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Is live theater valuable?
I’ve been acting since I was six years old. There’s never been a time when I haven’t been involved in theater in some way. It’s my passion.
Besides the economic powerhouses of Broadway and the West End, I’m wondering what the collective thinks of theater. Is it valuable? Does it produce something worthwhile? If so, what?
Theater is an ancient art form. We have the plays of of classical Greece handed down to us from over 2000 years ago. More recently, Shakespeare gave the English language some of the most profound plays of any age. And the present time is full of great playwrights like Edward Albee, Tennessee Williams, Peter Shaffer, and so many more. What’s more, I’ve only listed English playwrights. There’s Chekhov and Brecht to consider. Good heavens, I can’t possibly list them all.
In an era where the bottom-line is all important, what value does theater have?
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