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6rant6's avatar

What do you do when you have trouble focusing on work?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) February 13th, 2012

Man, oh man, am I having trouble focusing on work, today. No trouble focusing on Feynman lectures. No trouble editing something someone else wrote. But actually doing what’s in my queue? ARGH!

What do you do when that happens to you?

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20 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

I take a small walk or a coffee break. I need either a moment to myself, or some caffeine to get me back on track.

6rant6's avatar

Have been considering the walk. It is nasty out; but the real issue is whether I would come back.

Blondesjon's avatar


seriously. coke is waaay to expensive anymore . . .

SpatzieLover's avatar

Ahhh well, that is a different problem entirely. Is this your career? Or a part-time job @6rant6?

6rant6's avatar

@Blondesjon I’ve heard good things…

6rant6's avatar

@SpatzieLover It’s what I do.

stardust's avatar

A bit of distance from your work to clear your mind.

Blackberry's avatar

Turn off the computer. It’s the only way….......

john65pennington's avatar

You need fresh air and a break.

Bellatrix's avatar

Make a list of things you MUST complete today, go for a walk or make a cuppa, talk to a colleague for a little while and then come back and start on the first thing.

6rant6's avatar

OK, my solution was to make a huge cup of cocoa, with lots of coffee and find a chair to sleep in for a couple of hours.

ETpro's avatar

I take a nap. The good news is I stay very well rested.. The downside is I don’t get a lot of work hours in.. But the time I do spend working is usually very effective.

Bellatrix's avatar

Wow… there is nowhere here to take a nap. How do you nap at work?

ETpro's avatar

@Bellatrix I won the company. It helps a lot. But more and more forward thinking companies are providing accommodation for their employees to grab a cat-nap and get rejuvenated. It actually has been shown to boost productivity and particularly enhance mentally intensive labor such as what I am doing; Web development, creative graphics, and built-in marketing to make a Web site really appeal to its target audience. Research the value of midday naps, and take it to management.

Bellatrix's avatar

I know! I love the idea of nana naps @ETpro. I will come and work for you. I could just shut the office door but if people know I am here… they knock anyway. You can shut the door but you cannot hide…

We should all have a roll out mattress to keep at work in our offices. Like when we were at kindy.

linguaphile's avatar

I would love to sleep at work… aww… walk over to the kindergarten classrooms and roll up on their mats with them haha!

I stay focused at work out of sheer fear of embarrassment if I don’t get my work done. Parents’ ire = powerful motivator.

ETpro's avatar

@linguaphile Sleep in a kindergarten classroom—I can see how that would require a competent anesthesiologist. :-)

linguaphile's avatar

@ETpro Ha! I meant during naptime :D

ETpro's avatar

@linguaphile Do you ever get all the little $hits to conk out at one time?

linguaphile's avatar

@ETpro There’s a reason I teach seniors, hon… you could say they’re already totally checked out! lol! XD XD

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