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Mama_Cakes's avatar

The saddest movie that you have ever seen?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) February 18th, 2012

La Vie En Rose.

What a life. Watched it and I am drained.

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17 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

Either Synecdoche or The Reader.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Of Mice And Men – John Malcovich and Gary Sinise

Ponderer983's avatar

The Notebook. Cried like a baby and I vowed to never watch it again. I haven’t thus far btw.

muppetish's avatar

Dancer in the Dark was pretty depressing as a whole, but Never Let Me Go stuck with me for a long time after I finished watching it. Even seeing pictures from it makes my heart ache a little.

@HungryGuy Both of those are devastating. I need to watch Synecdoche again.

Blackberry's avatar

That movie with the kid that has cancer.

sadconfusion's avatar

The only movie that ever made me cry was Bridge to Terabithia lol

Linda_Owl's avatar

“Pay It Forward” where the boy gets stabbed to death at the end of the movie.

filmfann's avatar

The Color Purple
Sophies Choice
La Vie En Rose
Of Mice and Men
Titanic (with Barbara Stanwick)
Night of the Living Dead
Shindlers List

AshLeigh's avatar

Never Let Me Go.
” I come here and imagine that this is the spot where everything I’ve lost since my childhood is washed out. I tell myself, if that were true, and I waited long enough then a tiny figure would appear on the horizon across the field and gradually get larger until I’d see it was Tommy. He’d wave. And maybe call. I don’t know if the fantasy go beyond that, I can’t let it. I remind myself I was lucky to have had any time with him at all. What I’m not sure about, is if our lives have been so different from the lives of the people we save. We all complete. Maybe none of us really understand what we’ve lived through, or feel we’ve had enough time.” That ending made me cry. </3

JLeslie's avatar

Pay it Forward

There are many more that have upset me, I just can’t think of them right now.

cookieman's avatar

Marly and Me

SuperMouse's avatar

Terms of Endearment I had to leave when Shirley McLaine started running around the hospital trying to get pain meds for Debra Winger. Number two is probably The Deer Hunter.

Blondesjon's avatar

Once Were Warriors

fuck you uncle bully. fuck you.

Keep_on_running's avatar

@Linda_Owl Another Kevin Spacey one. American Beauty I actually shed tears at the end of. Which is rare for me.

newtscamander's avatar

My Sister’s Keeper.

BBawlight's avatar

Boy in the Striped Pijamas…
Or American History X…

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