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john65pennington's avatar

Have you ever had someone on your mind 24/7?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) February 19th, 2012

Your answer can be anything. A lost love, an old gf/bf that did not work out, a deceased family member, a pet….anything goes. For some reason, I have had my mind on a person that I have never met. I do not know where she lives, I do not know that much about her. Her photo lingers in my mind day and night. I am wondering what is behind all these tormenting thoughts. Help! Question: anyone else been in this situation?

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26 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

Sure. Lots of women in past times. Who hasn’t?

Who is this person? A celebrity? A passing stranger on the sidewalk? Someone you arrested once, maybe?

tups's avatar

Yeah, I’ve been in this situation with different people. I have actually been in almost the exact same situation as you. Had my mind on someone I’ve never met. The human mind is foolish.

john65pennington's avatar

I have never met this person face to face. I would probably pass out, if I did.

Jeruba's avatar

Yes. When I was deeply worried about my son, he never left my mind.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Not really, in terms of loves and flings. Yes, in terms of worrying for loved ones, as @Jeruba pointed out.

creative1's avatar

Yes, I have been in your situation… but as @eiram said above the human mind is foolish

wundayatta's avatar

I have been in love a number of times and that is what happened every single time. I think it is a wonderful place to be in life. There is nothing like that kind of focused attention on one person to make you feel like life really, really matters. That’s the best way I can put it, but it doesn’t nearly get at what that feeling is.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. When a relationship is just starting and I am head over heals, but even more so when I had a bad break up with a long term boyfriend.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Yes. My wife was on my mind when we were getting to know each other on the Internet. She was on my mind when I was on my way back to NC after meeting her. And now she’s very, very seldom from the top of my mind 24/7. I sometimes dream about her, even when she’s laying there right next to me! LOL!

@john65pennington Dude! You’re in love! : D If you don’t find her and try to get to know her, you’ll hate yourself for the rest of your days! : ))

JLeslie's avatar

I just realized @john65pennington asked the question. I’m confused, I thought you were married and deeply in love with your wife.

tranquilsea's avatar

There are a few people I’ve stumbled across in my life that have fascinated and intrigued me for one reason or another. Some who remain in my life and others who’ve passed through on their own journeys but I still think about them fondly. Perhaps I’ll run into them but I’m happy with the warm thoughts.

stardust's avatar

Yes, usually when a relationship is just starting or ending.
Also, a very close person who died.

CaptainHarley's avatar


There are some people who leave such a deep impression on your soul that you remember them for the rest of your life, often family members who have died.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Very much so.

zenvelo's avatar

@King_Pariah What about the other 5 months of the year?

I lost a girlfriend to her eventual husband, but couldn’t get her out of my mind for a good ten years, I thought of her almost daily.

King_Pariah's avatar

@zenvelo has only been 7 months thus far

bob_'s avatar

@King_Pariah what about the months with 31 days?

King_Pariah's avatar

@bob_ I’m averaging out! sheesh! lol :)

ucme's avatar

No, 23/4 but not the big max.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I probably spend at least 80% of my waking hours with my boyfriend in mind. He never seems to be far from my thoughts and I have never thought about anyone or anything as much as I think about him.

Ela's avatar

Yes. Everyone has told me this is not a good thing, though.

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