When you hear the person in charge is a woman, do you have different expectations?
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6rant6 (
February 12th, 2012
Do you have different expectations if you find out the person is in charge is a woman?
For example, if you learn that the director of a movie was a woman, do you have different expectations about the story, or the way it’s told? If you learn that the chef is a woman, do you have different expectations about the food? If you learn that a retail chain has recently hired a woman CEO, do you have an expectation about changes that will be made?
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27 Answers
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Women are, after all, different.
When I see a woman has directed a movie, I expect there is a lower likelihood that the female characters will appear to be one dimensional.
No (and inside, I’m thinking “very cool”).
No. I especially LOVE women that excel in the creative arts and science, we’ve come a long way baby. :-)
Men and women approach things differently. Saying “no” indefinitely to this question is either a lie or incredibly naive imho.
For the most part, no. But there are exceptions.
...Say.. I find out the head chef is a woman, I’ll assume her kitchen is cleaner and more sanitary. (based solely on personal experience).
The first thing that came to my mind when reading your question was news this morning that Pentagon officials are saying they plan to open more support positions for women closer to the front lines, but still barring women form direct ground combat. Seriously, I think to myself, if that is where you want to be; go for it. But don’t force it upon other women who want to play a role in the military without being on the front lines.
This particular thing involving men and women really confuses me and troubles me in that I think, I don’t want females put in harms way over males being put in harms way. I don’t think they would do a better or worse job on the front lines. I just feel more protective of the females for some reason.
I think in a lot of circumstances I (rightly or wrongly) assume (some) women are going to be more apt to be climbers and more cut-throat, more than likely will take more time off work for family and minor health issues within the family, have less physical strength when it comes to certain performances and can manipulate a man easier than a man can manipulate a man…okay, I’m ducking the rotten tomatoes coming my way.
@digitalimpression, my best friend who runs her own business firmly and effectively, carries a .44, and kills/grows her own food, all while wearing a dress and heels begs to differ.
I expect there to be sandwiches.~ Naw, I’m kidding. The real answer is not really.
Not at all. If anything, I think it’s pretty cool, as I hear women have a hard time making it up the ranks with the “glass ceiling” and all.
Not really since I rarely pay attention to the credits. Only time is when they happen to mention someone I really like because I bothered to find out who it was. I otherwise don’t know too many hollywood directors.
Well coming from an American education. I feel as if there is more “spizazz” to someone successful especially if a minority, based on oppression through out American history. What I mean is, for me, it’s a little more intriguing or refreshing, it’s not to say that a minority was never capable, but the reality is the opportunities weren’t there before. So my expectation is that they earned it, and will do a great and viable job I’m sure.
My favorite artist is Uta Barth. I could’ve loved the work just by their selves, but since Uta Barth is a woman, I feel she might have had to work harder, because in Art school like other places the higher dvision classes are predominantly male. I become more appreciative. But I also love history so that may be why. I don’t believe in the “traditional” sense.
Competence has no gender.
Not in general. When I was a kid though, there was a woman farmer our family knew and I thought it strange a woman would drive a tractor, get dirty and hire & direct male farmworkers.
Heavens yes!! At least in my experience. When we brought on new CIO’s or Presidents and they were Female, we found differences in many things.
First: Women tend to (despite what they say) to make decisions with an emotional bent. Sometimes that is a good thing, sometimes it’s bad. Only saying it is different.
Second: At least in my experience, when women advance their careers to the point of being “in charge” they may have had to do battle with the “glass ceiling” and that battle changes them forever. Sometimes for good, often not so much.
Third: Women in leadership seldom work well with other women in the same position. Very territorial are they. And suspicious of any suggestions or input from anyone outside of a chosen few they feel they can trust. And if things go awry, see #1..
I’m hesitant to say this is so in all cases, but my experience in the Banking and Education fields over 40 years has been this. Since I have retired (nearly a decade ago) things may be different, but I generally feared them.
When I hear the person in charge is female, I do have different expectations for the organization. I’m not saying those expectations are validated, but I do have them.
No, not really. Seven out of nine of the senior managers in my company are women.
I do not believe you. Seven of Nine is a fictional character.
Yes, I do. I might possibly get more sympathy about my situation since I’m one too. I’m not saying men aren’t sympathetic, but there are just some things I’d much rather talk to a woman about.
Not at all. Equality for all.
@ragingloli You would believe it if you worked here. It’s a collective. We’ve all been assimilated. Resistance is futile.
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