor stuff (such as apostrophies added where NOT needed or a missing one in a possessive word) remains.
When I’ve reached my CAFS maximum for a given time period, the truly minor stuff just gets left as is. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have renewed energy to be extra vigilant about ALL of it once again. But for now “good is good enough and will just have to suffice for now.” Too bad for whoever doesn’t like that :)
So, what do you do when your CAFS has been stretched to the limit?
Do you do as I do or do you just soldier on undaunted and stand upon your principles of maintaining the highest level of excellence in writing standards?
Do you do this lest the reader presume negative things about your intelligence, English writing knowledge or level of laziness/sloppiness?
Is it a point of pride for you? Like putting your best foot forward?
Or do you just have a limit on “sweating the small stuff” and you throw in the towel for awhile?
Or something else?
How do you cope with CAFS.