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john65pennington's avatar

What woman athlete appears to be a "picture-perfect" healthy person?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) February 14th, 2012

I am really not into sports that much, but this lady caught my eye as being the picture of perfect health. She is a medal winner soccer player name Alex Morgan. She is featured in Sports Illustrated Magazine this month and she just seems to glow with great health. Question: do you have a special athlete that appears to be in good health? Photos appreciated.

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5 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Oh boy, this Alex Morgan indeed looks great!

But I’d rather have C.V. hurdle over me anytime. : )

john65pennington's avatar

mazingerz, you are correct. She also appears to be a healthy specimen.

zenvelo's avatar

Even though she is young enough to be my daughter, I’ve always thought Natalie Coughlin was hot. Plus she is a neighbor.

Generally, women athletes are so much better looking than “super models”.

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