Is caffeine bad for you?
What are the positives and negatives of caffeine? I’ve been debating different things with friends, but would like more facts, opinions, personal experiences.
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13 Answers
Not for me. I drink coffee all day.
Like anything else if you abuse it, it can have harmful effects. In moderation it is thought to have more health benefits than liabilities.
@WestRiverrat That seems to be the case here. My friend says otherwise though. What would be considered in moderation?
One thing to consider: if you have any problems whatsoever with diarrhea, you’re probably best avoiding it. It is a stimulant and speeds up all your body systems, including digestion, which can cause diarrhea. A friend of mine effectively cured his tummy troubles by breaking his coffee habit.
Caffeine is not bad for you, that is for today.
A new study may come out that changes this altogether.
Caffeine is not good for you, that is maybe tomorrows headlines.
Just drink another cup and enjoy.
Caffiene is commonly used for children & adults with ADD/ADHD.
Caffeine and stimulants create a paradoxical effect on children with ADD: they increase concentration and decrease excessive motor activity. For those without ADD, caffeine stimulants would have the opposite effect. Also, in high doses, caffeine can exacerbate anger outbursts in children, so this is something to watch for.
Common problems with caffeine use in children include trouble sleeping, jitteriness, upset stomach, increased urination, increased blood pressure and withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation.
If I drink caffine, it causes the lower chamber of my heart to misfire, causing the heart to skip beats. This has lead to my eyes going into spasm from sudden lower blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and difficulty breathing, since I am not getting enough oxygen even though I am breathing fine.
So I drink Sanka, and watch my chocolate intake, and take a beta blocker to help with the skipping heart beats.
Is caffeine bad for you? Yes and No
Caffeine is a drug and as such has some good aspects and some bad aspects associated with it. So it is best to try to limit the amount of caffeine that you ingest. This may be not so easy as caffeine is in a lot of the foods and drinks available nowadays. So you should become familiar with those and the general amounts of caffeine that they contain. It also effects people differently. Some people (like me) have a very low tolerance and some folks seem to handle very large amounts quite well. My boss at work drinks coffee all day long and likes to have a Starbucks Grande before going to bed and she says that she sleeps like a baby. I’m pretty sure that that much caffeine would kill me. Or if not make me wish that I was dead. HA!
At the point I realised I was drinking two to three pints of filter coffee a day, I decided it was time to switch to decaff, just in case. Although I didn’t notice any negative effects of drinking that much caffeine and no positive ones from quitting (aside from the psychological one of feeling safer). No withdrawal symptoms either. Like @gondwanalon‘s boss, I could happily drink a mugful of coffee before bed and still sleep like a baby. Sadly I was never able to use the effects of caffeine to keep me awake, it just never worked for me. My only “cure” for being tired is just “get some sleep”.
Caffeine motivates your blood flow. But just like any drug, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. In small increments, caffeine is awesome, it gets me going that’s for sure. And I’m not talking about like caffeine pills. Get it naturally extracted like from Coffee and not soda.
I think it is bad for me because the only way I ingest it is through Cokey Cola! I love the damned stuff and I know I shouldn’t have it. In general though, as is said above, unless you have a specific problem with it, then in moderation it is not bad.
In moderation caffeine can boost cognitive performance. It can become bad for us when we consume more than 200 mg a day, and very bad for more than 400 mg.
I presume that, like anything, it can be bad for you if overindulged
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