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Dutchess_III's avatar

Has anyone had any experience with the Shark Navigator Liftaway vacuum?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 11th, 2012

Ever since I saw a post on here about a user’s fantastic experience with a Dyson I’ve wanted to get one. Well, there is an infomercial on about this vacuum that is comparing itself to Dyson, which is always a ‘ding ding!’ for me…anytime something new compares itself to to something well established and proven good, well…anyway, does anyone have any experience with this vacuum?

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1 Answer

serenade's avatar

I have a Shark Navagator that I bought refurbished. I decided to go with a smaller vacuum because we have stairs and because it would be easier for my gf to use. The suction is actually pretty good (it pulled a lot of junk up from the carpet the first times we used it). The mechanics of the canister are simple enough and easy enough to clean. If I were to offer any complaints it’s that the dirt reservoir is kind of small, so you have to empty it two or three times in a session, and that it doesn’t clean up after a Christmas tree very easily. All in all, though, it’s proved to be a good buy.

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