General Question

auhsojsa's avatar

In job questionnaires how do you personally fill in your responses?

Asked by auhsojsa (2516points) February 14th, 2012

I’ll put down what I usually put for the first example.

1.You like to be in the middle of a big crowd (Strongly Agree-Because it lets the employer know I’m not afraid of crowds)

2.You’ve done your share of troublemaking (I never know what to put for this one, is honestly truly the best policy?)

3.You are somewhat of a thrill-seeker (Strongly Disagree-I don’t like roller coasters but it doesn’t mean I’m not enthusiastic about life)

4.You like to talk a lot (This one confuses me, because I know when to talk, and I know when not to talk, obviously I wouldn’t just talk to a co worker when the job is busy, but communication is a must, see how I’m confused?)

5.You don’t care what people think of you (The reality is for me, I don’t, but with that being said, I can represent a company and meet their demands, these questions overall just screw up my logic)

How would you respond? Don’t forget to number your responses!

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15 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

1, I like big crowds.

2.Never been a troublemaker.

3.I like a thrill just anyone else, especially on State Fair rides.
4.I can carry on conversations with the best of them. Too much caffeine works my mouth overtime.
5.I care what people think of me, most of the time.

And, why are we asking these questions?

downtide's avatar

1. Agree
2. Strongly Disagree.
3. Disagree
4. Neutral/middle option if there is one
5. Disagree

Whether these are the best responses for getting a job or not, I have no idea, but they’re the truth for me.

GladysMensch's avatar

I generally try to avoid companies that use these ridiculous tests. The questions are too vague:

1.You like to be in the middle of a big crowd (Define “big”: 30 people in a room, 50,000 in a stadium. Define “middle”: can I move around or are they tightly packed? )

2.You’ve done your share of troublemaking (of course I’ve done mine, otherwise I would be doing someone else’s)

3.You are somewhat of a thrill-seeker ( define “thrill”: roller-coasters, free-basing heroin, or arson?)

4.You like to talk a lot (define “a lot”: I speak when necessary; I interrupt people because I can’t wait for them to finish; I must speak, because I fear that if I stop talking I might never speak again)

5.You don’t care what people think of you (define “don’t care”: I’m confident in making my own decisions; I regularly tell people to Fuck off; I haven’t bathed in 2 weeks)

muppetish's avatar

1. I make it a point to not apply for jobs in which I am going to be required to speak to a lot of people in this manner. I truthfully hate being the center of attention. If I think the employer is truly looking for this, I’ll lie and say “agree”, but, fuck, that’s annoying.

2. I can offer an honest strongly disagree here.

3. Disagree.

4. This one confuses me as well. If I know that the job is going to require me to do some talking (such as my tutoring job), then I’ll mark ‘agree’ (with a little disdain, because I don’t necessary enjoy talking-talking, particularly with strangers.)

5. I will mark agree, unless there is a neutral answer.

YARNLADY's avatar

I never was hired for any job that had that type of questionnaire.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m with @YARNLADY. I’d thank the interviewer for the time, and excuse myself from the rest of the “interview” to save us both time, grief and humiliation.

Maybe we could go out for coffee, @YARNLADY… but I don’t know if we should go to a crowded place, or whether you would feel overdressed, etc. I guess we’d just have to… gulp… talk.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I agree with @GladysMensch . These questionnaires are stupid, pointless, and don’t tell your prospective employer anything of value. About the only thing the questionnaire tells them is if you are literate or not.

However, I have gotten some good jobs in my life by answering the dumb thing. I just put down what they want to hear. If they really want to know something of value about me, they can look at my resume and ask me about my experience and skills.

Zaku's avatar

Those questions seem like a bastardized version of a psychobabble “personality type” test. They tell me the employer is annoying, insulting, and dehumanizing. I tend to leave multiple-choice questions blank unless they provide a reasonable answer to a reasonable question.

auhsojsa's avatar

@all Unfortunately these are just 5 out of 50 on such job places like, Best Buy, Ralphs, Kroger, Vons and stuff like that, it is really dehumanizing. @yarnlady ditto here, I hate to say it, but what are employees looking for? Robots? Non opinionated workers? I just don’t get it.

YARNLADY's avatar

Believe it or not, there are dozens of sites that tell you how to answer these type of tests.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

1. Strongly Agree
2. Strongly Disagree
3. Disagree
4. Disagree
5. Disagree

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Have any of you ever filled out an application at Walmart? When my son was laid off of his regular job, he applied there, and their questionnaire is the absolute worst I have ever seen. It asks pages and pages of “what would you do if” type questions. For example; if you saw another employee stealing, would you 1) mind your own business, 2) tell your supervisor, 3) talk to the employee yourself. Most of the questions don’t have a clear answer as any of the three could be good, depending on the circumstances. With some of them, none of the choices seem like a good idea. If I have trouble with these questions, I can imagine how hard it would be for those willing to work at Wally World for minimum wage.

auhsojsa's avatar

@Skaggfacemutt That’s the thing it’s so subjective. Like, I know some companies don’t want you to risk finding out if they are thieves and chasing them down. Because you could get hurt and it’s the companies fault. For that particular question I would say, “ask the supervisor” or maybe “ask the customer if he or she needs help.” It’s obvious they want competent common sensed people but come on, seriously? It’s not even a career and companies like that should be able to have training books anyways. I’m a college student and I’m getting eaten alive by these questionnaires and have never received a single call back. It’s pretty frustrating and discouraging to say the least but makes it much more worth while to pursue my degree where I can apply for a job where an interviewer will actually sit me down and discuss my experience.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@auhsojsa I’m sorry that you are having to deal with these dumb questionnaires. The last time I interviewed for a job was 22 years ago, and even then they asked me “what can you do better than anyone else?” Is it that all employers fancy themselves as psychiatrists? I wish they would make it against the law to ask anything that doesn’t relate to skills and experience.

auhsojsa's avatar

@Skaggfacemutt Ah that’s a great idea, perhaps I will think of getting that on the ballot so the people decide.

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