Social Question

MilkyWay's avatar

What makes you happy? (Can be NSFW).

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) February 20th, 2012

Not necessarily when you’re feeling upset or down, but whenever?
Something you see? Something a person does? Getting something you like? Eating? Or a person themself? Something that makes you smile and feel good…

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67 Answers

HungryGuy's avatar

[NSFW] A girl’s head in my cum sponge harness :-p

MilkyWay's avatar

* Rolls eyes *
Anything a bit more… emotional @HungryGuy? :P

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My best friends
Chinese food
Stupid cat pictures
Tasty coffee
My cats begging for a snuggle
Purse shopping Seriously

mrentropy's avatar

Nothing makes me happy.

I don’t think that’s normal.

HungryGuy's avatar

[NSFW] @MilkyWay – Oh, it can get quite emotional when she starts gagging and struggling and starts to panic, and I just sit back and enjoy the sensations :-p

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@mrentropy You should try eating chocolate while you shop for a new purse. :D

wundayatta's avatar

@MilkyWay Don’t discount the feelings associated with @HungryGuy‘s happiness.

There is nothing, may I repeat it: NOTHING like fucking a woman who is more into you than god!

Rheto_Ric's avatar

In the cinema, watching a great movie for the very first time. Or introducing someone to a great movie I love. (If they don’t like it, that happiness can quickly turn to hate!)

rebbel's avatar

Be returned a smiling face from a child that I love.

AshLeigh's avatar

I was thinking once, around thanksgiving time, a few years ago, about the things that I’m thankful for. And I realized that it shouldn’t be something that’s hard to find. I have so much to be happy about.
So many things make me happy. After that day I’m usually a very happy person. :)
The time I spend with my sisters, just talking about nothing, and talking about everything.
Memories of my dearest kitty, Chaos. Although, now that he’s gone, those memories make me sad at the same time. But I try to remember how fortunate I was to have had him for that year and a half.
The way Josh stops by, at random, just to say hello, and bring me presents. Haha. His hair also makes me happy… He’s so attractive. XD
The look on my brothers face when he talks about his girlfriend fiance. He’s finally happy.
Watching my wall progress, and become a giant collage. Even though my sister says it looks like the contents of a trash can.
Singing in the shower. Singing in the car. Singing in class. Singing in bed. Haha.
When Josh calls, and starts singing Coldplay, even though he’s a terrible singer. Singing along with him, as he sings “Fix You.”
Watching movies with my sister, at night.
Whatever @ucme is about to post will probably make me happy. His posts always do.

ucme's avatar

Aside from the obvious, my kids-wife-sexy time & driving fast, i’m going to say Monster Munch BBQ flavour.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Chilling out with my fella in bed watching funny videos on YouTube.
Driving through the Scottish Highlands.
Good theatre/live music
Chips and curry sauce
Barbra Streisand films
Watching Gilmore Girls

YARNLADY's avatar

Hearing my family members laugh.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

“A girl’s head in my cum sponge harness”

Again, so happy that I don’t have to deal with this shit.

john65pennington's avatar

A fridge full of food, a gas guage on full, a paid home mortgage and paid for automobiles.

I am blessed. I have all three.

rebbel's avatar

Which one are you still missing then, @john65pennington?

mazingerz88's avatar

a half-white, half-black US President…
my SO’s and Dad’s cooking…
a heart which occasionally just fills up with gratitude for just about anything…

john65pennington's avatar

Rebbel, food, gasoline, no mortgage adds to three.

sliceswiththings's avatar


rebbel's avatar

@john65pennington Ah, the car and the home are in one category.

beccagolling's avatar

Chocolate, Mountain Dew and being with my love! ♥ :3

gondwanalon's avatar

Physical exercise
The finish line of a marathon.
My wife.
My cats.
Quitting time at work.

janbb's avatar

Learning new skills that my husband used to do.

Sunny2's avatar

A good choral performance with me in the middle of it; Chinese food; moving to music (I used to call it dance); Italian food; a smile given back to me; good news; big puffy cloud formations; Indian food; sunrises and sunsets; flowering trees; toddlers; butterflies; a bird singing its heart out; getting my income tax done; an unexpectedly funny joke; Mexican food; lady bugs.

TexasDude's avatar

*The really twangy, trebley sound my guitar has for a while after I put fresh new strings on it.
*The look of good books lined up on a shelf with neat knick-knacks interspersed between.
*Lucid dreams where I get a free-roaming, front row ticket to explore my subconscious.
*Getting postcards in the mail from far-off places where my friends and loved ones live.
*The oily smell of cosmoline that soaks an antique weapon when I’m the first to hold it in 60+ years.
*Kitschy stuff.

ddude1116's avatar

-The feeling of absorption while watching a great film or reading a great book
-The smell of a brand new book, and the feeling of its pages
-A smile from any cute girl, whether it’s directed towards me or not
-The accomplishment of getting something done and done well
-A feeling of wonderment upon the credits rolling of a film (film deserves two slots)

SpatzieLover's avatar

Inner peace.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Feeling there is something yet to do in my life.
Feeling appreciated by others.
Feeling reciprocal love.

linguaphile's avatar

Road trips
Feeling respected, liked, appreciated and/or valued
A long, intense conversation
Good times with friends
Feeling physically healthy
Board game nights
Anything related to theater
Finishing a project
Showing my kids new things

Mariah's avatar

Learning, trying new things, getting to know people, getting to know myself…all things my life has been chock full of lately!

Berserker's avatar

Pillows and zombies.

nikipedia's avatar

Foot massages (receiving)
Cooking something awesome
New things growing in my garden
Foot rubs
Oral sex
Waking up early, getting out of bed, and then getting back in it for a few minutes

beckk's avatar

Going for a walk, especially on a beautiful day or a night when the stars are visible.

mazingerz88's avatar

@nikipedia Hooray for foot massages! : )

Ela's avatar

Many, many things. I think what makes me the happiest is spending time with people I love. It doesn’t really matter what we do, just being with them makes me happy.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, inner peace, my little house in the woods, my cats & geese, my daughter, my hot tub, good food, nature, coconut ice cream, my fuzzy bathrobe, the occasional happy brownie mini vacation. ;-D

bob_'s avatar

My mother’s food.
A great-fitting suit.
Doing something challenging.
The beach.
Making people smile/laugh by unexpectedly saying something funny.
Oral sex.

King_Pariah's avatar

What can take me to the wild land of joy?
Simply a gentle word, a loving touch,
Will take me away to a peace so lush,
Simply from her is enough for this boy,
What can take me to the wild land of joy?
Angry fists thrown with a malicious touch,
Will set me ablaze with feral joy much,
Simply so, this is enough for this boy,
For love can take me beyond and above,
With her I enter a joyous heaven,
Filled with bliss that will last me till the end,
But blood, war, and violence too I love,
Joy is found in crushing a spirit in,
This as well my saddened heart can be mend.

linguaphile's avatar

@King_Pariah Sonnet, Petrarchan. I really like. You write it?

linguaphile's avatar

@King_Pariah Great job! A nod to you!

Pandora's avatar

When everything is put away and clean and its a bright sunny, breezy day outside and I walk my dog outside. Sometimes I like to put the music on and dance for a while.
Throw in a drakes devil dog cake and I’m in heaven.

xnightflowerx's avatar

Late night bike rides.
Laying in my yard after those bike rides and looking at the stars.
Sitting on stoops with my friends/family and having long talks about life.
Camp fires.
Seeing far away friends.
Dancing my booty off at raves and punk shows.
Coffee and chocolate.
Damn good food.
Making positive changes in my life and sticking to them, as well as finding a sense of contentment I’ve never really felt before.
Supporting local communities.
Wandering aimlessly.
Wearing short skirts in the summer.
Live music.

Things of that sort.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Knowing the people I love are doing well and happy. Schwans ice cream is also a promoter of happiness around here.

auhsojsa's avatar

Sleeping next to my wife every night.

GracieT's avatar

For me, happiness is rather simple. I just want to be with my friends or family. That’s all. It takes little to make me happy- just other people.

MilkyWay's avatar

Wonderful answers guys :)
@King_Pariah Dude, you can write!

linguaphile's avatar

Every time this thread pops up on my screen, I get this song stuck in my head. Very appropriate video to answer this question.

King_Pariah's avatar

your welcome

fundevogel's avatar

-soap bubbles
-harmonica heavy blues jams
-finishing things
-historical figures talking shit
-the moon
-my pink parachute

@Symbeline Double down on your happiness. How do you feel about cats?

Berserker's avatar

@fundevogel Okay, no. No. That bed is way too awesome. Seriously, that is so the coolest thing ever. Man how clever. :D

Also, I love cats! random

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@fundevogel Holy shit! I want that bedding!

fundevogel's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I didn’t know you were a zombie person!

MilkyWay's avatar

She turned into one after she gave up on chocolate…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I totally love zombies! I even had a super odd dream the other night that was so fantastical, I’m considering calling Steven Spielberg to pitch a movie idea! And I didn’t give up on chocolate completely, I just switched to eating mostly dark and super dark chocolate, since it has less sugar and fat.

King_Pariah's avatar

and like that @WillWorkForChocolate damned the human race with Indiana Jones 5: Indiana Jones and the Dream of Chocolate Zombies :P

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My new name shall be WillKillZombiesForMutherfuckinChocolate.

MilkyWay's avatar

(Says in a totally American voice) * Badass *

King_Pariah's avatar

@MilkyWay I think it sounds better with a cockney accent with a “mate” at the end of it

Berserker's avatar

Chocolate zombies? Oh my, how the tables have turned.

Also, I’m really wanting that bedset. I think I’m gonna order it.

MilkyWay's avatar

@King_Pariah But in England, the word ‘ass’ is only used for an animal, not your backside :P

King_Pariah's avatar

@MilkyWay what’s wrong with ordering a naughty donkey to breed?

fundevogel's avatar

@MilkyWay What about a person of a dickish persuasion? Would they ever be called an “ass” in the UK? Is there comparable term to “badass” over there?

MilkyWay's avatar

You do call a person of a ‘dickish persuasion’ an ass here, yes. Meaning that they are as stupid as an ass. I don’t know what the equivalent term to badass would be though…

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