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john65pennington's avatar

Is this a true statement? "Out of sight, out of mind". (see inside).

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) February 20th, 2012

The song, Out Of Sight Out of Mind, really tells it like it is.

Question: does or has this statement ever worked for you in regards to a bf/gf, family member or other?

If not, what were the circustances?

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10 Answers

Berserker's avatar

Not to me, no. I hate the whole see no evil hear no evil that this is slightly related to. Something won’t go away or get solved by ignoring or denying it, nor will whatever negative emotions it brings. Ya gotta face it, understand it, and deal with it somehow. Otherwise, I personally believe it fucks you up.
However, thinking about it too much can do the same.

I’m reminded of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles quote that no one should be taking seriously; Anger clouds the mind. Turned inward it is an unconquerable enemy.

Not that it’s the same thing you’re talking about, but in my personal opinion, the two are highly related when it comes to the ’‘dismissal’’ that one may engage towards such things.

JLeslie's avatar

It can be true. The less you see someone, or the less you are around a certain sitation, eventually they/it can easily not be part of your daily life, and stops being in the front of your mind.

I have been known to say that the saying, distance makes our heart grow fonder isn’t true. Distance gets you used to doing your own thing without the other person.

john65pennington's avatar

JLeslie, so true. And, the opportunity to cheat is paramount.

Ela's avatar

Out of sight, out of mind is not at all true for me. Little things will constantly remind me of people in my life even after they have left and are no longer a part of it. I associate almost everything with someone. When people make an impression on me, I always remember them.

Seaofclouds's avatar

For me, “out of sight, out of mind” has only worked that way when I have wanted it to work that way.

For example, when I want to stop eating the bag of chips, I can put it out of my sight and forget about it rather quickly. When my husband spent a year in Iraq, he was never off my mind, even though he was out of my sight. Even when we were dating and we were long distance, he wasn’t out of my mind.

XOIIO's avatar

Not at all, when I see a nice rack under a tight tshirt it’s the only thing on my mind.


ucme's avatar

When I was a kid I stumbled across granny naked in the bath one time, I still suffer the occasional flashback to this day.
So that’ll be a big fat NO then…......that reminds me, I must iron those shirts.

Nullo's avatar

Pretty nearly. Overarching goals tend to stick, and certain classes of information. But if I stop one task in the middle and start another one, I’ll typically forget the first one for a while.

Earthgirl's avatar

I always say “Absence makes the heart wander”....unfortunately I know this from experience

partyrock's avatar

Sometimes yes, sometimes no… depending on the person and the situation…. AND , another saying that is true is “Absence makes the heart grow fonder…..”

So when people can’t have the person of their affection, it makes us want them even more, and doing so, we feel heartbreak more….

BUT then again, the quote can be true too…. The more you spend away from someone, and trying to get over them, you will get over them eventually. You have to WANT to get over them too, and want to be free from them….

But then again there sometimes is love so strong, even if it has been years, you can still feel love for someone…. so….. hmmm :)

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