Social Question

SpatzieLover's avatar

What is your empathy quotient?

Asked by SpatzieLover (24614points) February 16th, 2012

Here is the Empathy Quotient Test

Can you put yourself in someone’s shoes? Or is it nearly impossible for you to imagine life from someone else’s perspective?

In light of some recent happenings in my real life, I’ve been taking some online psychological quizzes.

For perspective I will share that on this particular quiz I scored a 63. My husband, a diagnosed Aspie, got a 15.

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75 Answers

marinelife's avatar

No surprise for me. My score was a 72.

Having a lot of empathy can be very painful.

TexasDude's avatar


I took this test as a teen and scored an 80something. I’ve had to harden the hell up since then because codependent relationships started sucking my soul out. I’m happier now than I’ve ever been.

SpatzieLover's avatar

on another quiz @marinelife it stated I had “excessive empathy” I got a 90% on that one…I was glad to see this one had a few more questions. I, too, feel too much. I’m working on it.

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Wow! That some amazing self awareness work you’ve done!

Mariah's avatar

I got a 34. I knew it would be pretty low. I feel I am very empathetic in a few specific situations (those I can relate to from experience) but sometimes I have a hard time imagining how other people feel in situations I’ve never experienced myself. And social intricaces baffle me.

Not surprised you got a high score, though, @SpatzieLover!

linguaphile's avatar

I’m a real life Deanna Troi. It can be painful and annoying, but makes me good at other things. There are pros and cons for everything.

SuperMouse's avatar

I got a 55, slightly above average. It feels about right to me and I think it comes mostly from my answers about listening to the problems of friends. I tend to be a pretty good listener.

Fly's avatar

I got a 51, but I think that’s quite exaggerated. I tend to be a more detached, unemotional person and very rational; I have never cried while watching a movie, and I’m careful to be objective in everything I do. While I’m very good at picking up on other peoples’ emotions and at being sensitive to others (as many of the questions gauged), I don’t think that this necessarily equates to empathy in my case. I am fairly good at conveying empathy even when I may not necessarily be empathetic, however, which may be reflected in my score.

tedibear's avatar

I got a 49. I was surprised because I thought it would be higher. Interesting.

FutureMemory's avatar

I got a 50. I thought it would be much higher.

King_Pariah's avatar

27, makes sense.

lifeflame's avatar

56. But some of the questions are a bit baffling to me.
For example, Q3 .“I try to keep up with the current trends and fashion…”
How should this affect your empathy quotient?

saint's avatar

35 So what? Whom am I trying to impress?

FutureMemory's avatar

@lifeflame I wondered the same thing.

I changed from my normal answer of strongly disagree to strongly agree and my overall score of 50 didn’t budge.

vitro's avatar

Your score: 22

Sunny2's avatar

I was disappointed in my score of 49. On the other hand, from my answers, I can see why. I’m pretty self-centered and can admit it, but I try not to act on it

LuckyGuy's avatar

I got a 57. You got a problem with that?

Jude's avatar

Haven’t taken it yet, but I have a feeling that mine will be high.

Aethelflaed's avatar

28. Which seems sort of off, except that I guess it’s measuring social awkwardness as well.

So, how accurate is this? Because it seems like this measures more how empathetic you think you are, more than how empathetic you actually are.

MilkyWay's avatar

I got a 46.

fundevogel's avatar

22, It seems I am a cold bitch. Crazy.

TexasDude's avatar

@fundevogel you’re a bad person and you should feel bad. I bet you read Ayn Rand, don’t you? You bad, bad person.

fundevogel's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I eat puppies, but I draw the line at Ayn Rand.

Berserker's avatar

I got 25. Lulz. After taking this test, I’m now finding myself missing The Spark tests. irrelevant

MilkyWay's avatar

@Symbeline What were ‘The Spark’ tests?

tinyfaery's avatar

31 I’m almost normal.

fundevogel's avatar

@MilkyWay Brilliant.

Come with me on a magical journey through time….to The Spark.

Berserker's avatar

Brilliant indeed. have you ever pissed yourself on purpose @fundevogel I think the site died. :/

Jude's avatar

I need to harden up a bit.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Jude You’re fine the way you are lovey, really.

MilkyWay's avatar

Those Spark Tests look kinda cool

CaptainHarley's avatar


What the heck does The Spark do though?

TexasDude's avatar

@MilkyWay agreed. about Jude

Aethelflaed's avatar

Phew! Ok, after talking with my therapist friend, I can stop panicking; I am not actually almost near Asperger’s. Thank god for social anxiety and trauma!

fundevogel's avatar

@CaptainHarley It used to do Science, Journalism and Your Homework in addition to the tests. But it was sold so now all it does is your homework. You’ve got to make do with the versions the Wayback Machine has preserved for the real good stuff.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Oh @Aethelflaed I wish I had been here sooner. No, to determine that you’d need a lot more tests (I’ve taken them all or I think I have now).

This particular test shows more how your brain is wired for empathy. I also have trauma…but mine made me go the other way on with empathy that’s not so good, for me, either @Aethelflaed

Berserker's avatar

@MilkyWay They were. They seemed silly at first, but one quickly came to see that they weren’t all that silly after all. or maybe that was just me

@CaptainHarley It was a site that, among other things, had a big collection of tests about personalities, how street smart you are, stuff like that. But they’d ask really out there questions, often seemingly vile and offensive, but the tests weren’t without thoughtful and clever questions either. Lots you really had to think about.

One that I recall for the street smart test;

If you have a magnum (or some really powerful firearm, I forgot what, specifically) how many birds can you shoot off a branch, and where do you aim? Two birds close to one another? A lone bird? The branch itself? (right answer)
It was interesting that questions like this seemed all offensive and immoral, since it’s about killing animals…but all the test really just wanted to see was if you could discern one type of solution to another with whatever element you’re given to work with in a given situation, and if you knew the worth of the element given. It wasn’t actually about killing birds. Many were metaphors, but to this day, I still ain’t sure…

And then there were tests like the purity test. Those actually did ask if you ever killed something, stolen things, hurt someone, crazy things like that. They often followed with, was it intentional or not? Was a pretty interesting site.

@MilkyWay I also agree. :D

Aethelflaed's avatar

@Symbeline I remember the purity test. I was not so much with the purity.

Blackberry's avatar

Ouch, I knew I was cold, but not that cold: 25.

Jude's avatar

Bring on the purity. I’ll fail that puppy! :D

Berserker's avatar

I failed it too. :D

SpatzieLover's avatar

Spark Purity test now on OKCupid hmmph! frustrating. I had the link, but the site makes yougo to a main page of tests and you have to search for “The Original Purity Test”. I’m 54% pure

fundevogel's avatar

@Blackberry Perhaps if we strike our stony hearts together we’ll get a spark.

Aethelflaed's avatar

I was going to take that purity test, but then I found the What Type of Man Turns You On, and decided… hahahaha, yowzah :D So, not so pure.

Jude's avatar

Give him long hair and he looks like a woman. I like pretty boys.

The guy on the first page, that is.

Jude's avatar

Fuck that. Bring on what type of chick turns you on!

Berserker's avatar

@SpatzieLover Dude, thanks! It’s the test alright. I’m 50% pure. That ain’t all that bad. Guess I didn’t fail…but I didn’t succeed, either. Thanks for finding it. :)

Jude's avatar

Here we go.

Blackberry's avatar

@fundevogel I found that surprisingly romantic :)

Aethelflaed's avatar

@Jude Eh. Not really enough cute ladies being cute, way to much insisting that the only way I could possibly answer the question was to imagine I was a straight dude.

fundevogel's avatar

@Blackberry There’s hope for us yet :)

Jude's avatar

@Aethelflaed I hear ya. =/

Berserker's avatar

@Jude I got the art student. Also I swear I saw Paula Walker is in the pic questions, but it prolly wasn’t her. Still. :D

Blackberry's avatar

@Jude I got: The Girl Next Door

66% Sexy-Cute, 57% Dark-Light, 46% Artsy-Stylish

CaptainHarley's avatar

@fundevogel Thank you! : )

@Symbeline Thank you! : )

CWOTUS's avatar

I scored a 40 the first time through. Then I went back and corrected some of the answers I wasn’t so sure of, and a couple that I had just answered wrong the first time (reading an “I don’t think such-and-such…” and answering it negatively, when I meant to agree that “I don’t think such-and-such), and I scored a 74.

If you got a problem with that, then you can go to hell.

And I like Ayn Rand, even if she never was the finest literary writer. So there.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I don’t much care for Ayn. She was far too money oriented for my tastes.

Pandora's avatar

I got a 47. Which they say is average for women.

CardAngel's avatar

My score on the Empathy Quotient Test was 74. I like it like that.

augustlan's avatar

67. I always used to joke that my super power was super empathy. I cry over everydamnthing.

FutureMemory's avatar

On the OKCupid test, I got:

The Girl Next Door
51% Sexy-Cute, 38% Dark-Light, 36% Artsy-Stylish

amujinx's avatar

22. Hooray for indifference for my fellow man.

syz's avatar

18. I usually peg as Aspergers when I take these things.

ucme's avatar

I don’t like to put myself in anyone’s shoes, maybe i’m afraid to catch a verruca.

newtscamander's avatar

57…but I wasn’t always sure about my answers…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

63. I know I tilted a few aswers because life is a bitch and I’m not as nice as I used to be.

MilkyWay's avatar

My type of girl : The Bad Girl.
My type of guy: Dark Mysterious Boy.

Kardamom's avatar

I scored a 66. I thought I would have scored much higher.

Stinley's avatar

39. I thought I would be low. I never know what people are thinking but am also paranoid they are thinking bad things about me. I am quite good at helping people find the word they are looking for though

Kardamom's avatar

Was I the only one that thought that some, if not most, of the questions were worded in such a way, that no matter which answer you gave, it still wasn’t really accurate? That’s why I hate these kinds of polls, they never have a “write-in” answer that will qualify the answer. Some of the questions that I read, needed a “most of the time, but not in this particular scenario” type of answer.

Or as the Chinese restaurant menu reads, Take one item from column A and one item from column B and with 6 you get eggrolls.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Kardamom I think this particular test reads that way since it was designed by a psychologist, to be given with 3 other (at least) tests to determine Aperger’s. I just found the thing fascinating, so I shared it here.

I agree that on any multiple choice profile, I’m wanting another option. That is explained away in how the tests are developed, though. One brain type sees the questions pointing one way, while another brain type sees them in another.

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