Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What faithful lady has reached 30,000 lurve?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37843points) February 10th, 2012

It’s our lady of beautiful faith, Judi.


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83 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

CONGRATS @Judi! Finally the mansion has snagged a really awesome and vivacious blond bombshell as one of its residents!

augustlan's avatar

Yay! Congratulations, Judi! I lurve you, girlie. <3

AshLeigh's avatar

Congratulations Judi!(:
That’s exciting. :)

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

Buttonstc's avatar

Now that’s impressive.

I always look forward to reading your take on things.


FutureMemory's avatar

Congrats, Judi!

One of my favorite jellies :D

rooeytoo's avatar

Congrats to you, well done and good on ya matey!!!

stardust's avatar

Congratulations and jubilations! :-)

Nullo's avatar

Congrats, Judi! We appreciate your contributions!

zensky's avatar


ZEPHYRA's avatar

Well done, sweet and loyal lady!!!!!!!!!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well Done!!!!!!!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Congratulations, Judi! I always appreciate your considered take on issues that tend to divide Fluther again and again.

rebbel's avatar

Congratz, @Judi!
Enjoy the party!

flutherother's avatar

30Kongratulations @Judi

bkcunningham's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats Judi. What a nice way to start the weekend!

filmfann's avatar

Judi Judi Judi!!! Welcome to party, pal!
You really are a terrific contributer, and one whose answers I weigh heavily.
Congo Rats!

Ayesha's avatar


janbb's avatar

Mazel Tov Judi!

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @Judi! You are a long-time, valuable member of the collective! Your real estate experience, your living faith. Congratulations!

chyna's avatar

Yay @judi. I love your answers to the faith questions, so kind and honest. You are a great longtime jelly!

wilma's avatar

Judi, Judi, Judi!
Congratulations to a kind, sensible and beautiful woman!

digitalimpression's avatar

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

tranquilsea's avatar

Congrats Judi! How did I miss that you were that close?

Pandora's avatar

WOW! In honor of this question asked on fluther, (How could your life so far be judged, using a brief sentence in the style of a school report?) I give u an A.
Sorry no A+, there is always room for improvement for everyone but you are pretty darn close to perfect.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Félicitations, @Judi! You are a wonderful jelly, and I hope you enjoy your stay on the 30K island!

syz's avatar


Sunny2's avatar

Very best wishes on your 30K achievement. Did you know you had such stick-to-it-ivenes?

bongo's avatar

Congratulations! That really is amazing! well done.

HungryGuy's avatar

Congratulations, @Judi!

Mariah's avatar

Yay @Judi! I always love your insights.

Coloma's avatar

Cheers @Judi !!!

If I’d have known there was going to be a party I wouldn’t have used my weekly cheat calories to have a few cocktails last night! lol
Hey….I toast you with gluten free toast at 9:02 am on the west coast. How boring is that? Happy 30k!

Aster's avatar


MilkyWay's avatar

Woo hoo! Way to go @Judi!!
Love seeing your responses on here :)

SpatzieLover's avatar

I Lurve to see your beautiful smiling face dear @Judi!

ConGoRats to you!

I made enough pancakes for everyone!

OOoooh @Judi, I installed one of these for you in your master suite.
I do hope you’ll share yours until I get mine installed 30K wing ;)

chyna's avatar

^Now I’m hungry.

tinyfaery's avatar

Congrats, my fellow Californian; a true fluther veteran.

whitenoise's avatar


Have one on me!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@judi Congrats on the 30k! It’s always a pleasure to see your smiling face.

Judi's avatar

WOW! I’m overwhelmed. I expected me to hit this sometime next week! Thank you guys! Especially @Hawaii_Jake for hosting this party! It makes my heart warm that the first thing you think about is my faith, while at the same time, I hope I have not been pushy. I make a huge effort not to prosthelytize and I hope that I haven’t offended anyone.
@mazingerz88 , Thanks for the compliment but I’m probably old enough to be your mother!
@augustlan , Love you too! You are so great at being balanced and fair, when I just know that if I were in your shoes I would probably react accordingly. (What I mean is, You “respond” instead of “reacting.” I’m not real good at that.)
@AshLeigh , You are such a sweetie, thanks so much!
@YARNLADY , thank you. I credit it as one of my greatest fluther achievements that I convinced you that slower traffic should move to the right when faster traffic is behind you on the California freeway system. :-)
@Buttonstc , Thank you. I know that your posts will always hold a thread of wisdom as well. Often I will just give a GA to you and skip a question because you have already said it better than I ever could.
@FutureMemory , That’s so sweet. I always know I will find wisdom in your posts as well!
@auhsojsa , did you stick your tongue out at me?
@rooeytoo , I always love your sage advice from down under!
@stardust , Why thank you! Your sparkling responses always delight.
@Nullo , Thank you. Now if I could only convince you that Jesus was a liberal!
@zensky , Thank you. I know I will make it back to Israel one day. We will have to meet up then!
@ZEPHYRA , How nice of you to say. Thank you so much!
@Lightlyseared , Thank you. Are you tending the BBQ?
@JilltheTooth , Thank you. I try to always look for “the third way.” You also are so well spo…written. I appreciate your common sense.
@rebbel , Thank you. You always crack me up.
@flutherother , thanks so much. I’m still trying to figure out who the other fluther is.
@bkcunningham , thank you so much. I appreciate your frank honesty here.
@Adirondackwannabe , Thank you! This is one of my busiest weekends of the year as I am performing in the Vagina Monologues this weekend but I had to stop and thank you all. Your posts are always right on.
@filmfann , the feeling is mutual. When ever I see your avatar I know I will hear words from a kindred spirit.
@Ayesha , thank you so much.
@janbb , Thanks! There is a secret side of me that longs to be Jewish, (sort of like an adopted kid who wants to be a “real ” sibling) so I appreciate the greeting!
@marinelife , That means a lot coming from such an experienced jelly. I appreciate you. :-)
@chyna , Thank you. I have grown up a lot and believe it or not, fluther has helped me deepen my faith.
@Keep_on_running , Thank you! I just love your user name! although I don’t run, every time I see you pop up I remember that I must not stop moving.
@wilma , thank you so much. You also seem to be very kind and sensible.
@digitalimpression , Why, thank you!!
@tranquilsea , How did I miss it as well? Lurve moves slow in the 20K’s and I was sure it would be another week!
@Pandora , so sweet. It’s the magic of the intranet. It is easier to disguise your imperfections when words can be taken back with a “backspace” button, although, my fat fingers and spelling gaffs still get through often enough to be marked down quite a bit!
@SavoirFaire , It’s nice here, but I forgot my scuba gear!
@syz , thanks!
@Sunny2 , If only I had the sticktoitiveness when it came to studying in college!
@bongo , I don’t know about amazing, it might just mean that I don’t have a life! (just kidding, I love my jelly universe.)
@HungryGuy , thank you. I know I need to be nice because you scare me. ~
@Mariah , thanks. I always feel all maternal when I converse with you. :-)
@Coloma , no worries. It’s a vegie feast! My grand kids are throwing me a Plant’s vs Zombies birthday party this year and it will be all vegetables and fruits so we might as well start now!
@Aster , Thank you so much!
@MilkyWay , Thanks. You’re a glimmer of light as well.
@SpatzieLover , The toto is best!! I guess I’ll break my diet for a pancake or two. :-)
@tinyfaery , I don’t know if you know what an impact you have had on me. When you slammed me in a conversation about prop 8, you made me take a good hard look at myself and how I viewed my faith. In part, because of you, I have change churches to one that accepts and loves people just the way they are. I have had an attitude adjustment that can only be described as a “God thing.” Thank you for calling me out, and thank you for helping to make me a better person.
@whitenoise , Thank you!
@LuckyGuy , I am so glad you don’t have to be a worried guy anymore. Here’s to your health!
To all my fluther friends,
This journey here on fluther, (for around 4 years!) has been amazing. You have made me think, made me laugh and made me cry. You have challenged me to not only be a better person, but to be a better Christian. I love the way we respect each other here. I love that I can get into the mind of someone with a different life view and see the world from their perspective.
Thank you all for helping me grow. I appreciate you all.

Jude's avatar

I adore you.

A beautiful heart, grounded, and an exuberant zest for life. I feel as though I could tell you just about anything and you wouldn’t judge me.

Congrats, Judi!!!

tedibear's avatar

@Judi You fully deserve this party, just as you deserve every point of lurve you have received. You are honest, thoughtful and interesting. I love to read what you write, and I look for your answers. Congratulations, gorgeous lady!

smilingheart1's avatar

@Judi, Your accomplishment dances and shines and shimmers with light! A toast to a terrific lurver!

tinyfaery's avatar

@Judi That makes me happy. I usually have a negative impact on people. Someone even told me here once that it’s people like me that make others hate the LGBT community. Sincerely, thank you.

Judi's avatar

@Jude , that is so humbling. What an awesome compliment.
@tedibear , thank you so much. I appreciate that.
@smilingheart1 , can I make mine a dealcoholizrd champagne? I know I would be a lot more fun with the real stuff , I like being married and my hubby and I have this agreement….
@tinyfaery , I was a bit shocked at your bluntness at first, but what got to me was how genuinely hurt you were and I knew that to cause pain like that to another human being would not be what Jesus would do. You made me look at myself more clearly, and for that I am forever changed and grateful.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Congratulations Judi!!

DaphneT's avatar

Hey Congrats, that speaks of some dedicated Fluther time!

DrBill's avatar


geeky_mama's avatar

Congratulations @Judi! Love your questions and your responses. So grateful you are so prolific after all these years. Thank you – and here’s hoping for another 30K+ lurve for you..

ETpro's avatar

@Judi Gongratulations on 30K Lurve. It is well deserved. I know what a lot of work it is to individually respond to everyone in a thread such as this. You have demonstrated your selfelessness in doing so, and I want to tell you how much the effort is appreciated.

zigmund's avatar

Congrats. Well deserved.

Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations to you @Judi. A great achievement from a wonderful, fun and clever lady. And you really are one of the ladies of Fluther. It is a joy to have you here.

jonsblond's avatar

You are genuine, Judi. A true sweetie. A perfect role model for any woman. You should be proud. =)

silverangel's avatar

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!! On ThE 30K

YOu eaRNEd theM…......


WestRiverrat's avatar

Belated Congratulations Miss @Judi

Blackberry's avatar

Congratulations, Blooming Judi.

laureth's avatar

Congrats Judi! Thank you for everything you’ve taught me.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Congratulations, @Judi! I hope you’re enjoying the party!!

9doomedtodie's avatar

Congrats Judi! Lets celebrate the party! :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations on a wonderful achievement and thanks for being such a great contributor on Fluther!

picante's avatar

I’m very late to the party, Judi; but I extend my congratulations on your notable achievement, and I offer my thanks for giving so much of yourself to us, the anonymous masses. You freely share your loving spirit, your wit, your intelligence; and you are a fluther role model for me. Clink!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Judi, Judi, Judi!!! Congratulations!!

Kardamom's avatar

I am so sorry for being sooooo late to this party, but do you have any idea how long it takes to haul This Building across the pond and get it set up on the Mansion grounds? The permits alone, Oy Vey! But I wanted you to have a very spiritual place to call your own. You are one sweet and kind lady. Thanks for everything you do for us : )

Dutchess_III's avatar

Holy Crap @Kardamom ! And just whom do you expect to keep the place dusted??!!

Kardamom's avatar

@Dutchess_III That would be the Fluther Volunteer Army, the same folks that have already stepped up to the plate to bring roast beef dinners to elderly folks : )

Dutchess_III's avatar

And…um…romance to the elderly!

Judi's avatar

@Seaofclouds , Thank you!
@DaphneT , It’s an addiction. I need counseling.
@DrBill , Thanks. Are you the Dr. I argued about nutrition and pharmaceutical companies with?
@geeky_mama , Uhhh….. after all these years? Are you saying I’m old??? ~
@ETpro , actually, I was afraid of this time coming because I have a hard time with names in real life and I was worried I wouldn’t remember specific people when I responded. After all the kind words, the least I can do is reply. My ego has boosted and my heart humbled at the same time.
@zigmund , thank you I appreciate that.
@Bellatrix , You are becoming quite the icon yourself. Thank you so much for your kind words!
@jonsblond , You are one of the nicest people around. I loved the geese!!
@silverangel , Thank you. I don’t dare tell my husband. He already complains about how much time I spend here. If he knew I had earned this honor he would be convinced I was nuts!
@WestRiverrat , thank you.
@Blackberry , blooming?
@laureth , It’s comments like that that make me want to melt. Thank you so much!
@dappled_leaves , I’m lovin’ it! Thanks!
@9doomedtodie, Thank you!
@Bluefreedom, Thank you! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you around much.
@picante, I learned from the soap operas that your life needs to be an open book. If you have skeletons in your closet people can manipulate you. So here I am, dirty laundry and all.
@Dutchess_III, I can’t believe you were the first one to say that on this thread!
@Kardamom, That’s a beauty! Where did you find it? I also need some advice for vegetable dishes for a Plants Vs Zombies party. Low cal. I know you will have the answers.
Thanks again all! You’re the best!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Have to love Cary Grant!

jazmina88's avatar

As Paul McCafrtney would sing, “Hey Judi!”

Congrats for being 3 times a lady…....

Plants Vs Zombie food Peas, Corn, Watermelon
I would make a pea salad, roasted corn and then watermelon salad
with sunflowers seeds, and flowers

geeky_mama's avatar

@Judi—Oh, no..I am not suggesting you’re old.. just praising your commitment..over 3.5 years and 30K is impressive to me! :)

Judi's avatar

@jazmina88 , Thanks for the ideas! I love that song. My Grandson’s name is Jude and I sang it to him right after he was born.
@geeky_mama , I know. I was just teasin’ ya.

Kardamom's avatar

@Judi Your Plants vs Zombies party sounds fun. PM me and we’ll discuss recipes : )

erichw1504's avatar

ConHOLYCRAPulations @Judi !!!

Judi's avatar

@erichw1504 , I was about tho say that Holy Crap thing about your avatar!

mangeons's avatar

How did I manage to miss this???? Congratulations, your answers are always interesting and well written! Keep on keepin’ on! :-) Sorry I’m late!!

tranquilsea's avatar


I rock at Plants vs. Zombies. I’ve only lost 4 lawn mowers and I’ve played the game through 3 times. One of my favourite plants is the onion plant…so make something with onions.

AmWiser's avatar

Never been this late to a party, please accept my sincere CONGRATULATIONS! to a fine Jelly.

erichw1504's avatar


harple's avatar

Late late late, for a very important date!!! Congratulations! :-D

mattbrowne's avatar

That is so amazing, astonishing, awesome, breathtaking, grand, impressive, majestic, mind-blowing, remarkable, stunning, and truly wonderful !

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