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phaedryx's avatar

Where's the line between nationalism, anti-[country] messages, and racism?

Asked by phaedryx (6137points) February 6th, 2012

(or is there one?)

I’ve been thinking about it because I seem to be hearing a lot of anti-China rhetoric in politics this year. I came across this political ad today and was shocked that a politician would even run it. It seems that anti-[country] messages are justified as “pro-USA”.

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14 Answers

CunningLinguist's avatar

I don’t know exactly where the line is, and some definitions of nationalism seem to include racism as part of them, but I think “giving money to a Chinese person to complain about giving money to Chinese people” is illogical enough to cross all of those lines. The stereotypical music was a nice touch, too, even if the woman is obviously of northern Chinese descent and the music of southern Chinese origin.

It is always interesting to see which distinctions racism leads people to emphasize and which it leads people to ignore.

TexasDude's avatar

Nationalism- Chauvinistic viewpoint of one country’s superiority over other inherently inferior countries.

Anti-country messages- Messages attacking another country.

Racism- Prejudice against a race for a perceived inferiority.

Coloma's avatar

China gets a bad rap, They are shrewd and prosperous, and, some of the most lovely people ever. As always, cultures get a bad rap based on government, you have to travel and MEET the people before you pass judgment. There is NO one size fits all representation.
I concur with @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard ‘s sharing.

YARNLADY's avatar

I doubt there is any fine line between them.

Nullo's avatar

I largely agree with @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard‘s assessment, though I do not think that racism is in the same category as the other two.

That was an anti-politician ad starring an anthropomorphization of China, a country which has in recent years become a creditor of some significance. I see a hint of nationalism in there, but neither racism or anti-[country] messages.

flutherother's avatar

I have no idea who the f*** this guy is but he is not getting my vote.

cazzie's avatar

What. An. Ass. Debbie need to show an ad where he is clubbed like a seal club.

Jaxk's avatar

We import about $400 Billion in Chinese goods annually. We export about $100 billion in goods to China. This trade imbalance is fueled by currency manipulation and infringement of intellectual property rights. We are shipping our jobs to China and borrowing money from China to do it. And just to add insult to injury, we borrow money from China to send it back in the way of foriegn aid.

There is no racist sentiment in this message nor even anti country message. The big error is providing the liberals with an excuse to attack the messenger rather than deal with the message. Not that liberals need an excuse to do that.

wundayatta's avatar

People will say anything they think they can get to fly. Republicans, as this also shows, seem to be more likely to make outrageous and misleading and over-simplified comments (or lie, in other words) more often than I have seen Democrats (never) do the same thing. Oh well.

Nullo's avatar

@wundayatta I am assuming that you aren’t counting campaign promises.
Democrats already have lies in place in the background. They don’t need many more. Their style is more generally aimed at defamation for past ‘crimes’.

wundayatta's avatar

@Nullo I don’t know. It’s hard to know how to take campaign promises. I generally take them as I promise to work for something, not that I promise to enact something. Afterall, a legislator is only one of many, and if you can’t get the others to go along, you don’t get jack shit done. So in truth, I don’t hold politicians to campaign promises. You know, if it’s a Democrat, I know the Republicans will stop him, and if it’s a Republican and we work our asses off (lol), we’ll stop them. So it goes. Nothing ever gets done and everyone is relieved that they stopped the assholes who were out to ruin the country.

CaptainHarley's avatar

The whole theme of this message is borderline racist. Makes another good argument for being a Libertarian.

MilkyWay's avatar

Santa has elves, America has China.
That guy’s a dick.

mattbrowne's avatar

Racism is tied to the origin of people in timescales of centuries and millenia, while for nationalism it’s more about decades and centuries because nations are a fairly recent invention. The motive is the same: illusory superiority syndrome.

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