Social Question

Second Life: What's the Point?
Every year I do the same thing: I think to myself “Hey, I know my way around 3D programs, I’ll make stuff in Second Life, then sell them!” I load up the program, struggle with the clunky in-game creation tools, ruin my copy of 3D max with the export tools, then throw the whole thing out before only to do the same thing next year.
This year, however, is different. They’ve added an actual import mesh option, so now every problem I’ve had with making things has disappeared. I’ve already imported some of my old 3D models into the game, and I’ve been considering buying land to make something cool.
The problem is, after wandering around a bit, I can’t find anything honestly interesting. Sure, there’s some great looking grids and people do some pretty neat things with scripting, but it seems to boil down to nothing but dance clubs and clunky, barely-playable rpgs.
I know myself I’d enjoy playing just for the ease of making stuff and putting it in playable game, I’m looking for reasons other people would enjoy it. Do you know of any games that aren’t clunky beyond playability, or communities that aren’t populated with barely literate 13 year olds? Or maybe a place to find info you couldn’t find anywhere else?