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FutureMemory's avatar

(NSFW) Care to share any weird YouTube vids you've seen recently?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) February 17th, 2012

I can’t decide if this person is mentally ill or just very eccentric.

YouTube link

Please share your odd YT discoveries :)

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14 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

Background story on my vid: I think “she” got into an argument with an employee at the local Walmart. This video seems to be how she dealt with the resulting stress.

AshlynM's avatar

@FutureMemory Wow….I’m just speechless. I think he’s just very, very eccentric, based on his other videos.

You should check out FoodForLouis. I thought they were pretty weird, not to mention vomit inducing. I must warn you, his videos are not for the faint of heart.

Also, this vid. I realize no one uses Myspace anymore, but it’s still hilarious. There is a little swearing in it, so be warned.

jca's avatar

Funny and scary! I got through about two minutes of Walmart bitch, and then said “enough.”

ucme's avatar

What….there are weird vids on YT!?! Get right outta town!!
I won’t share any if you don’t mind, they’ve gotten kind of boring, same old, same old & all that.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Weird Russian kid likes to laugh.
Smiling Goat.
Kitty City.
Herman Cain buys a woodchuck a tuna melt. Not necessarily weird, just hilarious.
Ray Sipe likes his kitties. Weirdest guy on YouTube, ever. He has over 1,000 videos and makes about 10 every day. With the exact same tune.
Chickens playing Russian Ska.
Drinking and Singing with the Babushkas.

flutherother's avatar

Here is someone who actually read the Koran. How weird is that?

Joker94's avatar

This will never get old for me.

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