Men: do you like TV shows that are basically prime time soap operas?
Asked by
JLeslie (
February 15th, 2012
In America some famous ones from the past were Dynasty and Dallas. One of the newer ones is Revenge.
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18 Answers
No. I have not watched prime time TV regularly since 5 years before they took MASH off the air.
The last prime time I watched was the first season of Survivor. When Richard won. I was probably in the 8th or 7th grade.
I used to watch Dallas, not much worth watching anymore. I do watch True Blood, but that is not really prime time.
Not unless you count The X-Files.
I have always considered men who were sports fans to be fans of soap operas.
I actually see sports and soap operas as exactly the same thing, marketed to a different gender, and I am a fan of neither.
I would not count x-files. Nothing with some sort of cool sci-fi bent. Not even a CSI or show like Law and Order. I mean shows that are really just story lines about relationships and some scheming maybe. A little business might be thrown in.
I generally don’t like or watch 99.9% of T.V. shows and I haven’t watched much of them at all since I was a kid. I watched a very little of “Dallas” one time and found it very boring. I never watched any “Dynasty”, “Seinfeld”, “Cheers”, etc. and I’ve never even heard of “Revenge”. On the other hand while on vacation last month my wife and I watched an episode of “Scrubs” (while I was trapped in our hotel room) which I thought was hilarious! I like that it didn’t have canned laughter and that it’s a striking parody of “Grey’s Anatomy” which absolutelyI can’t stand. “Scrubs” really made me laugh for sure! HA!
No. I don’t like much TV at all to be honest. Except Top Gear and Doctor Who. I’ll also occasionally watch shows like NCIS and Criminal Minds. If a soap comes on I change channels or walk away.
True Blood is pretty soap opera-ish, and my husband (and I) love it. There’s a lot of blood, violence and sex, plus vampires, shape shifters and such, though, so maybe it doesn’t count.
Not at all. It’s rare for me to find any show I like, even shows on Discovery, History, and Science are freaking lame.
I’d rather staple my testicles to a moving train than watch any of that shite.
Yes, but not your examples. I used to love Brothers & Sisters and now I’m enjoying Parenthood. I’d call them “Family Dramas”, but theyre similar to soap operas with better writing and acting.
When I was younger I like Little House on the Prarie and The Waltons.
@cprevite I vaguely remember you are Latin American, is that correct? I only ask because what prompted me to ask the question is my husband loves the show Revenge, and says it is his telenovela. Cracks me up. When I was in High school my boyfriend’s family was Ecuadorian and he used to laugh and say his uncles loved to watch the telenovelas, and that American men didn’t do that. I was not really thinking about any cultural possibilities until now.
@JLeslie: Close, my wife is from Argentina – and my father in law watches telanovelas all the time (whenever he’s not watching soccer. Gooooooaaaaalllll
@cprevite Hahaha, maybe you are South American by osmosis.
@JLeslie: I feel that way sometimes. I’ve been in their family for twenty-four years now – its bound to rub off.
I was never a big tv or movie watcher and it was even more rare for me to watch prime time tv. As far as soaps go I used to religiously watch the Young & The Restless from the late 80’s to the late 90’s. That was the only soap that ever interested me for some reason.
I used to watch Malcom in the Middle, but haven’t really paid any regular attention to the TV since they took the Star Trek reruns off.
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