Do you know this funny story?
Asked by
February 21st, 2012
It’s a fairly common (probably apocryphal) funny story about forgetfulness… and untidiness, too, I guess.
It’s a story about a person who starts to do one thing, walks into another room to look for a tool or object in order to accomplish that simple task, notices something else out of place, so starts to put that away, then gets sidetracked… and so on and so forth throughout the day. By the end of the story (the end of the person’s day, in fact), much energy has been expended, but the original thing has been left undone, and none of the side projects was ever completed, either. Entropy has increased.
I know I’ve seen it on the Internet, and more than once, too. But my searches for it are coming up empty right now. So if you have a good version of the story, or a link to it, I’d sure appreciate that.
And never mind the irony, thank you. I have five other things that I should have gotten done ahead of this, but it just occurred to me.
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15 Answers
My stepdad calls it the “But First Disease.” I will do this, but first I will do that, but first I will do…”
James May building a Caterham.
I don’t know this as a story per se, but rather as experience. What’s so funny?
Uh, what joke? That happened to me last week when I was trying to prepare for a garage sale.
This isn’t even a joke, this is my life :(
Happens to me often. My husband says someone needs to invent some sort of horse blinker hoods for me. He will ask me to get one thing and I will circle the drain before getting to it. He’ll see I’m headed for the kitchen and ask me for a bottle of water and I’ll spot dirty dishes and wash them and then get thirsty and grab a soda, just as I’m about to leave to grab his water the dog will walk in and need some water in his bowl, then I forget his water and my drink. As I walk to the living room I’ll remember the dryer load was buzzing on my way to the kitchen and run in and get the load out and then throw the next load in. Then I will take the load to the bedroom and remember I was going to strip the bed and throw the sheets in the wash and put a new set on. Which I do and then return to the folding of the clothes and somewhere in there I will be puzzled. Something is bugging me. Oh, I forgot my drink in the kitchen and go back for it and sit down to watch TV with my husband. He will then turn around and say, wheres my water? And I will say, Oh, I forgot and go back to the kitchen and realize I didn’t take out meat to defrost for dinner and now the dog is back in asking for food. By then my husband hears me pour the dog food and decides to get his water himself. He just shakes his head and I suddenly remember. Oh, yeah! WATER.
@Pandora This sounds like a great one woman play!
@Kardamom This play, plays out at least 3 times a week at my house. I feel really bad when the dog needs to go out and on my way to take him out, I get side tracked. He waits as long as he can and follows me all through the house till he can’t take it any longer and start to hit my legs as hard as he can and bark at me. He’s pretty patient though. He’s been known to wait up to 45 minutes. But you can see he has waited as long as he can. then I feel like a crappy master
You should see when I’m organizing my closets. I can start at 9am and only mean to do one closet and end up fixing one closet and destroying another two and still end up with the problem I started with. Where do I put this large new quilt?
Lovely, all. Thanks much.
That reminds me, I do need to water the plants.
Oh shit…I call the “story” ” midlife dementia.” lol
Recently I was cooking up a storm, having some wine, all good, and then…poof my kitchen sponge disappears! WTF! 3 days later I find it in the freezer. haha
Was @Aethelflaed‘s link the story you were looking for, @CWOTUS?
@Coloma, “Is it in the freezer?” is the first thing my husband asks me when I lose something: my glasses, the spatula, my scarf…one time the box of Cheerios was in the freezer.
Yes, of course I forgot to mention that it was @Aethelflaed‘s link that I had been looking for.
What’s funny is the different perceptions we have, even of ourselves, when young people do it vs older people.
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