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Should I take my brother's word for it (more details inside..)
So, last April I moved back home. Meanwhile, a couple of months earlier, when my brother was living LA, his apartment was infested with bed-bugs. So, he moved back home, too; a couple of months prior to me.
When he first got back here, I came to visit one day. We took a walk. After a mile or so from the house, he told me he thought he saw some bedbugs in the house. (This, for some reason, had to be whispered.) We got some Borax, which for some reason, we needed to keep in my car. He felt it was a dire necessity to keep this from my parents. So, herein lies a question: can you only get some bedbugs? Like in a corner of a room? I thought it was make-or-break with those disgusting critters?
Anywho, the other night, some boxes of his stored in our basement allegedly fell over. Now, keep in mind – we have oodles’ of boxes in my basement. He’s convinced that it’s mice; once again, however, my parents have to left unaware. So, what do I do?
I have other suspicions about the clarity of my brother’s thoughts. I am thinking, in my heart of hearts, that he’s full of bull. However, he’s my brother and I love him, and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Do I rat him out to my parents? Oh, lord, I don’t know what to do!
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