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BeccaBoo's avatar

How do I make this EXTRA special?

Asked by BeccaBoo (2725points) February 14th, 2012

Today is obviously Valentines Day, but its also my SO birthday…..

What can I do to make this evening EXTRA special for him?
I have no children tonight (they are with their dad) and the baby will be in bed. I have bought him steak, I intend to run him a bath and pour him a drink when he comes home…but I am so unsure what will make it special for him?

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24 Answers

Pandora's avatar

LOL, for most guys just being naked would be enough.
And getting your freak on.

ucme's avatar

Blo… come on, I must focus on romance, think… it’s no good, blow job, there I said it. ;¬}

BeccaBoo's avatar

LOL @Pandora that will happen…...obvioulsy!!

tedd's avatar

@Pandora It’s true. Some token gifts are nice.. steak is definitely nice… maybe a back rub.. But in the end, we’re very simple minded creatures, and we just want to see you nude… lol

BeccaBoo's avatar

So all I have to do is drink in one hand, baby oil in the other, and just wear a big smile??

tedd's avatar

@BeccaBoo If I were him I would be quite pleased with that gift, lol.

BeccaBoo's avatar

But he has seen me naked a million times, there must be something else I can do?

Pandora's avatar

Never in the 30 years that I’ve been married has my husband ever said, I much rather have had a bubble bath or some other gift than sex. There may come a day, but for now if it ain’t broke, no need to fix it. You could give him a gift booklet where he can cash in fantasy sex. Bet that will get you a big ole grin. Only make sure to put limits on that, that may be out of your comfort zone. Like including a 3rd partner.
Or you can try a foot massage. My husband loves foot massages. Only problem is, he may fall asleep.
Candles, and soft music and maybe some chocolate covered strawberries and some whip cream may be nice. :)

tedd's avatar

@BeccaBoo You could put on lingerie for him to see before he sees you naked?

marinelife's avatar

I would serve the drink and the bath in high heels and a slinky negligee.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Pandora hit it on the head. I’m a guy and would much prefer to be having sex than soaking in the bathtub. Maybe I am self-conscious but I do not find sitting in the tub to be relaxing at all.
I don’t want to sound like a pooper but how do you top this next year? It should not become a year-to-year competition. Make it something nice but not over the top. A nice dinner (not too much), a little wine, a nice shower, and sex. Save the big stuff for when you need it.

Want to give him a special gift? Tell him you fixed the rain gutters, got the car oil changed and had the front brake pads replaced without him having to do it.
Ooooo, I’m getting excited.

Pandora's avatar

@LuckyGuy Lmao! You reminded me of what a kick it was for my husband to come home and find I had personally wash, waxed and even shine the rims of his car and detail the inside. I put several coats of wax and worked on it all day long. He looked like I bought him a new car. But then again when I was done with it, it looked like a new car. Also took it in that morning to get the oil and filters changed. I think he bragged to his friends about it for over a month.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Pandora Exactly! If I had a prostate, I’d have to change my underwear!

Coloma's avatar

It’s all about the prolonged seduction. Dress up in some sexy lingerie, “serve” him cocktails and dinner by candlelight, draw a bath, float some rose petals, have some champagne and candles in the bath, prepare your lair, bedroom, with more candles, perfumed sheets, mood music, your nicest bedding. Make it last. ;-D

Yeah, too bad I’m not dating these days. I’ve pulled off some amazing romantic nights in my day. lol

Sunny2's avatar

Wrap yourself in plastic wrap to meet him at the door. But don’t cook the steak until after that.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh dear, @Coloma. That sounds like what you want for your Valentine’s gift. Either that, or it sounds like you’re the black widow, seducing him into your lair, from whence…. well, you know how that one ends.

I think women are the ones who appreciate all the little details—the perfumes, the lingerie, the music, etc. For women, I think that shows a guy cares.

For men—a little goes a long way. Too much is…. too much. It seems to end up in the wrong place. Like sleep, instead of love. After all, baths and massages are not supposed to be about sex.

Which confuses me. My wife wants to massage me and relax me because massaging and relaxing gets her in the mood. Me, relaxing puts me to sleep. Massages can be arousing, but only if they are in the right place. Otherwise, they also put me to sleep. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

If it’s to be a long seduction, then it better take place outside the house, because it it’s inside the house, we are going to be in bed long before you wanted to be. Of course, that’s not so bad, because then we can do it twice. If you want, anyway.

Of course, extra special is probably a trap. Just special is good enough. Also different is good. A little different. Build a tradition that allows for change. Then you can do some similar elements every year, but always have something different for him to anticipate.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@wundayatta I was thinking the same thing. Rose petals? I don’t know any guys that want rose petals on their bed. I can imagine them smearing on the sheets Yuk. Now we know what women want – not what men want.
Romantic for me would be if you did not answer the telephone when your brother calls asking for babysitting. Romantic would be “Let’s make a nice dinner from something we have in the freezer and jazz it up with some spices that we never use.” “Let’s have that bottle of wine that has been in the basement since 2004.”
For me, just saying that the day is special, makes it special. It means you cared enough to make it special – even if it was just eating a few chocolates.
“Let’s save money and time and not go anywhere tonight. Let’s stay in and watch a video of your choice with a blanket around us.”
“Let’s take a shower and have sex.” That’s romantic.

jazmina88's avatar

belly dancing…..and then a strip tease

Ela's avatar

The key for me is building up the excitement before the sex. How about this… Set up dinner with candles, soft music and other stereotypical Valentine’s Day mushy hoopla then… after dinner make an excuse and go change into lingerie in his favorite color and style, black thigh high stockings with a garter (optional) seam up the back (not optional) and heels. Muss your hair up and toss on one of his button down shirts (top few buttons undone) and necktie (knotted loosely). Guide him to a chair, sit him down and perform a slow, sexy lap dance undoing the tie and using it to secure his hands to the chair. Then, as @jazmina88 suggested, do a belly dance/strip tease touching him often but briefly and just enough to loosen his clothes. Depending on if he likes you in your underwear or naked, give him mind-blowing oral sex with his hands still bound (maybe loosening the tie near the end so he can free his hands if he wants to). Forget the bed and have sex on the dinning room table!
Afterwards cuddle naked under a blanket to a movie and have ice cream… maybe get a little friendly underneath them ; )
Just let your imagination take it from there ; ) It all depends on what you both enjoy.

If you don’t know how to belly dance, learn so next year you can use jingles and silk scarves on him.

Coloma's avatar

@wundayatta Nah…the men I date are very sensual and into pampering, so bubble baths are big on the foreplay list. Besides, I have the BIG tubby, ooh, languish away while licking the chocolate off each others…um..well, parts. lolol

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Music, candles and something with caffeine if it’s been awhile since you two stayed up late.

wundayatta's avatar

@Coloma I’ve met men like that. They tend to like doing some of the same things I like to do. But the similarity ends there, I think. I’m glad you’ve got guys like that to hang out with. Different strokes, as they say. They are not guys I would enjoy being friends with, most likely. Then again, there aren’t a lot of guys whose company I enjoy.

Coloma's avatar

@wundayatta I appreciate esoteric out of the box types. I think men that can overcome their extreme machismo are highly attractive. There is nothing “gay” about in-joying sensual pleasures. There doesn’t have to be a gender bias. My best male friend is a very talented building contractor that is all male, but, well integrated with his feminine side. It’s all good.
Yin and Yang. ;-)

wundayatta's avatar

@Coloma I don’t think “sensual” pleasures are gay (or not-gay) or macho or not-macho. They just aren’t things I enjoy receiving in a romantic context. I do enjoy giving them, mostly because I know my lady enjoys them. I don’t get the same enjoyment, so it would be wasted on me.

Nudity, on the other hand, would not be wasted on me. There is nothing more beautiful than the female form, in my opinion.

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