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Mama_Cakes's avatar

Should I let my bangs grow out before trying to fix them?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) February 19th, 2012

I went for a bang trim at a new hairdresser’s. She gave me a full bang and I normally have it texturized (I don’t care for the full bang). Should I wait and let my bangs grow out a bit, or get her to fix it?

t’s my fault because I assumed that she was going to texturize it and we got talking. I should have said something when it was done, but, I didn’t.

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18 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

If she has done it correctly before, go back and get it fixed. If you think she won’t be able to accomplish what you want, don’t bother.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@JLeslie Perhaps, I should go to someone else and get them to play with it?

JLeslie's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Is it the first time she has cut your hair? Probably I would go back to her, or do it myself.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

First time for her. I wouldn’t do it myself. Texturizing is a bit tricky.

JLeslie's avatar

Is the rest of the cut as you wanted it? If so, I think I would go back.

JLeslie's avatar

Funny, I always have to remind hairdresses not to texturize my hair. I have a hard time finding one who doesn’t automatically do it.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Way that they use to be. Way that they are now.

Texturized looks better on me.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t wear bangs, but I do layer my hair. I think get it fixed, but it also seems like maybe she cut them straight across, and you prefer them angled, which means they might need a few weeks to grow back to where you really like them.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I can wait a few weeks. :)

JLeslie's avatar

I didn’t mean to wait, I would go right back, but it might take a couple weeks until you are very happy with the length.

deni's avatar

So you wanted side-swept bangs and she gave you blunt bangs? Yee. I would be angry. I recently cut my own bangs to be like the second pic, I regret it already. I see why you want it changed. Go back to her….bangs are tricky and she could probably semi-fix it pretty easily.

janbb's avatar

It all depends on if they are long enough now to get them fixed right. If they are, go back. If not, you have to wait.

Coloma's avatar

If you can live with it, then don’t go back, but, if you’re going to obsess on it for days, go back, be assertive and next time address it when it happens.

JLeslie's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Why are you conflicted? Do you feel bad because you think it is your fault? Don’t feel bad, she should be happy to fix it, it takes a few minutes. I recently had my hairdresses completely redo my highlights. About an hour and a half of work.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Oh, I don’t feel bad. What’s done is done. It wasn’t her fault, though, as I should have made it clear that I normally have them texturized, not blunt.

The reason for question; I was wondering if I should I wait and not play around them for awhile, or should I go and have someone fix it. My bangs are shorter than the Kim K photo above. Right below my eyebrows.

Maybe, wait 3 weeks and then have someone trim them the right way?

Coloma's avatar

You can buy a pair of your own thinning shears, they have serrated and notched teeth and fringe them yourself. I do this all the time. I trim my own bangs a lot between my 8–10 week haircuts.

deni's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Yeah, if she makes them the way you want them now, they’ll just be awkwardly short and I feel like that usually looks bad. Wait a few weeks fo sho.

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