So, what is your fear factor?
Is there something that you are so afraid of that not even an offer of a million dollars could get you to tolerate that fear for a while? Could you do it or not? I can’t think of anything that I couldn’t overcome for a while for a million dollars. I could lie in a tank full of slugs or cockroaches…I’d be sick and screaming inside but I think I could do it. What about you?
This question is all Coloma’s fault, btw.
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51 Answers
Swallowing a spider in my sleep :-/
Oh easy, bugs, critters, no problem, but I wouldn’t eat them. Maybe, if I didn’t have to CHEW. I could lie in a tank of rats or roaches or worms..but….my non-negotiable, not for all the cash in the world, would be anything that involved poo or vomit.
To be more succinct…HUMAN poo or vomit.
Now I could be buried in horse manure no problem.
My daughter has tried to get me to watch that horrid ” 2 girls, 1 cup”...never, never, NEVER!
O LAWD @Coloma. Leave it to you to make it even worser!
I’ve heard of that 2 girls/1 cup thing. I have no desire to see it either. I’m not even sure what it’s about.
Isn’t it about two girls who share one cup of tea together?
what’s the two cups one girl thing?
Hey..@Coloma…it’s for a million dollars! Would you tolerate poo or vomit for an hour for A MILLION DOLLARS??!
@babybadger Two girls shitting in each others mouths and eating each others shit. I think its fake but who knows. Pretty gross.
Creepy crawlies, no problem. I like spiders and find ants cute.
Snakes and lizards are cool.
Heights can be dizzying but easily defeated.
Eating disgusting muck, not much of a big deal.
Swimming pools—— help me and I’ll figure them out
Vomit and Blood : Uh, just get on with it.
Approach a bird of prey—— No thank you. Those guys freak me out way beyond reasoning.
@deni ewwwww, but thanks for the enlightenment lol.
I’m deathly afraid of ancient torture methods, like dripping water on one’s face slowly for days upon days or allowing bamboo to grow through someone (Mythbusters episode). Blarghhh. No thank you.
^ I saw that Mythbusters episode. At first, the bamboo wouldn’t grow, and they were about to declare BUSTED! But then they realized it was way too hot inside their shop for the bamboo to grow, but when they moved it outside, it grew through the dummy.
But for a million dollars @babybadger? (What’s with the bamboo growing through someone?)
@babybadger If I could pick one way to NOT be tortured I would probably choose that thing that they insert into the vagina (or anus in the case of homosexual sinning) and then it pops open and its all pointy oh my god i cant even sit still writing about it. I think I will not post a link to it, it is extremely unpleasant and terrifying
@deni I never even heard of that, it goes on my list too.
@HungryGuy That was a pretty sick episode, especially Carrie freaking out over the water and the fastspeed video showing the bamboo ripping through Buster. Ughhhh!
@Dutchess III What do you mean “But for a million dollars?”
I guess I should have specified FEAR factor. That’s an emotion. That’s not the same thing as physical torture so torture doesn’t count.
@babybadger If someone offered you a million dollars to let water drip on your head for a couple of days, would you do it? And that does count because it won’t really, physically hurt you.
@Dutchess_III I don’t think so. Not judging from the mythbuster episode. I don’t need a million dollars anyway.
@Dutchess_III I dunno, it would probably cost me the whole million in therapy to get rid of the sights and smells, or, I could just become a drug addict to deal with the trauma. lol
So, drugs are the answer everything, huh @Coloma! Ya ol hippy!
IDK. I don’t know what I could be capable of for a million dollars. I can think of tons of stuff that I would never do for any amount of money, but just icky things? IDK.
@Dutchess lll LOL…they might be, if extreme trauma is happening. ;-)
Trauma can be all in your mind! You just have to control it man. Mind control man. Mind over matter, man.
@Dutchess_III Pass the happy brownies please. Oh no…they remind me of POO! lol
Oh wait! When I was growing up our next door neighbors had a 4 year old boy. My sisters were about 3 years older than him. Well, one day Mom made fudge. My sisters went outside to set up a sting. They molded the fudge to look like dog poo. They put it in the grass, then got poor Timmy to sit with them…and they ate the “dog poop” in front of him and tried to get him to eat real dog poop! Isn’t that HORRIBLE!!! : )
I don’t really know what became of it. They used to have a dog named Dick. Dick peed on everything. EVERYTHING. Seriously. You didn’t want to stand in one place too long. He probably came over and peed on poor Timmy, sitting there in the grass with the dog poo and the Evil Sisters. Talk about trauma!
@Dutchess_III LOL….yep, sounds like Timmy might need a few thousand hours on the couch. Dick the dog…haha!
I know! Speaking of names! Yeah. Dick. And he peed on everything. That is not a stretch. He’d walk right up to you and pee on your leg if you weren’t watching.
bullets.I am mostly afraid of bullets.
Could you lay in a tub of bullets for a million dollars @judochop?
Sticking my head in a vat of maggots to go grab goat dongs with my teeth finds that even I have some dignity.
I’d sooner enjoy an eternally festering wound than have anything to do with worms and maggots.
Well, I’d give it a try for that much. I don’t have that much dignity…
@Symbeline But wouldn’t an eternally festering wound contain maggots? Gahhhh! lol
Reminds me of the great maggot trauma in my trash can last summer. Mercy, I am shivering just thinking about it.
I just LOVE that description..“eternally festering wound”..reminds me of a few long gone people in my life. haha
@Coloma Lol. And yeah, I guess having an infected wound would attract maggots, or flies that lay eggs in the wound…I can’t win.
Okay, let me begin my maggot head dunking training by hearing your maggot trauma story?
You guys..I’m gonna pee my pants! hahaha
@Symbeline No. You can’t watch. One woman one toilet. haha
I’m terrified of peeing. But, for a million dollars, I might do it. Once.
It’s always great when you show up @Symbeline! Let’s get this party started!
I peed in a coffee cup once in my car while staking out my ex husband who had skipped out on his child support and moved. I was damn good..I shoulda been a PI. Didn’t spill a drop. lolol
Damn, girl! Stalking at it’s finest!
Once at band camp while living in a rooming house, some drunk guy was banging on my door and trying to open it. He went away, but I was all scared, and really needed to use the can. This place had a communal bathroom, but I was too scared to go out from my room. I tried to piss in a Coke bottle, however, my success wasn’t anywhere near as great as @Coloma.‘s
Fuckin rooming houses.
I didn’t have one. The kitchen was also communal. :/ I thought of a mug, but I drank outta those, and I don’t think there would have been enough room in the mug anyways lol.
@Symbeline LOL…yes, I think I filled at least a 16 ouncer. Fill it to the rim with brim. haha
I wouldn’t eat feces or cover myself in centipedes or roaches or anything like that. Even if I got the money, I’d be scarred for life.
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