Which website do you find is best to find song lyrics?
Asked by
flo (
February 16th, 2012
What website has the most number of song lyrics, and gets it fast?
I am looking for “It’s my Place (and I want it)” by Sarah Macdougall.
I have gone to her website.
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15 Answers
There are hundreds of lyric websites out there. If you haven’t found them by googling the name of the song and “lyrics”, it’s probably just an extremely underground and rare song.
A lot of the search results mention it, so not rare. I’m hoping someone who already knows it has it.
@flo I’m looking around for this girl and I’m having a hard time finding her anywhere.
Lyrics.com is really great. It has 100’s of thousands of song lyrics…...free.
I also use songmeanings.net because it has fewer random popup ads than most. Though it does almost always offer a ringtone download.
The Google search box. Just feed it snippets or names.
@Brian1946 thanks I see there is nothing there.
@mattbrowne I don’t know any snippets from the song, just the title. I got this‘s+my+Place+(and+I+want+it)%22&pq=sarah+macdougall+%22it’s+my+place+(and+i+want+it)%22&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&pbx=1&oq=sarah+Macdougall+Lyrics:+%22It’s+my+Place+(and+I+want+it)%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=2cda41040639513f&biw=1024&bih=578
I don’t know what I did here
@john65pennington sorry, thank you plus plus.
Edit to add: I entered the name of the song and the results have nothing to do with the title or the artist. I entered her name, I see some songs but not that one. Maybe I’ll try again later.
Thanks again @john65pennington.
@mattbrowne that is a lot of them there. Thank you so much.
Shouldn’t a google get it to come up anyway whichever site has it?
Anyway I got it from someone who knows someone who is just amazing at hearing and memorizing lyrics.
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