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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Poppycock! What interesting exclamatory words do you actually use?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37782points) February 12th, 2012

I actually use poppycock when I want to draw attention forcefully to something I hear.

Do you have any interesting, funny, or unusual words you use as exclamations?

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31 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

You pillock, Bloody hell, for fuck’s sake.

likipie's avatar

I say bugger a lot but I always make sure I say it with a british accent or it sounds weird.

Kardamom's avatar

Sometimes I say shite (in the British manner) instead of sh*t which sounds much uglier.

I also enjoy humbug and pish tosh.

HungryGuy's avatar


Brian1946's avatar

Hoochi mama!

Judi's avatar

The most exciting I ever get is “holy crap!”
My husband says, “crimeiny” ( I doubt that’s spelt right. )

Blackberry's avatar


lloydbird's avatar

Lately, I’ve been saying Buggeration a lot.

filmfann's avatar

Fiddle Sticks.
Great Googlie Woogly.

Kardamom's avatar

Oh, I forgot about Crikey!

bkcunningham's avatar

Holey, Moley!

Berserker's avatar

What in the seven hells and what the devil are some I actually do say…I mean besides the medley of crass cuss words I proudly employ.
I tried to get myself to say things like zounds, fiddlesticks or curses, but it doesn’t work.

tranquilsea's avatar

Jesus H. Christ (but I haven’t said that in ages).

Berserker's avatar

I say that sometimes too. Does anyone know what the H in this exclamatory expression stands for? Holy?

ragingloli's avatar

I also usually replace the H with an F

bkcunningham's avatar

@Symbeline, it stands for Harold. As in, Our Father Who art in Heaven, Harold be Thy name…

Berserker's avatar

@bkcunningham Ah, thanks.

@ragingloli What does feinz mean?

dappled_leaves's avatar

Oh fucking hell.

Come to think of it, that probably doesn’t meet your “interesting” criterion. :/

fundevogel's avatar

I like to use these from time to time.

oh my stars and garters!
goodness me!
sweet wounded jesus!

@Berkerker hasn’t mentioned it, but she authored this resplendent exclamation:

wolfhand godcocks

It is possibly my favorite thing ever.

rooeytoo's avatar

Aussies say funny things, like “gobsmacked” for surprised.
“Over the moon” or “rapt” for happy.
“Fair dinkum” for no kidding.
“Bonza” for good.
And so many more!

Ponderer983's avatar

You want me to pick one?!?! There are way to many to count or list. It’s whatever feels right at that moment. But something different would be “Hot Jumbalaya!”

Berserker's avatar

@fundevogel Haha yeah, I should practice that as an exclamation. But lmfao I love excelsior. That sounds so classy.
Also, sweet wounded Jesus reminds me of these; Bleeding Christ! and Christ on the cross! The long version; Jesus Christ nailed to the fucking cross!

Kardamom's avatar

Jumpin’ Jehosephat!

dee1313's avatar

Jesus Christmas. I used to say Jesus Christ, but some people would get mad, so at the last minute I’d try to correct myself and say Christmas instead.

Now I can’t stop it. My friend calls people goober all the time.

fundevogel's avatar

@Symbeline It must be classy, I picked “excelsior” up from Archer.

I’m also fond of “sweet baby Jesus on a pogo-stick”. As far as god related exclamations go there’s also “zounds!”, “mein gott!” and “by Zeus!”, all of which I should use more.

And then there’s this mysterious exclamation I picked up. I think it might be Welsh, but I really don’t know what language it is anymore than I know what it means. If anyone recognizes it I would be mighty obliged. It sounds like “mein weir!”, the “r” is rolled.

Berserker's avatar

Looking that up quickly on Google, it gave me as a first result, Mein Kampf. Fuckin Google…’‘slaps it’’
We’re probably not spelling it right though, if it’s Welsh?

But yeah, zounds rocks. I didn’t know that was related to something religious. I only ever heard that in sword and fantasy fiction shit, like D&D and American wireframe RPG’s. Interesting. Got any history on it? I’m afraid if I search Google it’s just gonna give me something about famous people getting married or something.

I also feel like Eminem and how I’ll never be able to top wolfhand godcocks.

fundevogel's avatar

If it’s Welsh I haven’t a hope in hell of spelling it.

Zounds is a minced oath derived from the exclamation “god’s wounds!’ There are a bunch of by god’s ____ exclamations.

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