Social Question

Prettyjay28's avatar

Male engagement rings?

Asked by Prettyjay28 (65points) February 10th, 2012 from iPhone

M fiancĂ© and I are 19 and for our 8 year anniversary which is a few weeks,I want to get him a ring. We aren’t marrying until spring 2013 however do you think it’s decent to get him a ring now?

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7 Answers

auhsojsa's avatar

I don’t see how it would hurt. I’d love it very much to receive a simple ring for engagement. Respectively I don’t see why you think putting your age forth has anything to do with this purchase. What do you want on your conscience before you die? Will you be more or less satisfied if you do this deed? Follow your heart :D

marinelife's avatar

Since it is not customary, I am not sure your fiance will want to wear a ring. Do you know?

gailcalled's avatar

Decency has nothing to do with true love and the symbols for it. If you’re old enough to be engaged, you should be able to make these decisions without a lot of sturm und drang.

You are asking a lot of questions similar to this one; are you perhaps jumping the gun with an engagement at 18 (unless you both have had birthdays in the last seven days)?

JLeslie's avatar

You have been dating since age 11? In a way it is very sweet, but no matter what 19 seems very young. But, I guess after being together for 8 years you must feel like getting married seems like the thing to do. Are you living together? I think a ring for him is just fine, if he is the type of guy who will want to wear it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…men don’t usually get engagement rings. Is he getting you one?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Sure, if he’s into it, get one.

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