What if Nanobots can kill Cancer Cells and more? Do you think this is awesome?
This is the type of research that can change the quality of Medical care for ever. Potentially we can all live longer and have better quality life’s.
What do you think?
I confess I like hearing about this kind of research. I prefer actual solutions to all the drugs (poisons) the drug companies push.
Read about here.
http://www.kurzweilai.n et/dna-nanorobots-deliv er-suicide-messages-to- cancer-cells-other-dise ases
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29 Answers
Nanotechnology is fascinating to think about, I hope to see it happen in my lifetime. You never know the risks though. Who would’ve thought asbestos could be so dangerous back in the day?
If the technology did indeed work, that would finally be a reason to use “awesome.”
I think it has great potential for good. But also great potential for harm. I would not want to become filled with nanobots.
One day our Standard Surgical Procedures will be considered primitive.
Nanobots have great potential. Studies will need to be done.
I would not be willing to use them now either. However someone who would die without them may feel differently.
Mediations (drugs) do not always cure things. They often only mask the problem and can poison the body. They have side effects.
This research is a wonderful thing because it provides another possibility.
Nanobots could be the means to prosperity for the entire planet, but there’s a downside. Look up “grey goo.”
I have not looked up that term but there is almost always a down side to everything. All new Procedures have risk.
Unfortunately risk is a part of progress.
I do not think that I am brave or a risk taker. God bless many that are.
Astronauts are risk takers and some researchers are too.
Years ago Dr. Dolmentch was trying to use Skin Stem Cells to find a cure for autism. Many other researchers are now using Skin Stem Cells. I remember because that was the first time I heard about this. He took the time to respond to my email.
Despite all the Technological advancements humanity has made we are still not a Class One Civilization. Our means of curing disease is relatively primitive.
I am always encouraged by those that think outside the box and look for new ways. This increases the odds of finding away that works better.
Very true, but the downside risk seems to increase geometrically with the development of new technology. “Gray goo” refers to the possibility of nanobots overriding their programing and “replicating” everything in their path, turning it all into a type of “gray goo.”
I would embrace the value in younger people being cured of cancer, but, I don’t believe in extreme heroic life extension by artificial means.
We are supposed to die!
The planet cannot sustain the current birth rates let alone people living to 140 years old. The natural order of things is that every species dies once it reaches the end of it’s reproductive life.
People need to except their mortality and get over their egos fear of death. I know this is not a “popular” opinion, but, quite frankly, living past 60 – 70 is detrimental to the natural order of things IMO. Ancient age should be the exception not the rule.
I hope that stays in the Science Fiction Novels. This why we need a Government that can oversee the greedy. Not a Government that over pays people for doing nothing. Isn’t that what Congress does best?
If I’m still around, come back and talk to me when you hit 80. : )
You know I always listen to you. Since we were on AB.
You are always polite.
Happy Sunday my friend.
@CaptainHarley Haha…well you know what I mean, I’m not advocating offing people, just let nature take it’s natural course. I love being alive but I am not afraid to die. :-)
I have an autistic young adult who is bright but childlike.I plan to live to see him given more help. Many researcher believe more help will be possible in my son’s lifetime.
I think humanity will live longer and longer. We are an adoptive species. Which is why we survive. We will find other Planets to live on. Some Scientist speak of Terra foaming Mars.
@philosopher It’s going to be interesting, the wave of the future, no doubt. I’m just speaking for myself, I don’t fear dying, and would not choose extreme measures to prolong my life. :-)
After all these years and after alll the money donated to cancer research, why has there not be a cure?
Is loss of money and jobs the reason?
HIV virus was conquered in a short time, so what is the hold up with a cure for cancer?
The HIV has a cure? It has been conquered?
Thank you. Let’s just say that I PREFER to be polite but don’t always manage to be. : )
I can sincerely say that even when we disagree you remain a gentlemen. I respect people like that. I wish more young people behaved this way.
LOL I had someone I use to speak with on another site that is so unreasonable he attacks anyone who disagrees with with him sightly on anything.
The Moderator finally band him. I warned him before he was banned because I never disliked him. Than he attacked me. Using language that is unfit for anyone who is not pure garbage.
I tend to see both sides of most issues. The third side is usually based on facts. I do not support extremes.
I have friends in my daily life that do not always agree with me. This keeps me sharp and helps me find the right questions. I decide everything based on documentation. I ignore Political rhetoric.
I usually disagree equally with the extreme R and L. Since neither side supports the documentation.
I respect intelligent sincere people and I try to keep an open mind.
I am bored by people that yes me and never ask why.
All good practices indeed. People tend to repeat behavior they have seen their caregivers use. I was fortunate in that my father was a very logical and reasoned man. He had numerous faults, but when it came to facts and logic, he was excellent. Perhaps I picked up some of that from him. I certainly hope so.
The real trick is to observe various people in your life and pick and choose from them the best behaviors.
Since I have been on Fluther, I have had to change my position on several issues, simply because someone challenged me to think about them, and after thought, I realized that I could no longer hold my old positions.
Doing that truly requires intelligence. One of the problems with American’s is an unwillingness to do so.
People get caught up in party rhetoric.
I have very Consecrative family that constantly challenges my husband. The thing is they have difficulty comprehending that we are not Millionaire. They have legitimate points occasionally.
Luckily most of my friends are more open mined.
The number of Independents in the US is growing. Sadly no one Represents us.
I prefer Science discussions like above to Politics.
Personally, I think we would all be better off if we changed the Constitution to allow initiative, referendum, and recall.
For those unfamiliar with those terms…
“Initiative:” a means by which a petition signed by a certain minimum number of registered voters can force a public vote (plebiscite). The vote may be on a proposed statute, constitutional amendment, charter amendment or ordinance, or, in its minimal form, to simply oblige the executive or legislative bodies to consider the subject by submitting it to the order of the day. It is a form of direct democracy.
“Referendum:” a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal.
“Recall:” a procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before his or her term has ended, which are initiated when sufficient voters sign a petition
I would fear that corrupt corporations would use this to control America.
I think that the Politicians are all controlled by Lobbyist and the one percent wealthiest American’s.
Chinese Hackers and other nations Hackers steal from us over the Internet and they do little to prevent it. There is away. China undervalues their Currency and they allow American companies to set up shop in China. I do not consider these companies American.
I want a Leader who has the integrity and guts to tell China NO. I never behave like a sheep or allow anyone to abuse me. China needs us. I always speak from my strength and refuse to live in fear. That accomplish nothing.
Our current so called Leaders are not putting America first. They are concerned with their own best interest. Both parties do this .
We could have had Hillary but the Democrats betrayed her. The Republicans supported Obama’s start up Campaign. We have a President who has done his best but he started out with little experience.
I feel like I can not trust anyone who wants to be President.
I worry about the future of America and the worlds Democracies.
I wish we had the Computer that will read minds ready to go. None of our so called Leaders would be able to run if we could read their mines.
I am not stating this to start a heated debate on here. I think America’s biggest problem is a lack of true Leadership.
Bill Clinton was a good Leader. Hillary could have been. What matters to me most is that under Bill we had a great Economy.
No matter which way we go, there are going to be those who pursue self-interest over communal interest… always. If we fail to factor this into our economic system, the system will fail.
To radically and permanently change the system, we must change the hearts of men and women. Somehow we all have to come to the realization that we are all members of the same family, that there is a vast difference between “want” and “need,” and that seeking power over others is an exercise in futility.
I wish I had the answers. I really do. But I’m just one old man whose time has come and gone.
You are a bright man who has learned by experience. There is No better teacher than life experience.
Thank you, but I feel sometimes as though I must have missed something, some important turning point, as though my life has been wasted ( other than my progeny, of course ).
I truly believe that those of us who are over forty and still are willing to learn are what is best about our society.
The narrow minded ones who are angry with anyone who does not see things exactly like them create conflict. Extremist on both sides are wrong 99% of the time. They never have the documentation on their side.
I hope humanity will grow up and comprehend what matters before we destroy the Planet.
I read and listen to people like Dr. Kaku. I like the future he speaks of.
Happy Monday.
And a very cheery rest of the week to you too! : ))
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